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[HONG KONG]Coming to HK 21st May 09 for 2.2 weeks.... - Events - TLF - Totally Lotus Jump to content


[HONG KONG]Coming to HK 21st May 09 for 2.2 weeks....


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Hi guys :)

Clairebear and I are coming over to Hong Kong :)

If there is a meeting or event we may pop over to it to say hello or bow to the Esprits :santa:

Cannot bring our Lotus with us due to size and weight but could bring a picture of it!

We will be staying at my brothers house in Sai Kung. He has a few cars and perhaps we will pop over in one of them; Aston Martin or Lamborghini Countach. Sorry he has no Lotus and thinks they are too che..... well, he means to say not serious and real enough... cheeky man!

Clairebear has never been to HK and is sooooo excited to be coming over. I was brought in HK so I better ensure that she has a good time by avoiding any car talk!

Hopefully we will see you there :P


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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21st of May is a Thursday.....hmmm...not much going on....until Sunday 24th 0f May,

as there is always the "LOK KING" sunday morning drive.

you will see alot of exotic cars gathering there, and enjoy a HK style "western breakfast"

(that's ham & egg with instant noodle, and a cup of silk milk tea)

we probably will arrange sight seeing for you two.

anything special that's interesting to you ?? (temples, shopping, harbour view, seafoods?)

*let us know what food we should avoid....hehe.....we can take you to eat snake or chicken feet if you want..

or you may consider to visit Macau or China, as both places have very unique local foods.

seriously, SZ is a fun place to be, and nightlife is equally exciting as HK. (you can buy one of those "SZ version iPhone for US$100...amazing copies!!)

Macau is famous for its history as colony of Portugal, thus alot of Catholic churches, and the Macau style Portugal cusine. + of course, the nick name "East's Las Vegas" (MGM, Wynns, and the Venetian are all here)

*P.S. so your brothers were the owner of the "white Countach" right?....(a member of the Classic car club?)

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Many thanks Eric, sorry for my slow my response. Sooooo busy doing 'important' stuff that I forgot to check the forum!

Claire would love to see the culture in HK, not sure if we will do a trip to Macau or China. She is not into food as much but more into visiting a temple or two, famous market streets, places not too crowded by clickety clickers (snap snap snap photographers). She would like to be able to take some great photos. Food is not a big priority as to her its just food, what she want is the awh thats nice.... B)

My brother is rattling his brain pn where to take us and will be taking a week off to take us around. I am not sure if its first week or second week of the visit, most likely first week.

We certainly want to avoid food like snakes, cockroaches and chicken feet! She would be upset to see two little feet :w00t:

Closer to the time on as soon as we land I can call you and let you know what is happening. Be good to get a few pictures together.

See you and any others soon....

Btw my brother is the owner of the dark green limited 25th edition, the real cool one. In picture below note my brother taking real care and you can see part of the Aston on the right (in UK before being shipped to HK).


Edited by gavman


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,

Clairebear and I arrived ok. It is so warm here in HK!

Anyway we will go over to Lok King this sunday. Well as long as the weather stays good.

I will drive in Aston Martin, my brother in Lamborghini.

Hope to see you guys there....




Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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Wellcome to or back to Hk you guys. I am a friend of Eric and also an esprit owner. Eric is working on something so he called me to get in touch with you . Hope you will check forum soon.

Really not good weather we are having this weekend , so not sure we can all go driving tomorrow morning but for sure we should all meet up for dinner or something later the week.

You can reach me on my cell # 94633876 or Eric 's cell #9287-4154. So you and your brother do decide to go to Lok king tomorrow , please call us . If you want, we can all come to sai kung and have dinner or soemthing.

Hope to hear from you soon.

PS your bother 's lambo was in one of the Hk car magazine, real nice car!!!

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Hi Dennis, really nice to hear from you & thanks for the mobiles. Yeah it is a bummer this weather! But it wont stop us from enjoying ourselfs. Will let you know if we decide to drive to Lok King. If not I agree we can meet up next week in Sai Kung somewhere. That would be nice.

See you and Eric around soon for a nice :D


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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whats with all this heavy rain?

oh well looks like the nice cars will have to stay indoors....

My bruv his partner, clairbear and me will try to find something to do today, not sure yet cos the others are still in bed!

Looks like it will have to be some day next week before we can get together.

So what do you guys do for a living, excpet drive Esprits or similar but perhaps not as fast, ahem.

Rain rain go away come never again.... when we are visiting.....


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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sorry for the late reply. No kidding about this weather . The rain always come during the weekend , I betcha will be sunny during the week when we are working.

This coming thursday is a public holiday in Hk , so maybe we can all get together on wed night for dinner and drink ...etc and don't have to worry of getting up early next day. So let us know if you can fit us in your schedule and me and Eric will try to get the other Esprit onwers to come out that night , by then hopefully it will be no more rain.

My company specialize in manufacturing all type of zippers, Eric's an interior designer and for the others let them tell you themselve when we meet up later.

We all try to go for a drive once or twice a months , but not every time we can get all Esprits out at the same time , either the esprit is in the garage ( which is quite common) or the owner are busy or out of town. Anyway, we will talk more when we meet up. Noted will try not to just talk about cars in front of the wife's.

hope to see your guys soon.

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Interesting work you guys do.

I am looking at starting a small airport parking near Heathrow Terminal Five in London UK.

Today we went to Tsim Sha Tsui, ate at Gaylords and simply walked around.

Next Thursday we have to get up very early in the morning to go to the dragon boat race. My brother will be in China from Tuesday morning and not return till Wednesday evening. I am not sure what his or the plans are yet. It seems to change daily...

Probably easier to meet somewhere Tuesday or next weekend as it looks more promising next weekend weather wise....


