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USA Tax Rebates


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All USA taxpayer will be gettting a rebate by July. whoo-hoo

600/person 1200/couple+300 for every kid. That will be about couple of grand for me to spend.

People who did not pay taxes with income of at least 3000 will get 300 which I don't agree with as they paid no taxes at all. A rebate should mean that one paid in the 1st place getting a little of it back.

Edited by CNH
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Great... so of the 65K I sent those guys last year, I'll get $600 back...

Actually, I do believe it will be a good thing for the economy. When they did this last time, it really helped out.

If you have your own business:

The package would allow businesses to immediately write off 50 percent of purchases of plants and other capital equipment and permit small businesses to write off additional purchases of equipment.

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People who did not pay taxes with income under 3000 will get 300 which I don't agree with as they paid no taxes at all. A rebate should mean that one paid in the 1st place getting a little of it back.

Politics and Opinions are a touchy subject to everyone. I respect your comments and appreciate your thoughts, however, I am a student in college, its expensive enough going to a private school and working in a factoring paying for my bills and gas and insurance and food, and i dont even make close to 3000 a year. 300 dollars to me can last me 2-3 months if i push it. As long as you work , i feel that you deserve it, of course i dont think you deserve it if you just work one day and quit your job.

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Politics and Opinions are a touchy subject to everyone. I respect your comments and appreciate your thoughts, however, I am a student in college, its expensive enough going to a private school and working in a factoring paying for my bills and gas and insurance and food, and i dont even make close to 3000 a year. 300 dollars to me can last me 2-3 months if i push it. As long as you work , i feel that you deserve it, of course i dont think you deserve it if you just work one day and quit your job.

I really admire you for going to school, it is your choice to even go to a private school that is probably more expensive but that is your choice and your burden, hopefully you will reap the personal rewards for the additional costs you pay and the meager way you have had to live, for a better edcation with a degree that is bit more prestigous than from a public institution. But by the same token that those of us who currently pay taxes and drive most of the economy carry a heavy burden. This rebate is not free money it is our own money back that they are going to give back. That is why they call it a rebate. I would say that to get 300 back that one should have paid at least 300 in. Paying 300 in taxes is a very small amount and a very small income not like thousands they get us for. By the same token one should not think they deserve a tax refund more than one has paid in taxes to begin with. In either case one should not get back more than they paid in or it will not be a tax rebate or relief it would be a gift or hand out. Do you propose that all workers deserve a handout?

We have store in my area that if a item goes on sale within 24 hours of purchase they will refund the diference, What you propose is similar to getting this refund without paying a thing in the first place.

Just point of view to think about. Does this point of view make sense?

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I really admire you for going to school, it is your choice to even go to a private school that is probably more expensive but that is your choice and your burden, hopefully you will reap the personal rewards for the additional costs you pay and the meager way you have had to live, for a better edcation with a degree that is bit more prestigous than from a public institution. But by the same token that those of us who currently pay taxes and drive most of the economy carry a heavy burden. This rebate is not free money it is our own money back that they are going to give back. That is why they call it a rebate. I would say that to get 300 back that one should have paid at least 300 in. Paying 300 in taxes is a very small amount and a very small income not like thousands they get us for. By the same token one should not think they deserve a tax refund more than one has paid in taxes to begin with. In either case one should not get back more than they paid in or it will not be a tax rebate or relief it would be a gift or hand out. Do you propose that all workers deserve a handout?

We have store in my area that if a item goes on sale within 24 hours of purchase they will refund the diference, What you propose is similar to getting this refund without paying a thing in the first place.

Just point of view to think about. Does this point of view make sense?

yes, i do understand what you are saying, this is my last year in college and i will be graduating with my BA in Computer Science (programming side). Very soon now i will be into the work force that drives the American Economy and will be paying taxes next to my loans :) . I do appreciate what the work force or more like the back bone of any country is doing by paying taxes to help fund many government projects and polocies. Even though we as a group (society) do not always agree on certain subjects, I think we do all feel a prejudices against one another or towards a certain group for their actions. a great example of this is like what you were saying about inidividuals who do not work and will get a refund check. The arguement here is stimulating the economy, we cannot deviate ourselves into a fallacy of pointing fingers and putting blames on each other. for the better good of the countries interest, i think we all should do as much as possible to keep our hopes and dreams alive, not just for ourselves, but our children and their childrens children.

I know its impossible to do as we have lots of americans (not just americans) who do not work and live off wellfare checks and food stamps. Each situation, more like each individual cases, needs to be look at before we can pass judgement. If we just past judgement to others without understanding the situation, arent we just reverting back to oppression of the weak? Should we just oppress all handicap citizens because they cant work? I know there are alot of hard workers like you out there, and to me, i think that the harder you work the more money you deserve. Of course a farmer should reap his hard work on his crops, and it shouldnt be taken away by the government, but at the same time that the government takes a portion of the farmers crops, the government is protecting the farmer interest: capitalism, terrorism, rights of the constitution, and more.

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I'm going to use my $600 to buy a new muffler/silencer for the blue S1! :(

Oh, by the way, if everybody voted for Ron Paul, we'd be taking a major step toward not having to pay the federal government all this tax in the first place. shameless plug, lol! :)

Tony K. :)


Esprit S1s #355H & 454H

Esprit S2.2  #324J

1991 Esprit SE

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  • Gold FFM
All USA taxpayer will be gettting a rebate by July. whoo-hoo

600/person 1200/couple+300 for every kid. That will be about couple of grand for me to spend.

