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Loquacious Lew

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Posts posted by Loquacious Lew

  1. I think the largest issues in dealing with Chinese goods is not the lack of quality.  As previous posters have already said, you can get what you pay for from Chinese (and Taiwanese) manufacturing.  If you want goods that excel, they will cost more.  If you want cheap, they will oblige.

    I rather think a greater danger in dealing with Chinese entities is intellectual property theft.  That's the more usual scenario in a "wild east meets wild west"  manufacturing joint venture.  Quality is scalable in Chinese manufacturing. You get what you pay for, and so do they plus they get your design and feature sets.  This is an ongoing issue and maybe the only area where I  see eye to eye with our (otherwise humiliating and feckless) current administration.   China is frequently  predatory as respects intellectual property.  Of course with Geely, that's off the table since they purchased Lotus' expertise outright and have nothing to hide in that regard.  Chinese manufactured Lotus parts are likely to be every bit as good as top Japanese and Korean quality and that should be quite acceptable. 

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  2. 19 hours ago, Ccd said:

    Loquatious Lew:

    I follow used Evora prices in the US and there is presently little indication that the Evora is going to be a future classic, at least in the US market.  Now that may change.  My feeling for sometime has been that the last great analogue cars will command a high price.  And we have seen evidence of that in other brands.  A manual Audi R8 commands a premium and you can typically add $50,000 or more for a Ferrari manual.  But the value of the manual might not be the manual, but the fact that fewer of them were made and thus they are more valuable simply because they are more rare.

     I have not seen this apply to Lotus in manual or otherwise.  What I have seen is that an Evora will depreciate rather rapidly to some price point and then not move down much from there.  The first generation Evora appear to have depreciated to the $40-$50k range and then don’t drop much from there.  Hard to say what the 400 will do as it is too new to see any concrete trends.  I can say that picking up a 2017 Evora 400 in the $70-$80k range is easily done.  How much it will drop from there is hard to say.


    I don't think current resale conditions have much bearing on what the future holds for late model Evoras any more than they did for bevel drive Ducatis (gave 'em away when new) or other such slow selling now very desirable  vehicles.  

    The 2017s were not beneficiaries of routine positive press, and certainly not at introduction.  Lotus' inability to promote them was not a boon to sales.  The thinly scattered sales and service network makes a Lotus purchase an act of courage in the USA, further depressing prices. Yet  two years later the '17s are commanding what they did when new a year  after first  deliveries when they weren't shifting off the floor for $75K or less.  Now you can only buy a used one (be it ever so lightly used or with warranty  punched but vehicle  unregistered). There is currently one new (assume it's punched but unregistered) '17 Evora currently listed on Autotrader.  Consider what the same search looked like just 12 months ago.  All the rest (and there are but a handful) are advertised as used, and none are listed below $75K.  That's roughly equal to (or more?) than  the new price of many of the listings a year ago  since we know that some were sold in the low 70s.  (What a deal that seems now). You can't get a 2020GT anywhere near that money but a '17 is pretty much the same vehicle and easily upgraded if desired. Same for the 18s which I think currently represent the best deals on a new Evora list to sell price.  And there are so few of them that they are barely a blip on the screen.  

    I'm not suggesting 4xxs will become '62 GTOs (although what would you rather drive everyday?) but the steep slope of depreciation while sitting on the lot seems to have  been arrested if the national sales sites are to be believed.  Of course, advertised vs. sales price are two different things but I think we're either nearing or  past peak Evora  availability and prices should be stronger from here. Naturally I expect some continuing depreciation of my car as I continue to add miles but assuming I don't thrash it and use it as one typically does a fun car, I don't think there is much financial risk in it.  Less  than with a Cayman or a cooking grade Porsche in fact and better than a typical Vantage, Bentley, Alfa, Jag etc. Frankly, I think our cars stand a far greater chance to appreciate than any of those.  

