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Esprit V8 Air Con Capacity

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I've done quite a few searches but can't really find much. Most drive in garages haven't got the Esprit V8 listed as to how much gas and oil they should put in. I found one or two hints and info but nothing concrete.

Most cars take on average 700grams and between 70-120 grams of oil.

I found that in the technical specification there should be 1KG or 1000grams of gas but nothing on how much oil.

BTW, I had mine regassed today so it's a bit late as I took an educated guess. It would be useful to know for the future so we can post it in the Wiki or on here or LEW.

Any info would be appreciated.


David Walters

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  • Gold FFM

David, do you have the *owners handbook* ..the small one ?!

it says: .....ermmm, nothing :ice:

but I gues the workshop-book can help on that -it say (based on the *service bulletin from '95 [R134a introduction]) Esprit 1.0kg ...and for the oil 'specification unchanged, as noted in section PD...'

so it sounds like it is 1oz for the Drier, 1oz for the condenser and if the evaporator-unit was changed 3oz have to readded for that part of the system. Think this means the typical Esprit aircondition carried 1.4kg on R12 (in old times), or nowadays 1.0kg on R134a (nowadays) and 5oz of oil ?!


to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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Not sure but I don't think those numbers include the compressor oil charge which could be a few more ounces.

The notes say a new compressor is charged with 6 ounces of oil from the factory. There is actually a procedure and special tools listed for checking the oil level in the compressor if servicing is needed...

1995 S4s

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  • Gold FFM

OK, lets add 6 ounces more for the compressor-unit. But problem still is that there is none of the mentioned 'inspection glass' within the V8 aircon-system... .


to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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  • 2 years later...

Hi all,

I am wondering if someone can help me, I seem to have forgotten a few things about my car. When the air con gas gets too low and you try and put the air con on, do the fans still come on? I went out in mine yesterday and trued the air con but nothing happened. Checked all the fuses and they are OK. It worked about a month ago when I was out in it last. I seem to recall that when the gas was low approx 2 years ago, the same thing happened but now I am unsure?

Will someone confirm what happens when the gas gets too low please?

Oh, and did we establish the correct capacities for gas and oil for the whole system?


David Walters

Edited by superdavelotus
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Thanks Dave,

As I thought. Well it came back from Kwikfit yesterday and it's all working fine now, nice and cool!

The guy rememmbered me from 2 years ago and remembered that the car need to go on their MOT ramp as it was the only one that is flat. Also this is a bit to far from the air con machine so they have to attach extension leads to the machine. He remembered where the port was which was good.

It caused a bit of a stir apparently. The guy said randon people kept turning up asking what type of car it was. They even took pictures the guy said!

I have booked it in for MOT next month as I asked about warming my sports cats up first so it would pass on emissions first time. If parked up then the cats don't get hot enough.

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Correct capacity on R134 is 1.2kg

Too much will sieze the compressor. The receiver/drier should be changed every 2 years (only £40 from Lotus).

Kwikfit???? EEEk. Spent many times correcting their f-ups.....

To answer the post about when it stops working. The fans and compressor will still cut in if there is a bit of gas left - usually around 5/600gm any less and the pressure switch won't operate and the fans etc don't cut in.

Most important bit is to vacuum out the system for at least 1/2hr before re-gassing to get out any moisture.

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