Keep you guys posted on our movements....


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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Rain rain rain :hrhr:

Saw one of the smaller Lotus yesterday.

It seems Saturday and Sunday are going to be the best days with rain predication reduced to 30% and is the only chance we have to meet somewhere in the nice cars. I think Saturday is better and will let you know where we could meet, somewhere pleasant and 'open'.


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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Hi Gavman,

Welcome to the rainy HK. Let's come out for a drink.

My V8 is now at the garage changing the timing belt and fixing snaped bolts at the exhaust manifold.

Dragon boat racing is fun. If the weather is fine on Thursday, can have a ride on my fishing boat in Sai Kung.

I am running a buying agent business to source and manufacture products for US customers.



Yellow V8 in HK

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Hi Raymond, many thanks for the invite on your fishing boat. Did you mean on Thursday? Unfortunately the weather is still bad.... Anyway Thursday we are going to see dragon boat race then attend a chinese wedding in evening. Long day....!

We can meet you in a bar for a drink tonight (Wedsnesday) evening if you like, or any other day.

Btw Lotus V8 are very nice.. and I like your colour.

See you for a drink.




Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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wed night for a drink , sound good . Where do you want to go? HK side lau kwun fong or kowloon tsui sha shui? Let me know by noon and I will try to get Eric and Mark to come out for a drink and chat.

I jealous of Raymond's yellow V8 too . Everytime we all go for a drive, people will look at his car and miss my silver color SE.

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Dennis the V8 are great however the SE has more room for power management hence could be quicker :)

Clairebear would like it to be Tsim Sha Tsui because she wants to see view of HK by night (to take pictures). To make it easy for all (I think) we could meet at the new Starbucks on the waterfront near the 'Corridor of Stars'?

Say 7pm? Gives you guys time to get there after work? Coffe to wake or keep us awake then a beer afterwards....

Not sure what to do today but it looks brighter. Hmmmm, maybe the sun will come out....

See you all later..... (Raymond if you cant make it tonight we can see you in Sai Kung one other evening) and take you up on your offer for a ride on the boat (er should it be in the V8)....



Btw I have borrowed an old mobile and bought pay as you go sim card. At least we can be reached!

It is 975 648 13



Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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My V8 is in the garage more than on the road.

I am having family dinner tonight. Will call Dennis if not too late to meet you guys.

If weather allows, can have a boat ride on Saturday.



Yellow V8 in HK

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Hi, welcome to HK

sorry that I have been very busy with renovation projects.

As confirmed on the phone,

Tonight's meeting


let's meet at THE MIRA HONG KONG, Cameron Road, TST, Hong Kong

then, we will walk one street to Knutsford Terrace to have a drink & chat


update: no one can make it on 7:30pm and it's too late to meet up at 9:30pm

so let's postpond to weekend!

sorry guys!

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sorry about tonight that we cannot meet up gavman, I couldn't make it at 7 pm but I thought I could catch up with your guys around 9:30 but Eric SMS said you have to head back early and had to take a rain check on the drink tonight.

Well rain ot shine, we definitely should meet up before you go back to UK, you guys will be free this weekend ? Maybe we can get together and we all can have dinner together. Please let us know which day is good for you and this time will for sure get or try to get everyone out at the same time.

Noted about your mobile. See you guys later.

P.S please say sorry to clairebear this afternoon that I sound weird on the phone when she called me, I was at a seminar when she called and I had to keep my voice down.

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There is a strong possibility we will be going to Lok King this sunday as the weather looks very promising B)

Weird? nah, don't worry, you are probably thinking we are the weird ones! er, I mean Clairebear is the weird one :D

ouch!!! the wife punched me :wub:

Edited by gavman


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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hahaha... I guess all esprit owner are weird. sure looks like it will be ok to go for a drive to lok king tomorrow morning.

You guys want to go early like 8 something or 9 something? if you want to see some nice cars , then we have to go there early like 7:00 or 8:00am. We can also drive to couple other places to do some sightseeing too .Leave a message or call me or I will call you later to fix on a time.

I think but the time you got this message, you probably talked with Raymond on the phone. So see what you or him had plan and talk later

Look forward to see you , your brother and clariebear soon.

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yeah! really goooood. We will be meeting a friend of my brother in Tai Po around 7.30am so will be around Lok Keng pretty early.

Today we are seeing Raymond and couple others at 12.30 at Marina Cove for chinese food and a boat ride on his fishing boat :D

See you all sooooon....


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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nice to meet you, Gavman and Clairebear

Thank you very much for the BBQ party at your brother's place.

I envy him for his car collection!

Looking forward to see you again in about 5.5hours (Sunday Morning Drive) ...and I am still not sleeping, neither do I clean my Esprit.

My plan will be washing the car at 5:30am, then drive directly to the meeting..hehe

Time to go to bed! 88

P.S. wish I could find time to take you around, but I am really busy this period of time. But I am happy that you already have plan to visit China and many places, so that's good!

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It was great meeting all of you guys in HK :lol:

Many thank you for your hospitality. And a BIG thank-you Raymond for the fantastic boat ride.

Check out this link

Will post more pictures soon, especially for todays Lotus car meet.

I am sooooo tired so will catch a quick wink first :lol:


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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wow, nice find!

In front is Rogers friend Eriz and Clairebear in Murcielago. Brand new, well, only 3 weeks new!

In Lambo Countach is of-course Roger and Pinky.

At back, sadly, is me driving Aston Martin with Eriz's wife and child.

We are on way back to UK tonight. Been fantastic and big big thank-you to the HK Lotus crowd. We will see you all again someday for sure....


Lotus Esprit Turbo Chargecooler SE 1991

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