    Lotus cars except for the most significant  have rarely achieved the  prominence and prices that have characterized other exotics but then, they never cost as much from new.   I don't expect anybody to ever fork over $200K for my Evora.  But buying a car for $85K. (or less) in 2017 and finding it listed for  70-75K used two years later is a positive sign. If (a big if) people are still collecting cars in ten or fifteen years, the Evora has every quality that will attract those interested in fun to drive, easy to maintain, rare and handsome cars.  If in fact (again!)  there is a market for such things in 10 or 20 years,.  This remains a question in my mind for many  reasons  but is worth pondering. Does one actually believe collectible gas powered cars will always be a thing in the future?   Are the bulk of attainable "collectibles" to be viewed as stable long term investments?  I am not  sure, but if they are,  I contend there will be a seat at the table for the Evora.   

    In my calculation future means future...not this year....not next year.  Be patient Grasshopper!  I say the fat lady has not yet sung.  Oh....and people will want the manual because that's a character multiplier. It's not for everyone but all we need is "one more buyer than there are cars."  That's an easy to imagine scenario when less than 500 of them exist in the country.

  3. I went to Nashville's Cars and Coffee yesterday.  I've only attended a handful of times and those were all shortly after I first bought the car so it had been a while.  The car always attracts attention and that was no less true two years ago but the response it got yesterday was, if anything, greater than it received when it was brand new and the only Evora in town.  People knew exactly what it was,  that it had become a darling of many reviewers and enthusiasts and that it had a reputation as being great fun to drive. The reputation of the Evora is more widely acknowledged and better understood now than it was when the 400 series were first introduced.  

    The Evora is being elevated as a potential future collectible even as the last ones are being manufactured and delivered.  The days of cheap Evoras will eventually  come to an end when production ceases and the last cars are finally scooped up.  Our cars are not cheap even when fully discounted by resellers.  They will remain an aspirational object going forward, if not at the elevated level of a Pista or a Performante.  It will take a bit of patience, but I believe we can count on it.  The manuals will command a premium, just as they do now. Nobody cares if the Aisin was  built for a truck. If you own one, you understand why.  The tranny works fine and is suited to purpose. The Evora was never going to be a 450 lb.ft. 500 HP car.  It is a vehicle whose appeal is based on balance.  That won't change in the future. 

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  4. My future with Lotus in the USA anticipates keeping the car I have.  Anything new will be an addition.  I don't know what they are planning to replace the current line with.  Does anybody?     I expect that whatever ink has already been expended predicting that the company will maintain its focus on lightweight traditionally featured IC sports cars is based on an era that is soon to die, if it's not dead already.  Prepare for the sea change to a company that is focused on different values.  

    The Evija proves that since it is being touted as a harbinger.    Happy to be wrong and well could be as my prediction is based simply on gut feel.  But I think I'm right.

  5. ^I agree with your analysis regarding future values and  the manual is also  my preference in a sports car like the Evora.  However I very much doubt it will affect Vette sales in any meaningful way although I get that's a n individual choice and more importantly, your choice with which I have no argument and which I'd likely opt for myself.  

    Unfortunately, even in the C7 the manuals had less than a 10% take rate and with a good dual clutch  that rate would probably have been even lower.  So I understand why they optead to dump the manual.  For folks like us that may well be good news for future values but that's the same problem if we bought virtually any other exotic currently on the market absent Porsche and Lotus. I understand the manuals have been  at risk (and perhaps continue to be)  even for Porsche as their take rate is no higher than Chevrolet's has been.  Lotus is wise to stick with a manual given their positioning albeit we must note that it is the limiting factor regarding how much power the drive train can handle  in an Evora.   Will we be shocked when Lotus makes the same decision or will they be willing to design their own manual when the OEM sources dry up and when the cars go electric or hybrid?  We drive anachronisms.   

    At my level of skill there is no doubt I would be faster around any closed course (or drag strip) with a proper DC.   I haven't  owned an auto shifter in any vehicle I've acquired for strictly personal use ever.  I would still consider the C8. What I'd be much less likely to do is buy a first model year GM car.  Many reasons why but in this particular car it's a matter of simple economics for the manufacturer. That's the same across the board.  If you want a new 500HP plus mid/rear engined car and it's not going to be a GT3, you're hosed. 

