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Posts posted by Jacques

  1. Cheers guys, I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge right now.


    So, it is for all cars ad mc's, including classic and oldtimer.

    It is also for all because the old rules of more noise allowed is moved down to lower limits.

    Likewise for exhaust smog.

    It is not only modified classic cars. All cars and mc's.

    So far I've heard that a few cars from Sweden was confiscated because of this. It has not been confirmed so far. It might have been a case of "madness driving" which also is a new law, passed last Summer 2021. If a policeman tracks you speeding 100% above on freeway, bye-bye car. Likewise with a lower limit inside towns or on countryside highways.

    Yes, it's very dictatorial.

    And yes, it's a very clear case for a bright lawyer.

    Today was the first shiny blue sky for a long time, Sun was out smiling and it was 12-15 degrees cel. Normally, there would have been a swarm of classic cars etc. out on the roads. Today: near none.

    I'll get back as I retrieve more info.

    Meanwhile: my Esprit is sleeping again.



  2. As I have been informed, Danish law is by 1'st of March now so, that my car is illegal, as it makes too much noise, even though it passed it's regulations, as the law has now been changed for older cars. Therefore to get rid of all these cars and motorcycles which are now illegal to drive, but legal to own on private property, without license plates of course, as they cannot pass any inspection now, are getting confiscated immediately by the police in big hit squads all over the country. Since 1' of March between 600 and 1000 cars and mc's in just central part of Jylland, have been confiscated by the police in Denmark, and you either get the choice of freely giving over your car or motorcycle to the police for ever, thereby saying goodbye and loosing all of it's value, or having it towed, inspected by the importer of what ever brand it is, and if no one is there, it's getting either crushed or sold to whoever wants to buy it (for exhibition), or having it 100% turned legal at your own cost but by the system mentioned, plus a court case and a heavy fine. Big money here, typically over 12000 usd or way more, as there have been examples of.
    Since this law passed, there are none, I repeat none classic cars and motorcycles on the streets any more, apart from those who didn't hear about it yet.
    It takes place in such a way that a huge force of police are encircling a group of cars say at a harbor exhibition or similar, and they are held back by force, not allowed to leave freely, until the inspection is done. The inspection itself is done by police and special educated inspectors who then perform the inspection on site. If they either can see something that is now illegal, or have a suspicion thereof, the owner or driver will have a piece of paper given to them (without an official certification number on the paper), on which it is stated the above mentioned choice. The driver or owner have to decide on the spot and this is then performed.
    For example there are newly passed levels for conformity, such as ec numbers imprinted on parts, e.g. a cat, or E11 number stated on parts, new level of less noise accepted etc.
    As for the tests, there are now one former chiptuner in Denmark, who is now appointed to inspect software installed in engine management chips, and this alone cost around 2000 usd, plus they are specifically instructed to drill a hole through the complete controlling box, order a new one from factory if possible and install that. This of course is not possible on many older cars. I have spoken to someone close to those who educate the special selected policemen and testers, and it seems to be correct.
    One this is the installation of streamers on wind shields, dark film on windows, headlights, extreme tuning, extreme noise etc, another is the levels of noise and co, co2 etc, being in effect now, effectively making it extremely hard to pass any classic car or motorcycle. For example, it is no more enough to have the original parts on the vehicle, as these would often be louder or more smoking, than the new law allows.
    Likewise, there are many parts that were produced before say 1' of October 1990 (date of first smog law limit going into effect), that does not have any EC conformity, simply because it was not a requirement at the time, these being now illegal, which leads to confiscation of the car or motorcycle.
    There are hundreds of court cased being prepared as we speak, which because of covid19, can be expected to be delayed fort a very long period of time.
    The Danish organisation of motor owners FDM, have been very silent about this, not stating anything official as of yet, as they initially voted yes for the pretext version of the new laws before being passed.
    Stay tuned for the development on this.
    Kind regards.
    • Sad 8
  3. I've had many people coming forward to me asking the same. I am not selling a gearbox, I am building one, including a lot of different special parts, and as I apparently have a wrong primary axle (the GTO, which is geared towards track or a V8 Esprit), and not an EMCO or Holloway, I am searching for the EMCO or Holloway one to swap for my GTO axlekit. If I find such a set without the swap, I will afterwards sell my GTO kit, because it will be in surplus.

    Kind regards,


    • Like 1
  4. For my Lotus Esprit with Renault UN1 gearbox, I'm making another gearbox and I have all parts, but finally discovered that the Holloway kit I bought 3 years ago, is in fact a GTO kit. The EMCO or Holloway kit does have a slightly taller 1' and 2' gear, and is stil a street kit, but my GTO kit is a bit taller geared in 1' and 2' still, so more track focused or for a strong V8 Esprit or a tuned 4 pot Esprit. Ideal for track or racing, but can be used on public road as well on the aforementioned cars.

    I am willing to swap kit if you have either a Holloway or an EMCO kit, or just a pure buy. And I'll sell my GTO kit after having the new kit. All kits consists of a one-piece primary axle and two gears plus a couple of bearings and a few smaller items.

