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Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Trade In For Sale!

Hi Everyone, Just a quick heads up to say that I have a pair of the gorgeous Sonus Faber Olympica 3 speakers for sale in walnut, they are a trade in, 2 years old with very little use in as new condition. Price new £10,498 Our Price - £6995 http://hifilounge.co.uk/Sonus-Faber-Olympica-III-Speakers Any questions please feel free to get in touch. Regards, Paul. Cheers, Paul.



Wilson Audio Sasha 2 Install, Big Speakers in a Small Room Can Work!

Hi Everyone, I just thought I would do a quick blog on an install that I did earlier in the week as one of the things that annoys me is when people say big speakers in a small room can’t work, when I had PMC MB2′s at home before setting up HFL they were only in a smallish room and they absolutely sung so in reality there is no reason why a big speaker can’t work in a small room but this install was definitely going to test that theory. So after our PMC Fenestria install struggles, whic



Join us for a Fyne Open Day with Fyne Audio - February 2nd!

Hi Everyone, So here we go again, the first open day of 2019 and being that the introduction of Fyne Audio to our portfolio was one of the highlights of 2018 it will definitely be a good one. Fyne Audio may be a new name in HiFi but between the 7 strong management team they have over 200 years experience so they may be new in name but they most definitely know how to design a fantastic speaker as all the awards and glowing reviews they have won so far show since launching last year. So



PMC Fenestria Install, Not The Most Straightforward!

Hi Everyone, I was hoping to do a blog a week or so before Christmas about a successful install of a pair of the PMC Fenestria’s Speakers, the first pair sold into the UK in fact, but unfortunately it wasn’t the smoothest installation which after a 2nd visit yesterday proved 100% that it is the room that is the issue, I have always said that your room is the most important part of your HiFi which really does get overlooked by a lot of HiFi Enthusiasts and this really did prove it so I thoug



Atlas Asimi Luxe Cables Now On Demo, All £22,500′s Worth!

Hi all, I think everyone knows that we love Atlas Cables at HFL, I was using them personally before setting up HFL and continue to be just as impressed as I have always been with them, they just get out of the way and let the music do it’s thing, you can’t really as for more than that. So when Atlas announced their new Asimi Luxe cables I thought the time was right to bring them on for permanent demo, mainly to use in our Bryston 28B, Chord Dave and PMC Fenestria setup as I know from p



What A Mighty Fyne Speaker Line Up!

Hi Everyone, One of the highlights for me during 2018 was hearing my first pair of Fyne Audio speakers, the F501′s, I really never expected them to be as goods as they were and they really filled a gap in our speaker lineup as I had never really found a speaker at this price point before that I could really recommend and since that moment we have sold quite a few pairs to some very happy customers which is great news. But it was always Fyne Audio’s plan to bring a full range of speaker



Happy Christmas and Opening Times!

Hi Everyone, Firstly both Wendy and myself just wanted to say a huge thanks for everyones support throughout 2018, it has been an incredible year and our busiest so far, the last 2 months have been extremely busy which is great news, it really does feel like a golden age for HiFi again with some amazing products being launched and a real hunger for high quality kit to enjoy music on, I’ve said it before but I find it mind blowing just how many people there are buying quality HiFi, when we s



McIntosh Celebrate Their 70th Anniversary in Style!

Hi All, Just like Lotus this year in McIntosh Audio's 70th Anniversary, 2 of my favourite things in life, 1948 was certainly a good year   Well McIntosh are certainly celebrating in style by releasing 2 new products to celebrate such a landmark, the C70 Pre-Amp and the MC2152 Stereo Valve amp which is the one that has got me excited, surely this is one of the most, if not the most, beautiful amp ever built, the only downside is that they are only making 70 of each so these are to be a



New Demo Kit at HFL, Sonus Faber, Naim, Pioneer, Fyne, Meze, REL & Devialet!

Hi Everyone, Generally I like to blog each new individual product that we put on demo at HFL but with a combination of receiving a lot of new demo equipment lately and being extremely busy in the run up to Christmas, I’m definitely not complaining, then I just haven’t been able to find the time so I have compiled a list below of a lot of the new stuff on demo, I’ve also bought on a couple more brands lately that I will announce in a separate blog. I have to say that I don’t think we’ve



Chord M Scaler On Demo + Thoughts!

Hi All, I know the Chord Electronics M Scaler has been out for a month or so now but we haven’t had it in here much as it has been out on loan for most of that time but I just wanted to do a quick blog to say that we have actually got a demo model if you did want to try it which I strongly recommend if you have a Chord DAC, in particular a Qutest, Hugo TT 2 or Dave as it really does take these Dac’s to another level. I know when we had our Chord Electronics Open Day and I was speaking



Devialet Phantom Reactor Now On Demo + Unboxing!

Hi Everyone, Just a quickie to say that we now have the new Devialet Phantom Reactor 600 on demo with the 900 following very shortly so if you’d like to come in for a demo anytime please feel free. I can’t stress enough how impressive this smaller Phantom is, you just can’t appreciate it really until you see it alongside the original Phantom and hear what it is capable of, quite amazing really for it’s size. So if you have always wanted a Phantom but didn’t have the space or you a



Brigadiers Audio Mu.2 Speakers Now On Demo, You Really Need To Hear These!