  6. I drove a 718S and selected a 400 MT.  I assume I'd have felt the same about a GTS.  


     I'm keeping my 400 which isn't the same as saying I wouldn't prefer a GT but I can't talk myself into the difference. It's two thirds of the mythical 60K Corvette plus my 400 to swap for a GT.    Given the options the 'Vette provides us in the new world, I'm better served by keeping my 400 and perhaps getting a new Chevrolet rather than trading the 400 and getting a GT.  The difference I'd have to pay to beat my spec (plus a tune and a down pipe)  would be the better part of $40K, maybe even a little more.

    As respects "the future of the Evora" I have to assume there isn't one after the GT.   But I do hope and suspect any Evora will be a sought commodity in ten years.  The GTs and the few 410s we got will be the headliners but there will be so few of those that any 400, of which there are also very few,  will still be a rarity and while they drive rich they are reasonable to keep.  We know  these cars will be relatively easy to keep alive  as long as they are willing to provide us the panels and parts that routine use always requires.  They will probably be cheaper to maintain than any Porsche, just as they are now.  Unfortunately, that will not be the case compared to a Corvette which will have been designed to be serviced at a Chevy store and runs on The Small Block.  How many more mid engined IC platforms are we going to see going forward?  I don't know but  until further notice, I'm thinking the sports car world stopped for a second when the Vette was finally loosed and things won't be quite the same until it all shakes out.  

    I'm glad I have my 400, wish it was a GT but with the money I saved I may just buy me one new Chev-roh-lay.  Or the next Lotus platform that shares and improves upon the Evora's mission. But I don't see life without a Lotus and to actually replace the 400 a car will have to bring a shed load of joy.  

    • Thanks 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Likuid said:


     It would be a much worse scenario if Lotus just launched the Evora and days later it already got trumped easily by the C8. Lotus is actually in a pretty good position right now. They are working on a new line-up of cars and running out the current line-up. The C8 will be out soon, so they know what the competition is way before releasing their new cars. It would have been way worse if Lotus just released a new $180k Esprit and the C8 was 80% or 90% of that car. Or a new Evora-like car for $120k, to find out the C8 beats it in almost every category.



    I could own a Corvette. I could live with the DC if it's as good as they say it is but I'd  wait a year or three  for clarity and the sporting spec, which is not to say I will buy one.  The Evora was old when I bought mine . It was a reason not to buy it, but also a reason to buy it.  Its virtues are lovable and in large part  based on the relative simplicity while its flaws are acceptable.  Anyway, twilight for the Evora.  

    I hope they will support our cars.  I think I am going to make that my new signature line.

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  8. The Grand Sport will be the enthusiast's trim if the C7 is anything to go by.  My spec for the  C7 GS was just shy of $80K. Obviously I went with the Lotus but I really liked the Vette.   This time, say it's $85K for a righteous  C8 vs. well, whatever  really.  

    Regarding the GT, once they stray above about $105K MSRP I have to compare with what I paid for my 400 and I end up back  in the 400 every time.  We're all different with different notions of what constitutes a noticeable or significant difference and for me, the GT , nice as it is, much as I envy it, doesn't compel me to change.  The Corvette could, given time.  

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  9. I'm fine with Lotus SUVs, welcome it.  I don't currently own an SUV and don't have plans for one. Lotus could build me a tasty, modern practicalish Cortina to go against the usual suspects.  That's something I am up for right now.  Or maybe it could be a hot hatch in Lotus style, a Golf R with steering, feel,  presence and no coking. Which I guess an electric wouldn't have.  I  buy cars like that. Well not an electric one yet. 

