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Petrol feet driven

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Posts posted by Petrol feet driven

  1. Toby, the best I have ever done when riding my cycle to work. This car driver desided to cut me up and I came off my bike. I got back on not badly hurt and rode after the car. I never would of caught up with them if it wasnt for the train crossing I was hoping was down. Lucky for me the barriers came down and he was left in the que. I rode up to his window lent in grabbed his keys and chucked them over a wall. Said some really nice things to him like. "You just left the seen of a hit and run, you have just committed a crime mate" . "Now we are even a** h***" and rode off.

    Timmah, yer we were wondering the same thing, I know how to defend myself but this guy lets say I know my limits. We didn't even get who we was trying to impress, wasn't us for sure.

  2. Thanks Jim, & thanks Anthony,

    Wow my son has a couple more years until he gets to 'that age'.

    My Dad left my Mum when I was 3 yrs old, so my Mum put me in to Kick boxing when I was a little older. So bullies where no problem, but fighting at school got to much as you take out the bully everyone else wants to beat you? So kids now not fighting as what we did like to rival schools & so on, Im all for. Thats why Aaron does karate so hes learning how to fight without us being blamed that hes violent. It seems that the kids know that he does it they leave him alone.

    Hope things work themselfs out for you and your Son.

  3. Hi Kimbers,

    My oldest son is also called Aaron and yep hes also autistic, or shall I say he was. He still has little trates of it but mostly its almost gone. But before I start on how I just wanted to say when he was about 5 some kids in our area where we lived at that time. Gave him some berries from a bush and told him they where ok to eat. Being like he was he belived them and ate a load of them. He came home with berry juice all down him and was telling us he felt sick. He had some of them still on him and I phoned 999 not knowing what they are. After his stomach was flushed he had to stay in as the berrys turned out to be from a yew tree, and if taken in a big dose can kill. He was filling better after a week and you guessed it we had a lot of sleepless nights that week. The parents didnt even care about what their kids had done. Well that was until they got a call from the police. I got a knock on my door two days later with the Dads and the children saying sorry.

    Aaron started off life as autistic he didnt even say anything until he was about 3.5 years old and that was only 'Da'. The school he went to at that time didnt know what to do with him and I was getting very upset with them. I was able to help out at the school and even though I was not in his class I was able to view him from where I was, as the school was all open plan. All they done with him was put him on the play mat and left him all day, even at play times. I wanted him out of there and in to a school that would help him, not long after he got a new school.

    While finding out about this school I came across a croup call the son-rise program http://www.autismtreatmentcenter.org/ After going to it and reading a lot of books and fast-forward some 3 years later Aaron was then classed as being "global delayed" I have carried on teaching him and even doing magic to stimulate his mind. He is now 12yrs old and is classed as a normal child with learning difficulties. Hes doing so well and from his last report I got him an Orange mountain bike. (Orange as in manufacture not colour.) This is what he wanted and we set an goal for him to get and he did.

  4. The worse tail-gating I have ever seen was in a friends custom 10 sec' car, he spent loads on this car and didn't race it as it was only for shows. OK from time to time he did take it out for a track day but never on the roads.

    Well one time, we were driving along when a young guy in a Audi A3. Started to flash us then came very close and backed off then close again. He did this for some time until my friend saw a unmarked car parking area. He drove in and then back out some distance behind the A3, then all hell broke free. The guy in the A3 slowed down and sped up and then done a emergency stop!! Then drove off again then tried the same again.

    Then he went really slow we where unable to over-take as if we tried he matched our speed. He then opened his sun roof and items started hail towards us like a coke bottle, small coins, pens and just about any other thing he could find. With the paint job on my friends car he didn't really want anything to hit him but some of it did. The guy in the A3 then stopped and started to shout at us, and put his finger up to his head and done a gun action. People that where behind us started to drive past shouting all sorts of words at him. Once the road was clear I got out the car. He then got out of his I only done this as we where on hands free to the police and the lady at control told us that they where just around the next bend from us. By the time we got near each other the police came up behind him got out their car and arrested him. The look on his face was priceless and just as well as I never would of had a chance as the size of him he would of had me and my friend. Even the policeman got his baton out expecting him to lash out. Lucky for us we where not only the ones to of phoned the police at that time.

    At the end of the day there was on reason to why he done what he done, he just done it?

  5. looking more around at the site I find the ICE device page http://www.lotusespritworld.com/EGuides/EModifications/stereo.html and I was thinking of doing something like this once I get my car. The rear cam will be a great addition and I was thinking of adding a couple, one low the other on the spoiler.

    This one for as in the console. http://uk.shopping.com/xPO-Kenwood-DDX-8024BT

    I need to view this to find out if I can replace the mirror, as in depth and so on if not will find something? http://uk.shopping.com/xPO-JVC-KD-AVX77

    • 1994 Lotus Esprit S4 what has been sorned 88,500 miles FS_94S4_MarkMassey.gif
    • 1995 Lotus Esprit S4 (M-Reg) 56,000 miles FS_95S4_ChrisJackett.gif
    • 1998 Esprit GT3 34000 Miles FS_98GT3_PeterSmithLtd.gif
    • Lotus Esprit GT3 (1997) 20,800 miles 1181413-1t.jpg this one is on Pistonheads.

    So far it has come down to these 4, so please feedback from the owners or people that own the same. I have read all about the cars but non tells you what I want to hear. They all tell you on how great each one is but they dont do a Top Gear rating type of thing. (If you get what I mean)

  6. Thanks Andy, I will put the S4 & S4S back in to my thinking, need to do a little more research on all before I buy either. What I hope will be in a month or two, if all goes to plan. From what you said I think the V8 is going down while the others are going up. All I know is I want to be driving one of them, have done ever since I was a young lad..

  7. Hi Bibs, I love the look of the GT3 there is something about it that I want to have. The V8 I know is a different one and thats one reason why I want to know more about them from the people that drive them. The over reason is that I don't want one thats to old like 1980's and what needs loads of work done to it. But I will keep the newer car fully maintained and will update some of the parts. After owning my Vauxhall I dont want to spend more time fixing it than driving it. I also like the S4, but I dont like the Hi wing much but after looking a lot at these cars for many years its down to just the GT3 & V8.

  8. Hello everyone, I am going to be getting a Lotus soon, the problem is what one. I am looking for one from 1990's onwards and I was thinking of a GT3 or a Esprit V8-SE. What one will be more suited for short runs as well as long run's from time to time. Is there much differance between them in running costs. In other words if you where going to get one what would you go for, the voting starts the debate begins lets find me a lotus..

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