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About mayevora

  • Birthday 12/08/1967

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  • Name
    Ian May
  • Car
    n/a Esprit gone. V8 Esprit gone. S2 M100 gone. 2014 Evora SR
  • Modifications
    Evora seats and adjustable gaz shocks then stock
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  1. Neighbours had an unwanted visitor in the night last night. Nobody’s ring doorbell picked anything up. Tossers! 🤬
  2. 26th September 2024 2.07pm
  3. I’m working Sunday this week I’m afraid Mark.
  4. Equally, over the years I have become unemployable as the older I get the more I hate authority and being told what to do so I would make a crap employee. Also I could not be an Employer in this day and age as I’d just want to sack anyone who didn’t do what they should do, to do their actual job. In this day and age of workers rights for this and that, I’d most likely spend my whole life in tribunals.
  5. That sounds like experience speaking. Less of a worry for us 50 somethings though. 😜
  6. Modern day arguments. Witnessed (in my opinion) a really funny argument this evening. Out having a quiet pint. In walks one of these man/woman things with high heels, a short skirt about 6 foot tall with a very deep voice and makeup that a 6 year old could have put on with crayons and orders a drink. The bar tender started the problem by saying something like “that’ll be £6.80 please Sir” …..and it all kicked off. “DO YOU KNOW HOW INSULTING THAT IS TO HEAR THAT ect ect” shouting F this and F that to the whole pub…. The drink that was ordered was then attempted to be thrown in the face of the bar tender but completely missed soaking another innocent chap who was just a by-stander. The incident man who was rather wet got to his feet and very calmly said “In my whole life I’ve never hit a woman before, so today mam you are definitely a bloke” and smacked him full force right in the chops.😆 Funniest thing I’ve seen in ages. Cant beat Wetherspoons for free entertainment.
  7. I couldn’t help myself going into Minges in Bavaria last week.
  8. http://lacdesdemoiselles.com/lake.html? Click on the link and then click Home for accommodation. Also owed by a good pal of mine and ex Esprit owner Mark Perry
  9. Just back from my 16 day 9 Country road trip around Europe. 4050 Miles done and sadly spotted just 1 Lotus in that whole distance. (Even Lambo spots were in double figures) Lotus is a very rare sight unfortunately.
  10. Southgate for Prime Minister 🏅 😜
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