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Everything posted by simonf

  1. Looks like it's mainly local lads interested in this meet. I reckon we should meet up at the Lay-by just before the turning for the UEA on the Earlham Road and then spin out to Nick's Diner, Deopham?? How does that sound? Could I have numbers please:- simonF
  2. Ahh Shawn Taylor's shindig......good idea, I was half tempted to offer my services as one of the rides
  3. Yes you probably did, unless you're a traffic warden.....in which case you are very mistaken! Lol Thanks ol' bean.....good to be back.
  4. Thanks Bibs......I'm almost deliriously happy with it☺️
  5. I'm trying Bibs, but it won't upload......I seem to remember Photobucket being involved ??
  6. Hi guys, Now I have a fully functioning Lotus again (just bought an Evora) I thought it was time to come back to TLF and I am wondering if any of you lot fancy meeting up for bite to eat and a good old fashioned catch up?? I'm going to put forward Tuesday 14th October 2014 at 7.30pm? Meeting point to be determined once I know who is coming and from where. Cheers chaps Simon
  7. The monthly AEG meeting to be held at the Bird In Hand, Wreningham, Norfolk arrive at 7.30pm to eat at 8.00pm hope to see you there!
  8. I notice from the calendar that DaveEds has posted about St Mary's Classic Car Show in Bishops Stortford - The AEG could take a run down the A11 instead of going to the coast - what do we all think??
  9. Well said buddsy. I haven't heard any complaints from those who regularly turn out to these events. I do think that it is quite easy to be bored when you don't make any effort to turn up to these events or any others. I notice that there was a classic car run for charity today, that i posted a thread on it ages ago, i put it on the calendar and guess what - not supported by anyone in the AEG!! Not even a reply on the thread - So if you wanted to go for a drive together, there was your chance! I can only post these things up, i cant make you support them!
  10. So the list so far Simonf_______________Audi S5 Andydclements________Esprit turbo
  11. I will be popping over in the Audi so i too will see you there!
  12. I am eating! It will be nice to see you Owen, its been a while!!
  13. A nice coastal hoon - not supported I thought people were looking for an excuse to go out for a hoon!
  14. simonf

    AEG coastal Hoon

    Meeting at Longwater Retail Park Norwich at 11:00am and then taking in a mixture of twisty stuff and fast straights then ending up In Gt Yarmouth for fish and chips and possibly a pint - then some of the coastal road and then home!! Anyone up for it all cars LEFers welcome!
  15. It has been brought to my attention, that the AEG is becoming known as a 'Diners Club' and we can't have that can we!! So what i propose is to meet up at Longwater Retail Park, Norwich on Sunday 13th September 2009 at 11:00am and then take in some nice roads to the coast, a route may be supplied on the day (if i can get insurrance for an event) if not it will be an impromptu drive out (because you don't need insurance if there isn't a planned route!!) Anyway it will end up at one coast of another (i am thinking Gt Yarmouth) for fish and chips (oh doesn't that still make us a diners club??? ) and then a thrash back!! Could i have a list of those interested in attending please in the usual fashion Name Car Simonf Audi S5 as the esprit turbo is still sick
  16. This thread is to welcome aboard the lastest AEG member. I thought this would be a better way of saying hi than the group PM's i used to send. So please give a warm AEG welcome to Paul@thewatermill AKA Paul Clark. Paul is 46 and hails from Thetford and he drives a sexy V8 SE! Let me be the first to say welcome aboard Paul, we very much look forward to your input on our threads and seeing you at one of our meetings! Simonf
  17. I take on board everyones comments, I just think that if people were unhappy with direction of the AEG, there were better/more tactful ways of bringing it to my attention without the risk of insulting even if that is the way they felt. Even send me a PM entittled bored, bored, bored, bored if that was the case. Why not just ask the AEG if they want to go for a drive? arrange a time and a date and go from there. I don't see why this has to be about me? I can take critism if it is done properly! politely, I just think it shows a complete lack of finesse. I am sorry if everyone thinks that the AEG is just a dining club, i thought those who regularly turned up to these meets generally enjoyed each others company and were quite happy with the way things were going. With regards kimbers not being able to make it on tuesdays, that is a pity but we can't change the date of the meeting just to suit one person, that always just leads to disaster. It is true that one meeting had to be aborted due to lack of interest, but this is the first to date. At the last meeting we had 7 of us, with 5 esprits! but i will endeavour to arrange more hoons, if that is what i should be doing. Simonf
  18. I am sorry to hear that you feel that way tony. I must say i think that a thread tilttled bored, bored, bored, bored, board is a little un-necessary and more than just a little bit insulting. I know that you say don't take it personally, but your choice of tittle is there for everyone to see and i can't help but feel that it could have been a little softer! With regards to the meetings, it has always been the first tuesday of the month and we all know what happens when the AEG stray from the path - Nothing! In my deffence I have tried to organise other events such as AEG Go-Karting which was on a saturday and only one AEGer turned up!!!! meaning I had to fill the other 11 places with friends which was not the idea. I have also tried to arrange a trip to Santa Pod - again this was not supported. If you want to go for a hoon, i am always up for it, but surely it doesn't have to be me that arranges it, does it? As many of the AEG will know, i am struggling at the moment to organise even the monthly meetings as my mother has been off work in our family business since 18th December 2008 fighting cancer, leaving me in control with only one other full time member of staff and two part timers (in short about 4 full time members down) and in light of this i would be more than happy to step aside and let someone else take the rains of the AEG. Any takers? Please let me know. Simonf
  19. Its time to start organising the next AEG meeting, this time it is to be held in Norfolk and as a result it will be held at The Bird in Hand, Wrenningham. Could you please add your name to the list if you wish to attend Simonf Food required
  20. I think Buddsy and i may have arrived a little late in the day as half of the cars that you have photographed had gone!! The little BMW issetta didn't make it all the way home - that is sat at Shawn Taylor Racing with a massive oil patch beneath it!!!! See even BMW's breakdown sometimes!
  21. Sorry i missed you Owen, i did manage to catch up with Buddsy though!! I have to say after Helmingham, i found this event a little disappointing, there were large gaps where there were obviously going to be more displays! I suppose it was only
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