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  1. Its not really a spacer, its more like a small piece of pipe with a slit. Its purpose is to slide into the side of the control arm, removing any space on the sides of the bushing when the nut is tightened. I would not use the one in the picture because of the tapered ends. The real one is flat on both ends.
  2. What I was referring to was not the springs, it was swapping out the adjustable V8 upper A-arm so that a camber adjustment could be made. The V8 Clone A-Arms are available from SJ, and they were made in conjunction with Lotus...so I am told. Sorry for the confusion.
  3. I just went thru this. I have an 86, and was surprised to find that the upper are fully interchangable from the s3 to the V8. Just bought mine from SJ Lotus.
  4. I think the solution of front ground clearance will only be solved, at least on the S3, by making the lower front spoiler retractable. The front lower lip of the Turbo is 1.5" from being level, and the spoiler looks like it could retract, with an actuator, over the upper panel. The plan is to increase the depth of the pan below the radiator, to be able to accept an over size radiator. I would say that this mod might also stop the front end from floating at high speed. The manual says that the camber is set at the factory on the Turbo, and is not adjustable, anyone know how they set it?
  5. I have one in black, and am located in Scottsdale, AZ $250.
  6. Ron Davis Radiator in Phoenix, AZ.
  7. Curved aluminum down tube at the front of the motor on the right side of the firewall. Look in front of the AC Compressor.
  8. Your belt tensioner is about to go.
  9. A second nuts is missing. You will need a belt tensioner gauge, 2 wrenches, be able to read Braille, and a large box of Bandaids. If you have had a recent Tetanus shot, that would also be a bonus.
  10. Hate to break it to you but that is Not an 86 S3 North American. The 86 NA has a Bosch K-Jetronic Fuel Injection System and yours does not.
  11. If you look at the non V8 Esprit, you will see that a diagonal frame pipe has only been welded in on the right front side of the frame cage. Anyone know if Lotus added a pipe an additional diagonal frame pipe to the left side when they did the V8 frame. Has anyone added the pipe after the fact? Am I safe in assuming the frame is Galvanized Chromoly?
  12. Tailights are all in, and molds for light enclosures will be in tomorrow. I'll post a picture of the car with the vette lights before they get chopped off and put on EBay. The rear hatch louvers I can live with, but I'm not happy with the design of the side scoops that replaced the ears. Anyone have any design thoughs on integrating the rear hatch louvre design into the side scoops?
  13. Forget the switching of the hatches, but the ears are going, and the mockup of teh 6 V8 taillights looks to cool to pass on. As for stealing from parts bins...its one thing to call Girling to ask what will work, and quite another to use a part that was exclusive exclusively and esthetically made for Toyota...like the taillights. If you remove the taillights from a S3 Turbo, and see what the factory did to make them fit, that to me is a butcher job.
  14. "butchery"???? The car has "ears" that look like a hillbilly after a bad haircut, hatch louvers that should require the driver to sport a mullet, and a square bodyside moulding that camoflagues a mid-waist seam in the way that yoga pants hide fat rolls. Thrust me...lighting it on fire and collecting the insurance has enetered my mind on several occasions.
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