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APB last won the day on November 14 2022

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  • Car
    1997 Esprit V8
  • Location
    Santa Monica, California, formerly Bournemouth, UK

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  1. APB

    OBD scanner

    Thank you!
  2. APB

    OBD scanner

    Sorry, I meant OBD and I don't see a way to edit the post...
  3. APB

    OBD scanner

    Any recommendations for an OBD scanner that works with our cars? Mine is a 1997 Esprit V8. I ask because the check engine light came on, again, and I'm wondering if it's OK to drive it a bit or if I have to get it towed to the shop, again, LOL! When I was trying to get a smog check, a few places couldn't do it because they didn't have this model in their database and I wonder if that's the same with the scanners. Btw, I know where the OBD port is. It's in the trunk, hidden above the battery. The guy that finally did the smog said it took him a while to find it.
  4. After some minor work on the hoses I was able to drive it home in L.A. traffic. It never got hotter than the middle of the gauge.
  5. Quick update, it passed the smog check with the new (to me) cats but then overheated on the dyno. I'm hoping it's just a 25yo hose that burst but I can't get it into a shop until next week.
  6. Too bad. Was it BL at the time? They didn't exactly have a reputation for reliability or longevity, LOL! Around the same time, my dad wanted an E-Type but my mom nixed it, saying it was too impractical, so he bought an XJ-12L. Fast forward 30 years when I was dealing with my parents' estate and I got GBP 300 for it, for parts. An E-Type in the same condition would have been more like 30,000
  7. @LotuStuart which Spitfire do you have? I bought a Spitfire 1500 when I was 16, before I could even learn to drive. It was in pretty bad shape (rust and dings) and I spent over a year restoring it, rebuilding the engine, teardown to the chassis and repaint inside and out. Learned a lot, thanks to my dad. I often wonder where it is now. I remember the number plate to this day: PDD 174R
  8. Ha, ha! And even when you're not speeding it sounds like you are!
  9. That sucks, although I'm not sure I'd want to drive a Lotus in London traffic, LOL. It's bad enough around here. I just checked and the fine for expired registration is $200 for the first offence if under six months (which it is). It still has the dealer's ad plate on it, so not drawing attention to expired tags. So, I'll take a chance and *try* to keep it under the speed limit... 😇
  10. That's probably good advice, LOL!
  11. Well, three smog check stations later and the problem seems to be that the part numbers for the OEM cats I have are not in CARB's system. Guess I'll have to wait until it can be looked at by the referee in January.
  12. Thinking I'll try a random drive through smog check place tomorrow. Worst case I'll get a report telling me what the problem is...
  13. Thanks, I hope so, and hope the process will help some others here. There isn't anything I can do now until January but I'll post updates here. I'm still driving it and will be in some murky waters if I get stopped but it still has Florida dealer plates (a plastic printout) and a Florida registration that technically expired in September but we'll see. I've complied with the law as I read it...
  14. Well, I jumped through all of the hoops, found OEM cats, had them shipped and installed, and went for a smog check this morning. The guy failed it without even checking the emissions because the year stamped on the cats didn't match the MY of the car. He was also an a**hole about it. Probably doesn't like people who own cars he can only dream of... I just called the referee program and it's a long process. Thoughts?
  15. Haven't even registered it yet. It was scheduled in today for the smog check after getting new cats. I guess it could be related but I'm hoping for the best and planning for the worst. I'd like to post some good news here soon and maybe a picture at the beach with a palm tree, LOL. Girls seem to like it, and valet guys...
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