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About Kimbers

  • Birthday 09/09/1967

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    2010 Evora 2+0, Sportage PHEV 262HP, Sportage HEV 226HP (Mrs car), plus kids will never pay me back for their cars so they are mine too!
  • Location
    Deep Dark Depths of Narfuk!

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  1. I'm going slightly earlier with my daughters birthday 3rd September 2024 at 11am
  2. What wages. Some of us do it for free! And to mention that, some regions get a discount on their council tax for being things like a Special or a Volunteer paramedic. Rochdale for example offer a 50% discount! We get zippo!
  3. I get virtually nothing for that Ian. No street lighting, no Green Spaces looked after, Weeds growing out of the curb and waste taken once every 2 weeks. Plus I have to pay for green waste to be taken. It's all wrong wrongity wrong wrong
  4. It is included in Cypriot Council tax not water companies.
  5. So I'll have my NI contributions back for the past 40 years please! Whats that? Some of it went to the NHS? OK so I'll have half of it back, my last months NI was £424. If I'm not getting a paltry pension then shove it up your ass!! As for water companies, whilst I part agree with both arguments I have just come from Cyprus where you have to pay for clean water to drink. We paid a little over £1 for a 10 litre bottle to fit in a chilling dispenser which lasted us (3 of us) 3 days. Their tap water charge is excellent e0.9 per cu meter. The average use for a family of 3 there is 0.6cu Meters a day, so 60 cents a day, or 50pence a day in Sterling (thats a lot less than the UK). Now take into account that everyone irrigates their gardens, many have pools, and yet there are no water limitations despite it not raining from March to November, infact the vast majority drink their tap water as we do. Its only tourists with their sensitive little tummies who drink bottled. So overall its cheaper for water and they have very similar strict rules on quality as the UK. However add in that I pay £2300 Council tax here in Norfolk. For that I get my bins done once every 2 weeks, no street lighting, Sewage that backs up due to over building of houses, for the 100 year old system and....well thats about it. My house as a villa in Cyprus would be e300 a year. A normal 2 bed house e90. That includes bins being done twice weekly, street lighting in every area where there is a house and sewage charge, though many villas have a tank for that which attracts a discount off your council tax. Hell, I can go on, their VAT rate is 19%, only 1% cheaper than the UK but many items are exempt, Fresh Food produce for example. Fuel is 5% including petrol which I was buying for around £1.10-1.20 a litre. Electricity is 30% cheaper than the UK, A bus ticket is e1.50 any distance. A bottle of rum is a staggering e8.00 Even Whiskey made in scotland, like Jonny Walker is £12 instead of £20 here. I'm sorry, its not just water we are ripped off on, it's Council Tax, Electricity, Road Tax, petrol Duty, etc etc. Infact, why do we work? Cause to me it seems like its for the benefit of others, not ourselves!
  6. I have warned everyone time and time again. At last the Motor organisations are starting to listen to what we have been saying for a year now. DO NOT BUY AN EV! Even if you get offered one at half price it will be at quarter price within a few months! There are thousands and thousands sitting at docks unsold, manufacturers will have to register these at some point and flog for nothing further pushing down prices. One dealer said yesterday to me "We can't give away EV's used and only sell them new if they are on Salary sacrifice or company vehicles. Don't try and sell me one cause we won't buy EV's any more". And don't quote SMMT figures, these are purposely being botched to try and make EV sales look like they are happening or so Manufacturers don't get fined by not hitting EV targets set by the totally oblivious and blinkered Government!. Mainly through forced Registrations (making dealers register them as Demos/Courtesy vehicles and Pre Reg then standing them up in a field for years). Collapsing BEV values pose “existential threat” to leasing industry (fleetnews.co.uk)
  7. I won't comment apart from saying I am so pleased you are finally getting some closure Barry.
  8. I had a 30 inch waist then! Now I have a 30 inch thigh!
  9. Yes when off college for summer my brother and I did a lot of the testing of the Sinclair. We did around 4500 miles each and had several C5 prototypes. We did non stop miles until they ran out of charge, then made notes on how many laps done, put them on charge and swapped to another. If they broke then did a report, changed the parts if easy to do (Drive belts etc) anything needing more the engineers did them. It wasn't the main track it was a track built at the old factory (now Classic). Included a 1 in 4 hill built from scaffolding. It was great fun I must admit. Tiring, but fun.
  10. I dunno, at least they don't have a Green Party!!
  11. Last day on the computer today so see you all in a few weeks! Enjoy the peace and quiet without me!
  12. Just a note, reading the legislation for this (boring but have to for work). Some of my friends at a Local performance car club have talked about getting the ECU remapped to delete the limiter, as per their current German Performance cars where they get rid of the 155mph limiter. This will be written into law, so unlike the 155mph Limiter, if you get the speed limiter remapped or have a diversion round it, it will effect your Insurance...... like you won't get paid a penny. i would think it will be the first thing they will check as its an easy out "Well you were doing 33 in a 30 which means your £75,000 Emira claim is Poopy!". Oh yeah and don't forget the car will be uploading its location in real time so they will be able to tell what speed you were doing. Which raises another question, how long before you get an automated Speed Ticket from your car grassing you up!
  13. And now the outrage has started. Govt has sneakily tried to keep any major announcement out of the press and Press have only just switched on to this. Saw a post on FB from a news organisation and it had over 12,000 outraged replies. It was posted up at 6am this morning! I can just imagine the conversation in cabinet "People are going to hate this and we need to keep it a secret till we can sneak the new legislation out" "Wait, isn't it an EU law? but we left the EU!" Yeah but for years people have enjoyed more and more freedoms using their cars and transport, so they need a gentle reminder that we control them" "Good point, good point". "Lets release it a week or so before the General election!" "Brilliant! Then we can blame whoever wins!!"
  14. The Labour candidate for South Norfolk (A totally Rural constituency) lives in Deeside 245 miles away. The Tory Candidate lives in Cambridge, 70 miles away The Green Part Activist....sorry candidate lives in Norwich doesn't own a car and will have to rely on the buses of which there are virtually none, cause its a rural area. However they have never and don't know anything about rural living and would stop animal and diary farming, get rid of the Farmers diesel machinery and kill the whole area so they are a gig fat Raspberry. the Liberal candidate lives in an IP postcode in Suffolk. If you know anything about the Norfolk Suffolk divide you know he isn't getting a vote. So that leaves an Independent who is the only one Living in South Norfolk and Reform UK who's candidate lives in Broadland in Norfolk. if you know anything about Norfolk is that South Norfolk and Broadland back on to each other and are very similar in make up. I will not vote for anyone who I think doesn't understand the local area, it's needs and wants and what they need to focus on. For me that only leaves independent or Reform. I am currently reading up on both candidates to see where my postal vote goes.
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