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I am still considering doing an Alton Towers run - mid September (always just *after* school starts back! ;) )

Not 100% I'm going to be able to do it but its a fair chance I will...

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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Are items of Burberry/Elizabeth Duke earrings compulsory at this establishment?? ;) They seemed to be at Flamingoland last week. One smart young chap had a Burberry band tattoed around his neck.....

Edited by britten_mark

In the garage no-one can hear you scream 

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"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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Is there anything planned this year that is remotley Northern?  ;)


You could organise something yourself?? ;)

Only reason we meet in Oxford is 'cos Dermot and I live there, and what started out as a "local" meet has become something of an event.. lol.

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You could organise something yourself?? ;)

Only reason we meet in Oxford is 'cos Dermot and I live there, and what started out as a "local" meet has become something of an event.. lol.


Is there any owners in Scotland?, we are only 80 miles away ish..,Theres only a couple of us in the North east that contribute to the forums unless you count Geff Moat who I havent ever seen post on here or Unity, and I dont go on Yahoo at all so dont know if hes still active on there, might be a plan but Im not the one to organise it :huh: any offers......

Im Brian and so is my wife

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Yes there are a couple of Scots - Ed McGlone with that stunnign red HC for a start.... Mark B is oop neurth... Dave Rooms is in 'ull

If you want a meet get off your bum and do it! ;)

We only ever have / had them cos one of us just gets on with it!

If you want something in life, if you don't do it yourself, you cannot complain when it doesnt happen :huh:

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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don't forget little old me here in the worst city in the world ever, ha we got more chip shops than you!!

There is actually quite a few northern owners of cars. Not all are on the forums (scary demon interwebby thing!!)

Theres also a fair few in the northwest as well.

It was always a shame the club lotus team esprit thing never worked. That one and only meet at stonleigh was so well represented, bout 100 odd cars. Bet they still have some helpful names and addresses for organising this kind of thing.

just me 2p


Alan Croft

2000 V8 GT

87 Turbo Esprit HC

2000 Elise Sport 160

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I have about 25 names and e-mail addresses for Esprit only owners Manchester/N.Wales and North of here.

Adrain and I started to organise something but in the end decided it was too much hassle. Shame really as we need something up North.

A few ideas we had was a track gathering to watch a dozen or so hard core drivers willing to go on the track. The other one is an organised run which involved having proper insurances etc.

I think for starter we need a decent meet up place so people can get to know each other.

If there are any classic/sports car shows then this maybe a starting point of an organised event and have our own stand.

I can supply all the names to you Ian but I haven't got the time to organise anything due to my personal life. I can also pass details how to organise an run.

There maybe a chance I can organise someone to come along to give a talk about a subject or do an install guide or another person to bring some development parts. Not promising anything but I'll certainly try.

ps. you could always tag onto the Nyloc group which meet up one Tuesday every month. Alan Croft has more details.

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I have about 25 names and e-mail addresses for Esprit only owners Manchester/N.Wales and North of here.

Adrain and I started to organise something but in the end decided it was too much hassle. Shame really as we need something up North.

A few ideas we had was a track gathering to watch a dozen or so hard core drivers willing to go on the track. The other one is an organised run which involved having proper insurances etc.

I think for starter we need a decent meet up place so people can get to know each other.

If there are any classic/sports car shows then this maybe a starting point of an organised event and have our own stand.

I can supply all the names to you Ian but I haven't got the time to organise anything due to my personal life. I can also pass details how to organise an run.

There maybe a chance I can organise someone to come along to give a talk about a subject or do an install guide or another person to bring some development parts. Not promising anything but I'll certainly try.

ps. you could always tag onto the Nyloc group which meet up one Tuesday every month. Alan Croft has more details.


How about something that involves a dinner, a few beers and an overnighter in some hostelry of disrepute?


Wing Commander Dibble DFC<br /><br />
North Midlands Esprit Group<br /><br />
NMEG "the formidable squadron"<br /><br />
"probably the most active Esprit group in the world" Andy Betts, Castle Combe May 2007

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We had some elise owners down from durham at the last meet.

We had somewhere near 70 cars at the meet last month and 60 odd the one before that. We meet once a month at a pub near york. A varied mix of cars from early lotus 7's to the very first new shape elise off the production line (Chassis no001)

Worth a run down just for a nosey. The bulk of the cars are elises but we had 3 esprits at the last meet and I think there are about 5 or 6 (including one of the very last UK cars) turn up.

