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Fuel Injected G Turbo

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Ok, well I know this is a minor project in relation to my last and indeed many others on here but the time has come to modernise my motor...!

Its got one of the last ever S4 engines in the back but currently running standard carbs etc.....

I have recetly aquired this little lot to go with the chargecooler I bought last year


and they go togeather something like this...



now I'm not sure how this is going to pan out so will most probably need some significant pointers along the way, things like injectors for example, do I really need 6 or can I get away with 4 bigger ones? I'm assuming 4 will be easier to control with an aftermarket ECU or is there the ability to use something like megasquirt and control secondary injectors?

Who knows, but I guess I'll have to find out before too long....

Also I need to wire in to the original connectors, if anyone has an old loom laying about they are thinking of binning, one that may have been already cut up for example, then I'd appreciate the opportunity to get my thieving fingers on it!

I've got the heat exchanger for up front, bought it in the parts sale many moons ago, just need to figure out how to fit it into the old under cowling and also need to decide on piping options. Running them along the floor of the car is not an option, if you've seen where I live you'll understand the risks in this, so maybe along the chassis in the void between the bodywork? Need to see if there is enough space.

Yes I'm going to want to push the power all the way up to the 300hp mark, and hopefully I can achieve this without turbo replacement. Its fitted with a standard, but brand new, early turbo with external wastegate, this comes with no water cooling however. Not sure if this will proove to be an issue?

Am I better off selling off my exhaust manifold, wastegate manifiold, new wastegate & new turbo, all of which are in pristine condition?

Thoughts would be most welcomed before I dive in head first :rolleyes:

p.s. I already know about the possible gearbox issues, I will discuss this with Harry in due course.

Edited by Simon350S

Chunky Lover

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I'm on the same route with an early stevens turbo (Renault gearbox). I've bought an emerald K3 system, and the manifold from a S4.

Emerald can adress the 6 injectors (there will be others who can do that also) It has no knock input :-(

When my project is completed (I hope next year)I will go to Dave Walker to have it perfect mapped.

300hp is the target.

I hope to see more of your progress and learn what I should do next.

Thanks for sharing,


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Simon, the bits arrived then, i have a load of bolts and bits, not sure if I sent the injectors, if u have not got then I will have the two secondaries. Any brackets and bit u think are missing or I have that u could use then shout and I will send them to you.

Have fun Simon


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You have a Chargecooler, How Lucky are you. I ve been looking for one for months. Am now considering having one manufactured. I am also going the Injection route. Options for you are Standard Lotus ECU, Gary Kemp has some new ones but they need reprograming. A chap by the name of Jon Welch in the US can do this, or apparently Pete at PNM does upgrade chips which may work. However you need to get round the sensors, ie speed sensor to name one of a few. Jon does factorise this in with his re-programed chips & apparently has done quite a few G car converions like this. Worth looking into, as is also the cheeper route to sort an ECU. Plus you can make this look like it came out the factory like this, if you value this look.

Emerald certainly looks very promising, & is what I am considering. I had a good chat with Dave Walker the other week. They now have a newer version ECU, K6 I think it is now. But is not the cheepest rout. Factor in approx £1000 including ECU, the dyno check & mapping. However you will be able to do all sorts of things like launch controll if you ever wanted, different power settings ect. I wasn't aware it didn't do the knok sensor, I will be checking on that.

Andy Jenkins is best person I know to speak to about ECUs(AJAY)

As for 300bhp. are you looking at changing your gearbox aswell Si. Cause that's only rated to about 200bhp as you prob know. I'm looking at keeping mine at 220-230 region.Though am tempted to have one of the settings at 260bhp, baring in mind the G car is lighter then the S cars, so better power to wieght.

It seams this upgrade is becoming quite popular

Edited by dazmans3

The need for speed can be found with a Lotus

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Peter

Converted my 86 Turbo to fuel inj a two years ago. Have used Emerald K3 with great results. No problem using the K3 to control the plenum injectors.

Good luck


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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Megasquirt would be able to control the secondary injectors just fine. One great thing about the tuning software is that the Megasquirt configuration software also has a autotune mode that will make adjustments to the VE tables as you drive to bring the mixture in line with an AFR table of your choice. Doing the setup is fairly easy. My 2.0L 907 naturally asperated motor is running quite nicely with EFI and no distributor. I have a 14 page pdf file I have been sending out via E-mail on request that does a pretty good job describing the crank-fired ignition conversion that does away with the distributor. I was surprised at how much difference just the ignition conversion made even when the engine was still running on the twin ZS emissions carbs. Once I got the ignition sorted out I went back and did the EFI conversion so I would only be debugging one thing at a time. I did all of the system hardware design and wiring including the design of the high pressure fuel system bits. I did have a local fabricator who is very good assist with the crank sensor bracket and the tig welding of the injector bungs into the intake manifold. The software/firmware configuration of the system after it was installed was not difficult at all and the car started and ran the first time after getting the EFI bits fully connected. Except for a small electrical wiring problem with the VR sensor connection, it was the same with the first step of the ignition conversion. Once I fixed the small wiring issue on the VR sensor the car fired right up with the crank-fired ignition.

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No progress to report on this at all unfortunately.

I have moved all the bits from the spare bedroom to the garage a couple of weeks ago but apart from that... zip!

I do want to get this sorted but fear that this year may be an untrainable target for completion due to everything else that's going on in the Thomas household at present. This year I will be happy to just patch the exhaust and unblock the carbs so she'll run properly.

Chunky Lover

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I'm doing the job step by step. I firstly installed a crank sensor and al the measurements to control the ignition.

The ignition is now controlled by Emerald, currently still running on carbs, next step will be fuel injection.

Maybe end of this year...

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Crank sensor set up from Jan Petterson (I've copied his set-up on mine Esprit)

A friend of me did cut the triggerwheel, it has to be a 36 tooth trigger -1.

He made a 36 triggerwheel and I had to cut one tooth, on the correct spot, after installing the triggerwheel.

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How did you actually mount the trigger wheel without disturbing the alignment of any of the pulley to the outside of your trigger wheel?

I.E. without moving them out away from the engine when adding the thickness of the metal in your trigger wheel?

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Thanks Peter.

Have you noticed any difference in the way the car runs or starts with this system verses the distributor?

I know when I did the ignition first on my car I thought it started a lot better and seemed smoother on the highway.



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The same feeling as you have it runs verry smooth. I can have a iddle rpm of 750 without any hasitation, it starts verry easy...

I use a set of MSD coils to produce the high tention voltage. I also installed a EGT probe in the exhaust.

Notice on provious picture: all the teeth are still on the triggerwheels as it depends on were you place your pick-up element which tooth has to be cut

Edited by bosbon_be
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  • 2 weeks later...


What happened to the pictures of your crank trigger setup?

I had passed a link to this thread onto a friend to look at the photos

but now they are gone.



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