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The sunday southrun


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Hi all.

Just interested to find out if anybody is thinking of going on the southrun this sunday.

I quite fancy it as it would be my first meet and am wondering how many esprits might be there

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Possibly, i was planning to leave Bristol Fri afternoon & head over your way, up to Brecon, follow the 470, stay over somewhere & blast the roads again in the morning, i didnt know about this drive.

Not sure, i'd think the Welsh roads will be better & nothing beats a early Sat morning blast in the valleys.

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I am possibly going to turn up for the meeting at 10:30 (maybe a bit before) but not going to go on the run.

I'm nursing the Esprit back to health and won't be doing anything spirited until the ECU has done some re-learning and I am confident that everything is OK...

This of course, assuming that I am able to pick up the new vacuum pump which is waiting for me at the post office and that this was the source of my post Oxford-meet woes!

Be good to meet you guys though! B)


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Now prob doing both a Wales run & the the Sunday run, though as x6gas says we may not actually do the drive just show up & meet everyone then bugger off home to get drunk. What a top weekend ahead!

x6gas, if your motoring past Bristol fancy poss going up together? Esprits are safer in numbers and all that, especially with all those Elises about....

Infact Punky if your coming over from Wales shall we all meet up??

Edited by Splodge s4
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Was thinking of popping over. Wanted to have a look around and decide what i want to buy, S or G. :huh:

Think i may have already bought a car by then though!!! In the process of finalising a deal. Bit hastey i suppose, but what the hell!!! :P

Chunky Lover

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Hi Splodge

Not sure of my movements yet.

Thinking about doing the Beaulieu thing on saturday,staying at my brother-in-laws in swindon, then on to the meet on sunday :huh:

But what a weekend, i'll be hooned up to the eyeballs :P

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Be really REALLY **REALLY** careful driving in Wales...

The police there really genuinely have nothing better to do than nick you at 80mph

Took my mates 14 months to sort out a speeding charge where the officer fabricated evidence to try to nick them (In the immortal words of Max Boyce... I know cos I was there!)

Take radar dectectors, road angels, pda's, more radar detectors and KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED!!!

OMG be careful driving in Wales!

Just came back from Swansea on sunday and couldn't believe how, doing 70 mph, we were one of the fastest cars on the motorway! :huh:

They have very funny attitudes to speed down there due to having not enough to worry about! :P

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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They have plenty to worry about - like kids in rural Wales being fecked on Special K... But IIRC the Police Chief's son got done for drug offences so they turn a blind eye to drug abuse now and concentrate on the really serious stuff - i.e. 34 mph in a 30 limit. :huh:


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I got pulled over a couple of weeks ago for no reason by a female traffic cop. When I asked why I was pulled she said that I had my front fog lights on for no reason,''strange'' I said ''because I haven't got any''I then had to demo. my lights,

click ''side lights'' click ''main lights''click''full beam''

''Have you been drinking tonight sir''

''yes a small bottle of lager with a meal about five hours ago''

''Ah ha I shall have to breathalise you then''

''Oh for f*%k sake''

Anyway it came up negative but I mean please give me a break. :huh:

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'fraid so - if you admit to having drunk even a thimble full of the weakest lager they HAVE to breathalise you no matter what.

If you're really genuinely THAT under the limit... imho it's easier to lie! :huh:

As for the fog lights thing... FFS they're tkaing the piss

Hence why I reiterate - they were perfectly content to fabricate evidence and try to fit up three of the boys witnessed by my own eyes.

Be REALLY careful in Wales the police are nuts.

My Dad had some real hassle with a bike cop down there a few years ago, trying to stitch him up and that guy ended up never working traffic again :P (That'll teach him to mess with the wrong bloke!) will have destroyed his own career by that little stunt! My Dad even bumped into the former chief constable (or whoever) a few years later who actually remembered and apologised and said the guy never progressed any further! :D

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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mm... cheers for the advice chaps, weve done the Brecon 470 run a few times, been followed quite a bit by bib but not pulled yet, maybe i should put the front plate back on so not to give them an excuse to have a word... as for jammers, snoopers etc, got that covered :huh:

If Wales is cool ill tell you about it on the Sunday run, if im not there Sunday ill tell you bout it when they release me...

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Must be two southruns tomorrow... :lol:


This ones just down the road from me, about half an hour! B)

I was going to pop along, only their route puts me off as it seems to

comprise of either crossing or making right turns onto just about every

busy main road they can find, in fact i think i've talked myself out of it!,

will see, might go out for a spin on me tod instead perhaps....


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Dont be so grumpy and come along or just turn up at the carpark ! :)


Oh alright then...

Ye twisted me arm...

It is after all a rare breeds farm!


We go there quite a lot to see the lambing,

And to feed the goats and pet the pigs some.

See you there, or did you mean the welsh one?

One mans sheep is another mans...


(already been out for an hour today to get some fuel,

am heading off to the cheltenham southrun in about

half an hour, so it ain't like you made me, i decided!)


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