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Posts posted by Spinney

  1. How very dare you suggest we use sponges to wash the car. We aren’t living in the dark ages any more you know. 🤦Many years ago I moved onto soft noodle mitts to wash and rinse, followed by soft microfibre towels to gently pat dry afterwards. Oh and one of the benefits of being idle is I don’t need to wash the car on a Sunday morning now; I can do it anytime I fancy. 😂

    I do agree, however, about lazy arses with zero work ethic who believe the world owes them a living. I probably employed many of them over the years and then said goodbye to them as soon as they revealed their true colours. 

    • Like 1
  2. I’m sure there are many with at least half a brain - half a brain which is telling them to keep their head down and not makes waves or they, too, will disappear like so many before them. 

  3. 6 hours ago, exeterjeep said:

    I'm idle - retired and have a cold at the mo. So doing even less than usual.

    So have got time to post some useless stuff.....

    Snap! I retired at 61, am idle and have a cold right now too!😁I did work hard and long hours though, so guess I’m entitled to take it easy now. As Kevin says, I doubt you’ll find any of the type you refer to on this forum. Idle yes, feckless maybe, those who use accountants definitely, (hi Kevin 👋), able to work but can’t be arsed any longer probably, but spongers I very much doubt. 😁

  4. 6 hours ago, PaulCP said:

    @ramjetPutin is trying to demonstrate strength because he knows how much NATO back off when he does.

    So far it’s a war of kindergarten words and really time that NATO showed some balls and called his bluff. Needs planning carefully and the US &Biden need to keep their mouths shut about what they are doing. Why does the US want to tell the World what they are doing rather than just getting on with it. They are always revealing their hand to Putin and he is just laughing at them.

    One thing for sure, but they can’t let him continue as is

    BTW, a bit off topic but I hope the floods in Victoria currently being reported here haven’t adversely affected you

    I generally agree with what you say but I was heartened yesterday to read that NATO have at last said if Putin uses nukes, they will annihilate his army using conventional weapons. 

    I wonder if that is responsible for Putins seemingly more conciliatory tone today. 🤔

  5. Set of standard dampers from my Evora GT 410 Sport. When speccing the car new back in 2018, I should have gone for the touring spec (ie ‘Phil’s Spec’) softer dampers but didn’t as I expected to track the car every year. Covid got in the way and I have now only done 1 track day in the entire 5500 miles of owning the car, with no prospect of doing any more now. I have changed to the Evora 400 dampers which suit my elderly frame far more and so I have these good condition 410 Sport dampers for sale.

    I would prefer they are collected from GU14 but I can package and post (UK only) at extra cost, to be calculated separately.

    £300 + delivery




  6. 1 hour ago, jimichanga said:

    I’m sure the softer dampers are great for the majority of road use but I think you are exaggerating about how stiff the Sport dampers are. Firm yes and many prefer that feeling in a sports car but when describing them as ‘bone jarring’ and ‘teeth rattling’ it is you that is being ‘harsh’!

    I couldn’t disagree more I’m afraid. It is clearly a very subjective thing and, for me, the ride was bone jarring whereas it is still on the firm side but altogether more tolerable on the roads I use.

    There is no exaggeration in that and I know what I feel when driving the car. As I said earlier, maybe 10 years or more ago, I would have been ok with it but I am not, shall we say, in the first flush of youth any longer. Many things in my cars that I would have accepted years ago, I wouldn’t now and this is just one of those things. 

    Not everybody would agree, I understand that, but I’m not everybody and have particular requirements from a car. The replacement dampers mean I will now enjoy driving the car more even on our shockingly bad roads. 

    Having owned many, and I mean very many, Lotus cars since I started driving back in the 60’s, suspension compliancy was always something a Lotus stood for. For me, the standard GT410 Sport suspension is an unwelcome departure from that norm. Maybe the previous Lotus CEO would have agreed, since it was he who introduced the softer ‘Phil’s Spec’ Evora. 

    • Like 1
  7. Indeed so. I knew it would make a difference but hadn’t expected it to be this much.

