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Sludge in air filter


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While I had my fiilter box off, I noticed that there was some light brown sludge in the box coming from the breather pipe. What is it? Why is it happening and should I panic?

Thanks for any advice,

Dave Everett

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It's a mix (mayonnaise) of oil and water, coming from the engine crankcase. I wouldn't worry just because it's there. You will get some water vapour naturally make its way into the engine from the atmosphere, so it will boil off when the engine runs. Get concerned if there is lots, and you are loosing coolant or there are signs of oil in the coolant.

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A lot of us run the breather pipe down under the car or attach a filter/catch tank ande then blank off the pipe into the filter. You do not want too much of this gunk finding its way up the induction pipe into the turbo. Have a look at the pipe that runs from the filter up into the turbo. You will probably see a fair amount of oil which will have accumulated over the years. It took ages to clean it all out of my system.

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Defo agree with above,

Pop an oil catch tank on, you can pick them up now for under £30 quid on ebay, and they even come with the trumpet filter for that money, Another decent mod if you have not done it already is give the housing a good clean out and pop a K&N air filter or green filter in, That way you will know your induction is now sludge free and breathing well with a decent filter with no worrys of it clogging up again :)

Regards danny, P.s I would change the oil and filter aswell if its not been done already


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