    These  still qualify as niche products given what most Americans seem to want but they are big niches by Lotus standards.  I hope they do something like that and would perhaps be happy to sell a few thousand of them here (and one to me) instead of seeing people buy Golf Rs, Audis or M cars. Or Jaguars or whatever.  Unique and clever cars a reasonably ambitious person could hope to attain with all the fixings of modern service/serviceability.   I trust Lotus is thinking like that along with whatever else they are thinking.  But really, the Evora is a near perfect package for me as a  sports car I can use a lot of course. Flawed but, what ain't?   I think we all know why they don't sell like Porsches. but what's not to like if Lotus comes to build a broad range of best in class vehicles focused on quality and enthusiast appeal?  

    The possible future that concerns me is the loss of the clever cars relatively focused cars we have right now.  Important to me is that the  4XX or 'whatever they call it' series  be supported with the things we need to maintain the  best of Hethel's pre world conquering builds. The 400 is a  weapon on backroads, really not requiring much more to be an apex predator. Of course I would love to have a proper 430 but instead I plan to do what suits  my car as time goes by while keep all the OEM parts.  You know.  So it can be somebody's perfect dream car someday when they don't make them like that anymore. That's until the next Lotus makes sense to me.

     I bought my car when Lotus was in the dumps here, which is still sort of the case but looking up.  I blame nobody for the inability to perfectly manage national car sales with so few resources but perhaps those days will draw to an end.  I paid a perfect price for my car and bought it with the expectation that it would not be orphaned and any problems, and there are always problems with all cars, be resolved to my satisfaction.  I like to believe the 400, in whatever iteration, is positioned for a bit of a breakout just now.  Interest and talk about Lotus is getting around because..... internet.  Slowly, but it is, and we owners and ambassadors  have been  a help in that because we like the cars and the place they come from.  Nothing better than word of mouth.  Wise guys  frequently predict in media that the 400 is going to be a future hottie. As will be the variations, I'm sure.  There will never really be too many even if a small glut of them (can that be a thing?) had to be digested.   I thought that a fine possible future (not immediate, silly!) awaited the car when I decided to buy one. And still do.

    Lotus can build on that right now. They can perfect this series and keep it "relevant" and sell some in the next few years.  As they have to do anyway.  They need to execute perfectly of course.  Real improvements all the time in QC, performance, endurance and in materials.  Sensible attainable improvement provided in attainable packages.   Needed is full parts availability, the extra, even trying effort to recognize customer expectations....knowing that customers talk to each other. And finally, to sell no wine before its time. Easy to say, hard to achieve, but necessary.    That Lotus can now do this is exciting. 

     I hope Lotus makes marvelous, solid cars in the future and sells them profitably. I hope Geely will help Lotus be its best  as it has helped Volvo while  keeping the core values.  The winds in general are really blowing against Chinese-American (I mean American and everybody)  trade but one imagines that will eventually pass.   I think it will be quite a challenge given what is going on but Geely may have a better than average  recipe for dealing with acquisitions and  challenges.  I now think of Lotus as a British company with the support of a multi-national that happens to be Chinese.   Yett clearly Lotus is wanted to be a British company with its brand of engineering and esthetics and that is  what appeals to me.   I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but that's what appeals to this American so absent that, not as interesting.  I have every confidence it on't be that way.  

     I am Loquacious Lew.  So as I've said before,  I expect my car, the one I just bought,  to get the respect (best practice and treatment) from Lotus that I have for it as a future classic and future  Lotus legacy.  Or as my son in law would have it as "gonna be mine someday if I have anything to say about it."  (He doesn't).

     I really hope they don't forget these cars in the mix.  And that is my perspective on Lotus in America.  From the Deep South of the USA where it's awful hot and sticky and good working aircon is a must.  Which the 400 has and every road car that comes here needs so no fudging the weight numbers.  


    Wanna see some pictures of the Dragon? 



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  10. ^Yes, although how much more power it will make is always a question.  It probably won't be much and sometimes there can be a modest loss even in closed loop systems like the Evora's.  The sensors will report to the ECU and ask it to adjust to as close to a stoichiometric fuel/air ratio as it can get but any changes will  be in a narrow range from a single exhaust modification.  It's  difficult to achieve meaningful gains over  stock  unless multiple factors are addressed in a systems approach.  These things are interactive with a change in one typically dictating changes in other areas (intake,  fuel metering, boost pressure, etc).  The car will adjust A/F ratios to the new circumstances over time but  gains from a single change will be minimal if they aren't actually negative, which is why mods can be a crap shoot leading to a rabbit hole.


