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Removing the Seatbelts.

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Hello all finally pulled out a pair of stuck thumbs and started tearing down the old 83 Turbo. I can't figure out how to take the belts out, the parts that attach inside the coupe. Books don't say and I do not want to force the issue.

All I can say is that this is going to take a loooong time, previous owners must have been muppets. So many things just drilled in here and there. The passenger chair took me 6 hours to get out. Angle grinder and violence finally snapped the bolts. On the bright side I felt at that moment history had been made, man on the moon? Pfffff My chair was out.

Pictures to come soon in the brag section...:cheers:

Cheers Rasmus, chair removal Master

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Hi Rasmus,

Inside the engine bay on each side there is a plastic cover with four screws that covers the seat belt ratchet, remove the screws and pull the cover off, Of memory there are two or four 13mm bolts have a feeling they were not captive, so inside the car there is a large trim panel by the little window at the back by the engine, remove this cover its held in by screws, probably glue by now and pull it out, place a spanner on that side and undo the bolts! pull it out, now the only thing left to remove is the other end of the fixed point belt that is in the inside sill, remove the carpet of the sill and locatate the bolt 17mm or 19mm, using a rachet unbolt this and everything will be free!

Hope this makes sense, i have a felling the bolts on mine where not captive nuts as i remeber have to work with the door open and tailgate up stretching to undo the bloody things :cheers:

Hope all goes well and good luck, Are you fitting a harness....


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I think there is just one bolt to release the seatbelt mechanism from the engine bay - a big one (17 or 19?) - under the rolled up belt. It is captive, so you should not have to remove the interior trim. The 4 bolts hold each end of a metal plate (that the mechanism is attached to) in place. I removed a pair of belts on Saturday, and removed the 4 bolts first, thinking they were the right ones...


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Thanks guys. The spanner for the belt inside the car by the chair is a 19 I believe. The thing is that I wasn't able to get a real grip around the bolt since it is only like five mm thick and therefor the spanner jumped on me. I don't want to strip this bolt since it would result in a lot, a lot of extra work. I will try sgsin today and post in the renovation part tonight.

As much as I love sliding sround in the garage I have a lingering feeling the electrics will cause me to cry in a corner at some point! If I could get my hands on the owner that put on the stereo and other extras I would beat him to death with that 19mm spanner. More of that later. Oh yeah, who in the Uk is breaking the most Lotuses? Lotus bits? I need a complete steering wheel.

Having said that I just love to get down and dirty. Maybe draining all fluids today as well.

Cheers Rasmus

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When I fitted a replacement CD stereo system to mine..CD autochanger...I pulled out so much redundant wiring it filled a rubbish bag!! More than you could shake a stick at...all the leftovers from a dead alarm system and the original radio cassette; laying under the dashboard with a pair of cutters hacking away!! Far more sanitary now...how I hate people (often "professionals") who use those awful blue connectors which join one wire to another by cutting through the insulation....

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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I have actually saved all the extra wiring that I am pulling out to make a photo of it and to have it burnt under a pagan ritual!:cheers:

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I know of someone with a complete steering wheel minus the centre horn push from an 85 turbo..... :cheers: Me.....

Open to offers if your interested...

Post up some adds in the wanted section and you may be supprised what other owners on here may have tucked away gathering dust.

Oh and as far as the seatbelt bolts go, you may find it easier to remove the sill covers, they are only pop riveted in place and will allow you greater access to servicing the handbrake mechanism.

Don't forget to remember what order you take bits off with regards to the seat belt mounting bolts as there is a shouldered bush and a spring washer which allows the bolt to be tightened but the belt bracket to still have movement.

Chunky Lover

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18mm socket inside the coupe to get the belts out, remember to save the three little spacers. 13mm in the engine bay. Now here is what NOT to do! In the engine bay where the belts roll up, there is a warning text saying "Do not Open", trust me on this one, don't open it, I did (for some odd reason) and the spring that uncoiled into a three meter+ long whipping metal strip will never go back into place. Why oh why did I open that? For a moment, I thought I had to take the plastic lids off and use two 13mm in there after reading a post and not reflecting over what it said. So now I have to hunt down a new belt also. By the way in order to completely take the belts out you will need to unclip the rear interior and then take out the rear cabin window in order to slide the belt out.... One lesson learned, 12.3 million to go..


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Well it seems my car has many "mods" like the wrong window and numerous bolts and nuts that don't belong. I simply can't slide the belt through the hole in the aft wall because the window that is so professionally fitted simply steals the extra space. I can't wait to get to the gearbox and engine. I might need forum counseling after that!

*Breaths in paper bag*

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