People who did not pay taxes with income of at least 3000 will get 300 which I don't agree with as they paid no taxes at all. A rebate should mean that one paid in the 1st place getting a little of it back.

Sounds good but why? Why have the powers that be/IRS decided upon this? Or is this just a sweetner/vote winner (sorry for my cynicle thinking)

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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They said on the news they (powers that be in the US) are scared of a big ressession over in the US, thats why the fed bank cut a whopping 0.75% of interest rates to stimulate the economy. But if people are worried about ressession and losing jobs they stop spending cash. So they came up with this idea to give everyone some cash to spend and pump into the economy. Analysts said though it will have little effect because the spending is needed right now and the rebates wont be coming for months.

that my amateur economist take on it.


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I'm just glad to be getting a little more back, because our federal government takes too much from us and spends too much, quite wastefully!

I'd like to keep our existing structure of government, but kick all of the elected officials out and start all over.

Tony K. :)


Esprit S1s #355H & 454H

Esprit S2.2  #324J

1991 Esprit SE

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lets look at this point of view in a macroeconomics view. what happens when people save money, eventually they spend it, just like in a few months the rebacte checks will come, thus increasing the $ spend per person into the economy, with the millions of people in the USA, means economic stimulation.

$300: $50 on beer - $100 on hookeres - $100 on drugs - $50 on beer. there goes all my rebate money in 1 night

Edited by lotusessex80
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Analysts said though it will have little effect because the spending is needed right now and the rebates wont be coming for months.

that my amateur economist take on it.


We are Americans and I think we invented credit cards we will spend the money now knowing that the check are on it's way.

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I'm glad you understand it is about economic stimulus a little but you do not fully understand the intent. There is no predjudices only a perverion of the intent of the tax rebate by the left. The history of the rebate has its roots in tax relief and tax reductions to give the taxpayers increased discretionary funds to spend via reduced taxes. It was determined that an emergency infusion of cash (billions) into the economy would help an ailing economy but reducing the amount of taxes paid by a person was deemed too slow so therefore a rebate of taxes already paid was proposed in its place. The left led by Pelosi was holding up passage of this act unless they got their pork which was inclusion of payment to peope who did not pay taxes. How does people who did not pay taxes become of relevence in rebates based on a tax reduction intent.

You bring in words like prejudices, the handicapped, and pointing fingers. You must not behave and talk like a poltician and smear subject but instead you must keep focused on track and the subject is rebates and its intent. You talk about very soon joining the work force and paying taxes that is a good thing. But you have not done so yet so I do not feel that you deserve a rebate because you have not paid in that is the fair thing is it not? Will you demand payment from your future employer first before you work? of couse not so why bring up your future plans to pay taxes as part of a jstification of why you deserve this rebate. Although if you are listed as a dependant under your parents tax status I have no objetion to your parents claiming the $300 as long as you are their dependant child. I just can not go along with the logic that "As long as you work , I feel that you deserve it," it is not enough to just to work, one must contribute payment of taxes. I suppose you feel it is not enough that you pay no taxes at all but deserve money that you have not put in. I look at taxes as a contribution derived from your work. Using your logic is the same as simply showing up at work and deserving to get paid just for showing up. It is not enough to just to show up, one must produce then deserves to get paid. You are a college student, at one time or another I'm sure you shared maybe a pizza with friends and all chipped a few dollars to order a pizza. If you did not pony up your share of a few dollars towards the cost of the pizza do you think you actually deserve as a right to take a share of the food? Oh course not. If you were a nice enough person, polite, showed some humility and gratitude I would invite you to join us even if you did not have any money. However if you made it a ritual habit, a way of life, or thought you deserved as a right regardless of the people who routinely paid you would not be welcome for very long in that situation.

As far as welfare in my state a person has a lifetime benefit of 5 yrs, use it all or use it here and there when in trouble. When it adds up to 5 years of benefits you are cut off. It goes back to the intent of welfare which was assistance in catastrophic circumstances as a last resort or lifeline. It was not intended as a way of life. Of course the disabled and some circumstances will be exempt.

Edited by CNH
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  • 3 months later...

The rebates have started to hit the automatic deposits of the bank accounts of everyone that made over 3000 usd last year that filed a tax form. Mine showed up last night. We will have to see how it works out and if it will affect the world economy. It is very experimental but it is better than doing nothing and just complaining about conditions. Wish us well and hope for a lift in our economy as I'm sure which ever way our economy goes it will probably have some sort of impact on the UK. Who knows if it works for us maybe the UK goverment will consider giving back 1000 pounds or so to the taxpayers to boost your own economy.

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not a chance, they are too busy using our tax money to prop up the banks that are funding your sub prime problem

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Yes, the US Government has a nasty habbit of bailing out business like Banks and airlines that made poor decisions... poor decisions fueled by the fact that the folks that run these businesses know that they are going to get bailed. I say let 'em hit the floor. We'd be no worse off in the long run and free enterprise would be allowed to work for a change... enough ranting from me...

As for my rebate, I figure Beer (not especially good beer) is still made in the USA. Bourbon is also still made in the USA. Hookers still come from the USA. So, in order to stimulate the economy TVs and such are out of the question. Beer, bourbon, and hookers it is! Then I will be all set to run for some public office...


Edited by Autocross7

"If you feel that you are in total control of the car, well, your just not driving fast enough". Jimmy Clark

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