Let me know if you want more details.


Alan Croft

2000 V8 GT

87 Turbo Esprit HC

2000 Elise Sport 160

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our local club might be organsing a run to oullton park to watch a member thrash his cortina round in the hscc. will post some details next week when I know more

Alan Croft

2000 V8 GT

87 Turbo Esprit HC

2000 Elise Sport 160

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You never know, i might pop up too maybe!

My bro is in manchester and Vic has family that way too.

Mind you, would need a hotel as my bro's house ain't the

place to park a car you'd wanna keep. But if the time is right

then a weekend away would be kinda nice.


Was a time i would have never considered going that far

north, as i thought they would all have ginger hair, live in

caves, and eat people...


..since then i have not only listened to loads of rod stewart, but

i have seen the films Clockwork orange, highlander and Braveheart.

So i now have a more balanced view of life in the north. probably.

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AHEM! :)

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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funnily enough we do have a 4' broadsword on the wall!!!!!

You never know with the celts and all!!



Im a loney s4 owner in the north west and would happily attend a meet up or a run out. I take it we get to leave the wife and kids chained to the sink while were out ! :P

If so put me down, If not Ill go and check if im aloud out to play. :P

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What about everyone meeting in the middle and go to brum or something? I think we should start getting the profile up a tad and get the press gangs all worked up, next time something happens that needs moaning about, i dont know, err like parking fines or the new charging system, 40 esprits should decend on downing street or similar, sure to get us all on telly....

yea what about giving a reason to the runs? charity raiser, political moan or just silly antics? ideas on a postcard


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Birmingham's a nice idea, M6 Toll speedway and all the rest of it.... but it's considered to be the south to most northerners. In Newcastle for instance they think of Manchester as being full of southerners! :P

I'm all for silly antics... howabout storming the next BMW lanuch party with a load of Esprits. Or all pulling up simultaneously at some random Bentley dealership and all trying to test the Continental GT at the same time.

Or perhaps more seriosuly descending on Shepperton Studios next year in prostest when they start making the new Bond film with no doubt some totally unsuitable celeb actor... could be a significant wake-up call to the glory days, get a few nice white S2s etc.

I dunno - but we should definitely do something in aid of the meet. Anyone else? :P

PS.. Oulton Park?? I'm wiriting this from my hotel room in Oulton Hall as we speak! (To those who don't know it's a country hotel near Wakefield and Oulton Park is in it's grounds.)

Edited by EspritMiltonKeynes

EspritMiltonKeynes - ironically now lives in Edinburgh London (SE4)

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Long Marston isnt to far from the oxford meet, I wonder if we could have a 1/4 mile race thing, well just an excuse to ramp the cars a bit, pretty central and sure we would have to let the the power steering crew win in there new shapes but hey could be fun....sorry back to the antic, umm turning up at the Bond Set, we could all be baddies! Fishy looks like travelian from golden eye as it is....

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Hi guys, Iam arranging a meeting on 8th Oct this year. It's a bit of a way off but I am trying to get 40 Esprits to our first Northern Event.

It's at Oulton Park. John Rotherham who is helping out at PNM is currently building a racing Esprit V8. Shell being bonded up this week.

Also Pete has his race car now which is a V8 shape but with a 4 pot special engine.

If for some chance John's is not ready then he'll race his Europa which is a nice piece of kit.

Also there will be Steven Hibbert is his Motorsport Elise and Russ Treasure who used to own a S300 will be racing his Exige there.

Should be a fun day out with plenty to see.

Can I see a who of hands? If so, put your name down on the Mid Engine Sports Series NW thread please.

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Well this was why I used to arrange the annual Alton Towers run, as it was nice and central for everyone to get to ...but none of you lot up north ever bothered to come along! We'd meet by Milton Keynes (Newport Pagnell services) belt up the motorway, have an awesome day out and then belt home again...

LEW as ever!

...We did 9 Esprits through the middle of central London and brought Picadilly Circus to a standstill!! :P


"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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The Northern Meet sounds great! Count me in. I just hope the weathers fine and being October and 'Up North' the odds are a little against this. But Ill brave it!

The other event ideas sound great and I would deffinetly love to get involved in anything to raise Lotus and the Esprits profile.

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