    Having watched the recent video of Harry Metcalfes Emira test where he tries both the touring and sport versions, I agree wholeheartedly with his verdict. Obviously I know they are ‘different’ cars but I’m sure there are clear parallels between Evora and Emira setups. Harry was quite clear in his preference for the touring setup on U.K. roads, so it is very noticeable. 

    • Like 2
  8. Just been to see ABBA Voyage at the Olympic park in east London tonight. What a mind blowingly brilliant show it is too. To all intents and purposes, ABBA from the 70’s really were there on stage. The technology is just amazing and worryingly I can confirm that I am actually sexually attracted to an avatar! I’m sure Agnetha saw me and smiled in a fetchingly come and get me way!!!😁

    Highly recommended show if you liked ABBA back in the day. 

    • Like 2
  9. These are difficult times for sure for anybody wanting/needing a replacement car. Used prices of cars that are available are way too high and for youngsters just passing their test, I can’t see much alternative to the old and possibly unsafe bangers. That was fine for oldies like me who could fettle their own cars but I’d wager most kids now wouldn’t know where to start, even if they own the tools. 

    Being born when I was, I think I may have already seen the best of times as far as motoring is concerned. 

  10. 4 hours ago, C8RKH said:

    @Spinney I am grateful for people who buy new, I'm just personally not prepared to spunk a load of cash on depreciation any more. There will always be people buying new which means I'll always get a bargain :)

    Ach you’re just an old cheapskate, I can see why you live in Scotland!😉😂

    All joking aside, I can understand why folk would rather buy used and for the first 55 years of my life I always did the same. Now, however, I’m in a completely different place in my life and, for me, there’s nowt quite like that aroma of new leather in a car to give me a rare thrill! It’s a bit like that old joke of why do blokes like girls in leather trousers? Because it reminds them of a new car! 

    Actually, forget that, as old as I am I just love to see girls in leather trousers. 🤦😂

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  11. Maybe Korean and Japanese built cars aren’t so affected by the shortages. I guess I can understand why some German cars are affected, given their dependence on Russian gas supplies and the fact many components were sourced from Ukraine. 

    Before ordering the E Class, I tried a 5 series, which I thought overly blingy, and an A6 which just seemed sluggish.  Yesterday I tried a Volvo V90, which I liked, so have ordered that, albeit on a 10-12 month delivery. It’s about time I had a change from German anyway!

    • Like 1
  12. Let me start by saying I’m obviously well aware of the world situation causing this, but the supply situation seems, if anything, to be getting worse. 

    Back in April, I ordered an E Class estate with an anticipated delivery at the end of this year. Then in August I received an email from MB telling me that due to ongoing supply difficulties, I was now looking at Q1/Q2 of next year. Ok, I thought, not a massive problem and I obviously know the reasons behind it all. 

    Then last week I received another email telling me they could no longer supply a car to my spec, so they have cancelled the order and could I call them so they can refund my deposit on to my card. No suggestion of maybe changing my spec or even looking at a different car, just an ‘It’s cancelled and here’s your money back!’ 🤷‍♂️

    I wonder when/if things will improve. Maybe when somebody can poison Putin or cause him to fall off a balcony??? 🤔

    • Confused 1
  13. The sun shade I use has a foil type outer layer and it's fitted over the outside of the screen and simply held in place by shutting the ends in each door, if you see what I mean. I figure it's better to reflect the heat outside the car rather than it pass through the screen first. Works incredibly well to keep the inside relatively cool and folds up, fitting inside a flat bag that sits behind the front seats. I use it every time the Evora is sitting in the sun on a hot day.

    This is the one I bought:-


  14. That certainly sounds like a situation where the dealer was culpable through their deliberate actions. I am as aware as anybody how some main dealers can do a very poor job, whether deliberate or not and have personal experience of it. That’s why I now use a trustworthy specialist for mine and the wife’s Mercedes. 

    This thread, however, was more about raising awareness of how brake fluid can damage PPF, which I hadn’t previously realised. I trust the dealer workshop where I’ve taken my various Lotus for more years than I care to remember and won’t be haranguing them about this incident unnecessarily. Life’s too short to become embroiled in needless angst.

    As one particular member of this forum can attest, I’m saving my anger for a particularly worthy recipient whom I’ve been fighting through litigation for the last 16 months! 😉

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