    I like the black car (I usually do when they're fresh and clean) but would personally buy the yellow one. I like my sports cars in colors but mainly I dislike living with black for the usual reason....hard to maintain.  They both look great in your pics and as it only matters what you like, buy the one that lights you up and celebrate your good taste!

  11. No matter how it ended some were bound  to be disappointed.  Just knowing  it was over was a let down that meant no ending, happy or bittersweet, far fetched or logical, could really tie it all together in a buttoned down way that would leave us in a happy alternative universe. What kind of happy universe doesn't have more GoT seasons?  

    I say congratulations to the entire GoT team for being able to keep the attention of the world's presumed 'adults' using only zombies, dragons, wizards,  reincarnation and a gratuitous helping of beheadings and boobies to maintain prurient interest.   I don't usually go in for this kind of thing but somehow they hooked me from episode one. I kept thinking: is that really what it was like in pre-history Scotland?  No wonder they go to war in kilts!   I just had to know how week after week how it came to such a pass!

    But the question is:  is it really Dany's end?   Everybody knows you can return from being stabbed in the heart, even easier if you have a dragon!  Just make sure the right kind of sorceress is on call.  You don't want the kind that leave you alive but with the intellect of a zucchini.   The future is bright with potential.  We've already agreed to believe anything they toss at us!  In the real world of Trump and May, Brexit and US immigration policy, I have been steadily groomed and prepared to believe anything can happen.  Dragons surviving the combined  fire power of the Iron Island fleet? Arya finally finding something that gets to her?   A guy who actually has a complete sense of history ruling the kingdom?  Piece of cake! :)

  12. On 06/05/2019 at 02:42, johnpwalsh said:

    I may be missing the point here, but, haven't all the announcements over the last few months been about increased support for dealers and owners. I am sure at the 70th bash is was strongly emphasised how things were going to progress with better customer support etc..............


    Announcements are nice.

  13. I won't repeat here what I said on LT but for America, the 400 is the only sensible Lotus to buy from new. (Don't say Duh! Of course it's a duh!)    If they want a placeholder until later they should just get on with promoting the shit out of the 400 and selling a few in pretty colors at aggressive prices to those of us who see it as a sensible proposition.  Also, getting to work on customer interactions and service capabilities here.  They're going to need them anyway so why wait?.  That's something that can be done without retooling anything except  attitude coupled with a small investment in those much needed parts stocks and response capabilities.  


    The 400 has taken a long time to get into the market but people are buying them if slowly.  They should build the best ones they can and sell them here with full confidence as expressed in a generous warranty.  



  14. Reading this thread makes me feel that unless you live here and are keen on following the Evora market, you will have no idea how  chaotic it is.  


    From what I can glean US delivery of the GT has again been pushed back.  This on a specification I'm still unclear about but  comes off sounding like a US spec 410 to me.  I think that is essentially what the extra carbon infused top spec  '18s look and are priced at.  The real differences start to blur to me which confuses the equation.   Regardless, if one thinks any of these sell at MSRP here, one would be mistaken so adding to the questions are notions that pricing is mercurial if not unstable.  The differences between the '17, '18 and whatever the GT may be  all seem unimportant if what one wants is the driving experience.  The notion of rarity as respects Lotus is a given and the effect on the hoi polloi is the same so poseurs need go no further than the 400.  

    At some point good 4xxs of any specification may start to level off or even go up in price but for now and here, pricing for any 4XX derivative has to take into account the price of the  least expensive new '17 Evora 400 because frankly, in this country no matter how much you hold your nose, shake your head and say no no no, it doesn't matter what they call it.  What you are going to get is very (very very) heavily based on the Evora 400.  

