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Easier way of finding replacement parts?

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Hey guys,

Is there a book or manual which contains the full details of the parts by make and number that have been used on the esprit.

Im restoring a 1979 esprit s2, and trying to find cheaper alternatives to the esprit parts.

Any thing with lotus on it is instantly more expensive than the same part but sold as an mg, or mini part.

Has anyone else had this prob?

Also would anyone know of any of these parts for sale for a 1979 s2;

original steering wheel

original mirrors

used but good front indicator lights

s2 sills

I've contacted a few specialists, and they either don't have the parts or else don't bother replying and the remaining have over priced parts.


Vin Taylor

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I have a good working set of the chrome stalk mirrors left over from when I had my car, but I did pay a lot for them and wouldn't therefore let them go cheap. In 4 years I've only seen 3 pairs of S2 mirrors appear on eBay (and I bought 2 of them!).

PM me if you're interested.




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Sorry Vin but I think you have to face up to the fact that you have a Lotus Esprit not a Ford Fiesta. Whilst it is without doubt one of the best value sports cars around, the S2 has been out of production for 30 years so parts will be priced according to rarity value as much as anything. there were only a finite niumber made. There once was a time when the rear lights were £20 for the pair but the SD1 club have cottoned onto the fact that there are Lotus owners who want them too so the price has rocketed.

As Mat said with the mirrors, they're like gold dust. I dread to think what will happen if mine get broken!

Indicator/sidelights - from a Mini Clubman but just like the Rover rears the mini folk are aware that other people want them too so the price reflects that. I picked up a set 10 years ago for £30 now they're £50 each!

I really don't mean to sound negative but having had my S2 for 13 years now I can honestly say there is no cheap way to do it if you want to do a proper job. I've needed parts and have had to pay the market value for them because that's how it works. Yes there are some parts that are available at a reasonable cost - switches, u/js, dials etc but there aren't that many bits which were used on anything else and made in sufficient quantities that there is a huge supply therefor a low cost.

I hate it as much as anyone but if you want an Esprit, you are going to have to pay for it.


Pete '79 S2

LEW Miss September 2009

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Hi Pete,

Thats true, I suppose as long as you take care of the parts and make them last then its not too bad.

Might have found a set of mirrors from the US so fingers crossed should be alright.


Vin Taylor

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Sports Car World had a steering wheel and crash pad on their old website. I'm not sure if they still have it but it might be worth enquiring?


Lotus Esprit [meaning] a 1:1 scale Airfix kit with a propensity to catch fire

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Have to agree with Pete, I am also sourcing a lot of parts for my S2 at the moment. I wanted an original washer fluid bottle for the front bay as mine was non original and fitted in the wrong place.

I know thats very anal but I want things done properly on my car, as I am sure you do too.

I had to wait but got one eventually for £50 (plus VAT & delivery)......gritted my teeth and got the credit card out!

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thanks paul,

Will send them an email and see if they've still got it in stock.

Seems like i've got quite a few expenses coming up. I'll try and ask a few local people here in malta.

Im sure I would be able to find a few cheaper alternatives. There are quite a few old style parts shops

that might stock the parts.

Vin Taylor

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