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Sad Day :-(


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Its a sad day for me as i've decided to sell my Esprit S4 due to an accident i had in work 10 weeks ago which resulted in the removal of my right eye. (How easy guys i tell ya)

I tried to deny the fact that the esprit is an easy car to drive but after a few weeks of getting back driving againg i had a VERY near miss yesterday (pulled to over take on M4 to realise there was a car on my side all over the place) i now realise that i can no longer deny the fact that i have to have a Range Rover or something with better visability. GUTTED.

Just to say thanks to all you guys on here you've been great !! Good advice and help over the past year.

If you know anybody looking for a nice S4 full history and well looked after (Wink. Put them my way).

I've put it on ebay item number 260051561712.

All the best guys and Thanks


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Mate, I'm really sorry to read about your accident, it sounds like something that must be really hard to come to terms with?

Gutted that you have to sell your PaJ but it may be for the best... Who knows? You may find that with time and experience that you could get yourself a fancy car again in the future?

All the very best....


"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


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There are a number of monocular pilots about; maybe 10 weeks is a bit too soon to make the final decision. They say the real problem is finding a monocular instructor who can explain how to land without binocular depth perception - but it can be, and is, done.You may find that 6 months or a year will get your spatial awareness functioning properly again. I spent some time driving with an eye patch so I have some idea of the problems; lots of head turning and moving about, and you have to think about observing as it's just not natural. But it does get better with time. Desperately bad luck about the accident; it's been a close run thing for me once or twice, so I know what you mean by how easy it is to happen.

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i really do understand mate, its a hard choice to make when something effects your life in such a way.

as most know im still suffering becuase of my illnesses and always will, but i had to choose, let it beat me or i choose to beat it.

nowdays i control my life not my illness, yes i have bad days and somethimes i i get depressed and wonder why me, but then you have to take time to think, am i really that bad off?

it took seeing kids in hospital with cancer and tubes and pipes going everywhere to realise im not that bad off.

i have to be honest i have considered selling the lotus and just finally doing nothing but then its letting things control my life again.

if you have to sell it then so be it but when the time is right you will find another one, i was told i would have to go back to 4x4's again as supercars were not good for me, well its my choice and im in them and enjoying them. i proved people wrong and moreso proved to myself i could get on with things.

you take care.


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I am really sorry to hear about your accident. I can't imagine how you must feel. I am can't imagine how you must cope. I suppose talking about it helps.

I never knew people could were able to drive and fly with only one eye? I suppose it shows how nieve Iam. I think that you are doing the right thing even if your perception gets any better, the Esprit hasn't exactly got the best vision to see out of.

Have you ever driven a Rangy, they aren't that much better for visibilty with the flat long bonnet (for parking etc). Try one and see what I mean. You may need something similar but with a sloping bonnet.

I will ask around for you about your car. Don't let it go too cheaply.

If you need a chat then my number is 0771 775 0453

Dave Walters

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Or install side cameras and a stereo with a monitor feature. A very good friend of mine had damage done to his right, to the point that he is legally blind in that eye. He drives an H2 (really bad visibility), and installed the set-up Im recommending.

All the best either way though!



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Awww Thanks guys for all the kind words, Its good to know that there are decent people still about .

Yeah it is hard to adjust and look at the world a little different to how it once was but it's not as bad as i first thought if i am honest , Still missing the sugar in the coffee now and again and missing the odd door handle on the first swipe but getting better every day, Its funny how you loose your depth projection But unfortunately the Esprit is a challange to far but who knows .... maybe one day.

The first thing i did when i got out of hospital was phone the Dvla to see about being able to drive and i was supprised to find out i didnt even have a retest or anything PHEW ! That would be bad not being able to drive (Cant fly and PSV and Taxi ). All in all guys i am coping ok at the end of the day it could have been a lot worse, When a bit of metal comes flying accross the room at 80mph straighting into the eye well it could have gone all the way through so thats the way i gotta look at it (No pun intended :-) ).