Hi Everyone, So firstly I am really pleased to add Brigadiers Audio to our portfolio, I’m sure it is not a name everyone will be familiar with, I had honestly never heard of them before but they really do have something quite special to offer with their Mu.2 speakers. Brigadiers Audio are an Australian company based in Sydney that have over 150 years experience between them, they draw on the design experience of noted Australian designer Brad Serhan, who has been designing ‘award winning’ l



End Of Season Brands Hatch Report, Missed The Fangio Title By 0.2 Sec, Doh!

Hi All, So almost as if it was all a dream my first season pretending to be a racing driver is over, talk about all over in the blink of an eye, I wish my driving was that fast Seriously though it really does feel like only the other day we were at the Autosport show in January signing on the dotted line to join the Radical SR1 Cup championship. So how has it been? In all honestly it has been great fun but it has transpired that it is most definitely a lot harder in real life than it



Rega Planar 8 Now On Demo @ HFL!

Hi Everyone, Just a real quickie to say that we now have the new Rega Planar 8 with Apheta 2 on permanent demo and it really is sounding good which is no surprise considering the expertise and experience Rega have when it comes to designing a turntable. I have set it up in our Naim room running into Rega’s new Reference Aura Phono Stage to really show it at it’s best, it really does sing on our Naim 500 System feeding the PMC Fenestria’s. I have to say I love the minimalist stying



PMC Speakers Open Day Featuring Fenestria - December 1st!

Hi Everyone, I’m pleased to announce that on December 1st we will be holding a PMC Speakers Open Day with the main attraction being the epic new Fenestria Speakers, these really do need to be heard to be believed, driven by the amazing Bryston 28B3 Power Amps delivering 1 Kilo Watt into each channel, I hooked these up to the Fenestria’s yesterday in my mission to get the absolute best from them and the 28′s really did transform their character giving a more powerful sound but also bringing



Hope To See You At he Windsor HiFi Show This Weekend!

Hi There, Just a quickie to say that we are closed this Friday / Saturday as we are helping out at the Windsor HiFi Show, basically we are running a small headphone area to show off the new dCS Bartok as a high end headphone solution so if you are going to the show please pop by and say hello, you can find more info on the show below - https://www.hifinews.co.uk/editorial/page.asp?p=1173 The idea is to take a long a small selection of Highend Headphones for attendees to list



Focal Elegia Closed Back Headphones Now On Demo!

Hi All, Focal really have hit the spot with their range of open back headphones released over the last couple of years which have been very popular indeed so it is great news that they have now added a closed back to their range with the Elegia which we are pleased to say we now have on permanent demo, priced at £799 these are definitely going to carry on Focal’s success in the headphone market. If you’d like a listen anytime or to compare against other closed back headphones on the ma



More PMC Fenestria Speaker Pictures!

Hi Everyone, Well the PMC Fenestria’s have definitely been pulling people in for a listen and no one has had a bad word to say, in fact I think it is fair to say everyone has been totally blown away how good they are, I am still having far too many late nights at the moment as I work through my music collection, I have to say that I think one of their biggest strengths is how they make even poor recordings sound good which is a real bonus as when you get a high resolution system like this y



How To Drive Speakers With The Chord Electronics Hugo TT 2 DAC + Open Day Thanks!

Hi Everyone, Firstly I want to thank everyone that came to our Chord Electronics open day on Saturday, I would say it was one of our best yet with a brilliant turn out and getting a chance to sit and listen to one of Rob Watts presentations was incredible, feel really honoured that he made the time to visit HiFi Lounge really especially as we are such fans of his work, to be fair the presentations were quite technical but everyone that attended had nothing but praise for what Rob had to say



Fyne Audio Speakers Now On Demo!

Hi Everyone, So I think it is fair to say that I do like my speakers as we do have a fair collection of different brands here at HFL but if I am totally honest I have never found a brand that I feel happy to offer our customer’s at the cheaper end of the spectrum as really we don’t really get going to around the £2000 mark which I have always known is a bit steep for a lot of people but if we are going to bring a brand on at HFL then I really do have to believe in it myself. Enter Fyne



New Sony VPL-VW570ES Projector Now On Demo!

Hi Everyone, This is just a quick heads-up that we now have the new Sony VPL-VW570ES native 4K projector on demo, priced at £7999 this sits below the brilliant VW760ES Laser projector which we also have on permanent demo. For me Sony stole the march on JVC for projection over the last few years but at long last JVC have upped their game and now offer a range of Native 4K projectors to compete directly with Sony so as soon as available I will be putting the JVC DLA-N7 on demo which comp



The New PMC Finestria Speakers Now On Demo - Utterly Incredible!

Hi Everyone, A lot of you already know that HiFi Lounge forming is directly connected to PMC, for those who don’t know the story basically myself and Wendy attended a PMC open day around 10 years ago where we heard the mighty BB5 XBD’s, we were so blown away we bought a pair of MB2i’s for home, as we couldn’t fit the BB5’s in our living room, I absolutely loved those speakers and that moment inspired us to sell our house and to attempt to become a HiFi dealer and to set up HFL, so bearing t



Chord Electronics Hugo TT 2 Now On Demo!

Hi Everyone, I know there has been a lot of people looking forward to the Hugo TT 2 so it is great news that we now have our demo one in store and up and running, I run a Hugo TT at home so really looking forward to trying the TT 2 myself as I can see one ending up in my system asap. The M Scaler is due any day now also, again really looking forward to trying this as although I know how well it works with the Blu 2 and Dave it really be really interesting to try it paired with the Hugo



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