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3 Great Sounding Rooms For Tomorrow’s PMC Fact Signature Launch Event! - Vipers' Lotus and HiFi Blog - The Lotus Forums - Official Lotus Community Partner Jump to content

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3 Great Sounding Rooms For Tomorrow’s PMC Fact Signature Launch Event!



Hi Everyone,

I really don’t know where the time goes but we’ve been setting up since 7am this morning and now at 6pm we are nearly finished getting everything ready for tomorrow’s PMC Speakers Fact Signature Launch event and I have to say we have 3 brilliant sounding rooms, these new Fact Signatures are seriously good, please see an overview of each room below.

All we need now is for the weather to actually realise it is summer as we are still ploughing ahead for a BBQ tomorrow

Room One - Fact.8 Signatures

I’ve got a real soft spot for the original Fact.8′s, they really are quite unique and the Signature iteration seem to have taken them up another level, I can see it will be a late night tonight.

For this system we are running a Melco N1ZH into the Chord Electronics M Scaler and Hugo TT2 combo into the PMC Cor amplifier, this system really is singing.


Room 2 - Fact.12 Signatures

I run the original Fact.12′s at home so really looking forward to sitting down and getting to know the new Signatures, for this system we are running them on a full Naim 500 System, there has always been a great synergy between PMC and Naim and this certainly continues with this system.



Room 3 - Fact Fenestria’s

I know these are not really part of the launch event but they are part of the Fact range and if you’ve got them sitting around then why not fire them up, these really are incredible speakers and to help get them really singing we are driving them with a pair of the incredible Bryston 28B3 Mono’s fed by a dCS Rossini and Audio Research Reference 6 Pre, very nice indeed.



Anyway we’ll be kicking off around 10 am tomorrow so look forward to seeing everyone during the day.




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