    The "used Evora 400s" on the market are almost all being offered by dealers.  What used means (in the context of car with 46 miles and a warranty) is a matter for debate.  But nonetheless I think this is what the market baseline is  for late model/new Lotus cars in most American cities.  

    It's more of a problem for Lotus than it is for me.  This isn't the time to have been an early adopter and then be offering my car for sale so as long as I enjoy it, the market price this morning  is meaningless to me.  If I was a new buyer in the market, I'd be looking at the new or slightly dusty '17s and '18s that can be had in excellent specification at prices in the mid 70s and up for a new car and just a tad bit less for used ones, whatever that term implies.  As I said, I think It's no time to be selling a 400 as the first owner/early adopter.  Buying a similar one would be hard to do a second time for me.   The new 'Vette could very well be a disrupter but I love my car so I'll keep it for now.  

    Lotus has a lot of work here to sell a new car so similar to the old one for more money.  I don't know who the customer is.  

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    There may be other  "content providers"  I prefer to follow but like the rest of us, I avidly devour all new Lotus content and Tyler (AKA "The Virgin") has enough experience with other supercars to winnow the wheat from chaff.  Ignore a few of the (expected) minor errors and enjoy the rave.  

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  16. On 23/03/2019 at 15:19, plenty said:

    Thanks all for the interesting feedback.  Clearly despite being the closest thing that Lotus has ever created to a daily driver, many people use their Evora as a high days and holidays car.  And why not?  I agree with the poster who said this preserves the sense of occasion when you do drive it.

    Exactly.  That said, I put more miles on my 400 than I do on my GTI which is my daily.  The Evora gets used on glorious days or special occasions  pretty much as I would use any such car be it a Corvette,  Porsche or Audi R8.  Why waste it on mundane use?   When I do use it, it's for pure pleasure and it gets driven in a manner befitting my intent which unsurprisingly was exactly my purpose in buying it in the first place.  It was never expected to be anything else.   

    Enjoyed in this way, I  can still sit in my garage two years after acquisition and look at it after a hot drive while I soak up the special that oozes out of it.  And yet, unlike so many poseurs, it can be driven anywhere, anytime and be enjoyed as reasonably practical transport for two people and a week's worth of luggage.  It's so much better used that way than anybody unaware of its qualities might ever imagine.  

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  17. 11 hours ago, NedaSay said:

    It is funny how much people need to know where a company is going I haven't seen Ferrari and Lamborghini screaming where they were going.  Unless you are part of the inner sanctum and able to buy a special car they tell zilch. Why do you require Lotus to act differently?

    Ferrari and Lamborghini don't need to prove anything to anybody to sell their cars.  They have  market  support systems in place, generally good resale values and will sell every car they build.  Lotus can't claim these things, most importantly as regards support and market visibility.  Both Lamborghini and Ferrari (Lambo especially) have benefited by their associations with larger parents,  but their renaissances are now well established and they are reaping the benefits of customer acceptance, desirable and recognizable products and prestige brand names.  Comparing them and their evolving strategies or how they go to market  at this point isn't fair to them or Lotus.

    It's true that we don't need to know minute details of Lotus' long term product plans or the specs of future cars. What we as owners would like to know is that every late model production Lotus car will get the immediate support that such a purchase deserves.  When Lotus releases the news of  support developments here that at bare minimum measure up to what exists in Great Britain, I'll be content to wait in the wings for the new exciting products while I enjoy the one I just bought.

    A bit cynical? Perhaps. But I have faith the brand can be  reestablished and optimized for growth if that is what is wanted but how about  implementing the backbone of the strategy while we await  new model announcements? Lotus need to start building the foundations now, and if they are already working on that, to let us in on it.  I really  hope there is more to the picture  than what new car is coming in 2020.  In other words, .some assurances that existing owners and product will be well supported and that we will be more than an asterisk in the future.  

     We have a good product here.  We need the resources to develop a smart management plan for it that can be a foundation for all future developments. I know I sound like a broken record but  I really think that's "job one" and the most important good news they can release to me. 

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