Cheers Darren

PS I did think about fitting camera linked to the dvd player but realisticly i feel it still would be a hazzard !.

If any of you guys see a yellow esprit on the wrong side of the road give a honk its me lol .

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Hi Darren,

I know a couple of guys with only one eye and although both took a while to adjust they're both doing fine now. One of them does radio control model power boats which must be really difficult with the lack of perception of distance between objects and the other boats he's racing. The other guy is a really quick driver, I know I've followed him ! and I've certainly got no doubts about his ability to drive safely. He's also one of the best model control line pilots in the country flying F2D combat models at 100mph + with amazing precision. Hopefuly in time you'll be able to adjust to things and get back in an Esprit, here's hoping so any way :blush:



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I'm soooooo sorry to hear about your accident. It sounds seriously nasty. Lumps of metal whizzing around is not what you expect in your workplace: I hope your employers looked after you.

Are you sure about selling up? I had more prangs in my Range Rover than I've had (so far :blush: ) in my Esprit - and although the RR was a hoot to drive, it was nowhere near Esprit territory.

Anyway. If you do sell, and you ever need a fix of Esprit, let me know - I'm only just up the road.

Very best wishes,


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OMG :lol: so sorry to read this, what can i say Darren? its terrible news :blush:

try to give it more time, as a lot of others have said, you need to get used to the situation before you make any rash decisions. remember, it is the worst time to sell a car just before winter, use it an excuse, i would :o

kind regards


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Sad news, Darren. I presume it was the right eye that was damaged and the problem is that you can't look over your right shoulder to check the, no pun intended, blind spot. This is bigger on the Esprit than on many cars because the rear-view mirror range is limited by the the bodywork either side of the rear window and the small rear, side windows.

If this is the case, I don't think more practice will help adn I think you being very sensible and responsible in selling the car before an accident happens rather than pressing on.

I hope you get a good price for your car and find something else that's fun to drive. Visibility out of an Elan drophead is pretty good. :blush:

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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Sad to read, I'd be devastated as well.

However I agree with Martyn - you have to re-learn it all again, imo there's no reason why you can't overcome this challenge.

I've not had a near miss in a while now but when I used to beat myself up about it too - big time. I'm not god's gift to driving, I never will be, but with every mistake there is a chance to pick up and get better.

If you're interested there are rear view cameras on the market that use a LCD display as the rear view mirror which has an image fed from a camera mounted on the back of the car which can give you much better field of view. These thngs can be overcome if you want it badly enough.

All the best to you in what ever you decide.

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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There are a number of monocular pilots about; maybe 10 weeks is a bit too soon to make the final decision. They say the real problem is finding a monocular instructor who can explain how to land without binocular depth perception - but it can be, and is, done.You may find that 6 months or a year will get your spatial awareness functioning properly again. I spent some time driving with an eye patch so I have some idea of the problems; lots of head turning and moving about, and you have to think about observing as it's just not natural. But it does get better with time. Desperately bad luck about the accident; it's been a close run thing for me once or twice, so I know what you mean by how easy it is to happen.

Darren, like John I am no stranger to my local Opthamologist (last time I had to have a piece of metal ground out of my eye) :( .

My friend Dick was blind in one eye, and he got used to it well enough to drive his Ferrari around, so I hope you will be able to adapt so you can enjoy driving a sportscar again. :D

Best Wishes, Wayne :(

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Sorry to hear of your dilema Darren. If it's any consolation, I've got a Range Rover as well as an Esprit (they both go round corners fine, thankyouverymuch :D ). They seem to compliment each other perfectly - therefore it would make sense to get both!

Mind you, some say I'm missing part of my brain....

(Edit for shpeeelling)

Edited by GKP
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Sorry to hear !

My father has one blind in one eye and even he is over 80 still he like to drive a car in Japan !

I hope you could drive again Espirt !

Good luck !


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Sorry to hear this darren, not much to add to what has already been said, so please consider the info and do what YOU think is best

all the best to you

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