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  • Birthday 04/10/1962

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  • Name
  • Car
    1999 Lotus Esprit V8
  • Location
    Clearwater Florida USA

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  1. Last chance. Car will sell within 24 hours on Ebay. Bid is at 24K http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1999-NO-RESERVE-Lotus-Esprit-V8-Coupe-2-Door-3-5L-/111019713104?_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&forcev4exp=true#ht_3057wt_1196
  2. Do you run this setup inline with the red hose? Deleting the stock regulator valve?
  3. I know if you shorten the rods it will increase boost and if you lengthen will decrease. How many turns? Do you go one turn at a time and test drive?
  4. I know there has been some success in using an electronic boost controller ...... http://www.impconcepts.com/espritv8boostupcontroller.htm Rather complex and expensive to gain just a few points on the bar meter. Has anyone had any luck with a manual boost controller configured inline the red hose?
  5. Yes it bleeds in to the atmosphere. But as I said, when hooked up that way it really does not do anything. It boosts up to .7 bar and that's it. When I owned my 1990 4 cylinder Esprit SE, I used one and it worked great.
  6. Leave the factory control valve "solenoid" hooked in the configuration?
  7. I put in a boost gauge, works great. Drove for about a week to see what the stock boost is, looks normal. Bought one of those manual controllers that bleeds off air and just cant get it to work correct. I have tried many different ways and settings. I am basically using the red hose on the right, disconnected from factory controller solenoid and using a T and then the bleed off valve, nothing, no matter how many clicks. Then I tried the bleed valve direct, at 0-1 click I get tons of boost....to much, the air flow is basically shut off. At 2 clicks its nothing, back to stock. Is there usually free flowing with no boost and shunted when boost kicks in? Am I beating a dead horse cause the ECU will always fight and try to adjust anything that I do? Any help would be appreciated.
  8. +1, no way a robot could put this together. Very tedious work. Mine is still blowing icy cold, and I am loving it. The heat will still be around here for another month or two.
  9. Mine is back working again. Must be something inside the circuit board itself, since the speedo portion works fine.
  10. Bump. This is happening to me, crazy odometer syndrome. Anyone get anywhere on this yet?
  11. I got a new set of mats because the ones that came with the car were curling and not the quality that I want. I hate to throw them away so I will give them away YOU PAY SHIPPING OR PICK UP. PM me if you want them and I will give you my address and you can send a call tag. They are not torn or ripped just curly around the edge a little. They used to sell on ebay for around $79. They look like the pic below. They came out of a 99 V8, but should fit many other years.
  12. Looks to be the same for both sides. This is the only pic they show in the parts book.
  13. Cool! I think your version and my 99 V8 used different set ups. But as long as I have the correct spline and bolt pattern anything can be done.
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