    It does not matter if the Holloway kit or EMCO kit is used as long as it's in good order. Or new. My GTO kit is used and I bought it like that, but in very good condition and only slightly used. All kits now cost a small fortune today and are rare. It will, no matter what kit, make your Renault UN1 gearbox MUCH stronger, but eliminating the weak points that UN1 have with a strong car like Lotus Esprit. All kits are for certain versions of UN1, namely the 026 and 027. Can be used on the 028 as well as far as I know. It is of course with a Renault spline that Lotus use, not the Ford spline.

    My kit is ready for shipping, safely packed, and I would really like to either swap kit or buy the one I need, and then sell mine right after getting the Holloway or EMCO kit.

    Should you either have such a kit or know of one, please let me hear from you, as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,


  5. I'm afraid that is the ways of the new world, where motorists are banned and cyclists are welcomed, more so if they are on a 90 kilo heavy 2 children carrier box on 3 wheels and plus a great deal of luggage. No way of overtaking, no way they can brake if need be. Close to me, there is a side street that leads to the easiest and most environmentally friendly road to the freeway, off of Copenhagen. Now, there's a whole team of road workers spending  gazillions of our hard earned tax money, which have closed the road connection, so everyone will have to find another way around that area. Upon asking what they are doing, I was told by their leader "well, the police wants us to help cyclists, with whom there's been some accidents". So, driving there (on bicycle) at least 6 times per day, I've never ever seen a single accident in my 27 years of passing by. At the same time I asked why the car line is made extremely narrow, when in fact there's plenty of space? "so we can control traffic", he replied. But why? I asked. "so we can irritate them (car drivers) enough to park the car and take the bicycle", was his honest answer. "so do you take your bicycle yourself? I asked. "Oh no, no way, I live south of Copenhagen, and I would never take the bicycle, I always take the car". Get the f..k out of my town, I replied and went on my way. Of course he pays 1/5'th for his big house and driving a big Mercedes, and he had clearly never been on a bicycle judging from his bodyshape and weight... They are a mafia traffic gang in Town Hall and their idiotic inconsiderate ME ME ME roadworkers and co-criminals.

    GGrrrr.... I spend most of my life on a bicycle to be free of cues and having no parking spaces for miles, and all I get is worse and worse conditions for everyone. While we spoke for those two minutes, I noticed 5 cars making an illegal u-turn, because the road has been blocked. I also noticed that local residents in that area have protested, but to NO avail. The criminal gang of politicians and the co-thieves are extreme and have taken power in my town. For example, the housing prices are so extreme here, that a house or a flat costs 3-5 times more than in the rest of the country, but this is where you can have a job, not in the country side. And the rest have since long moved to china. Everyone need to drive by car to Copenhagen. Trains and busses are an absolute joke, never working and being extremely slow. Who wants to spend 2-3 hours each way? I thought so. So, in their misunderstood to put it nicely, the local gang I mentioned before, removed 40.000 parking spaces from Copenhagen as well as making every single main into town a single lane, creating extreme cues and extreme frustration. And lot's and lot's of automatic speedcameras to catch those dangerous individuals who try to reach their job and have the absolute nerve to speed, going 52 km/h instead of the enforced 50 (or 40 km/h), making 2 km/h a CRIME!

    If I once ina while take the Esprit, I am constantly being waved at, asked questions and what not, usually while parked. So, the same people who express that they like the Esprit, are surprised when I tell them, that I drive it. You drive that dinosaur? For real? Oh well, .... I reply. Why don't you get a Tesla or another electric car, they ask. Because it's a piece of crap and pollutes far more than me in my 31 year old sportscar, driving 1500 km per year, I reply.

    My neighbour just sold his new electric car and got an old Scirocco instead. Why? No where to charge it. The only six places in that part of Copenhagen, are either defect of taken, every single day. Read that again: every single day. I tell you, there's a very real traffic mafia here in Copenhagen. And they are untouchable. I am on a bicycle every day since age 12, and I keep the law and show respect to everyone. Also when on a racebike in the freetime. I NEVER do like those half-brains. And if I am on the MTB, I show respect by keeping a distance, and braking for others, incl. people with loose dogs and what not.

    The way traffic is enforced in Denmark and more so Copenhagen, is extremely counterproductive to say the least.

    I tell you guys, the UK is a HEAVEN in comparison. EVEN if there are lot's of idiotic bicyclists...

    Kind regards,



    • Like 1
  6. I agree. There will be lots and lots of small parts you'll want to renew or resurface or similar, once taking it all apart. All sorts of brackets, hoses, cables, finishers, support items and what not.

    My personal view on this is, that it adds to the value of the car, thereby stating that it is not a lost amount of money. I generally don't agree with the market value idea, so not being a question of how many are on the market and how many people will pay for one. It's worth what it's worth to you, the owner. And that should be a lot.

    Example: my current gearbox project should be, well, just a few little items, looking at the bearings etc, but in reality, it's a new stronger shell, all new bolts inside out, new 1 piece primary axle and new reworked 1' and 2' gears, new bearings and shims etc, A new Quaife atb, another taller 5'th plus fittings for that, new end casing and parts for that, new gearmaster,  a whole variety of very expensive (imported) sticky stuff to smear this and glue that reinfocing brackets, gearstick, cable, brackets, exhaust suspension frame, new better clutch, flywheel, gearbox mounts, special made lighter washers, machined bellhousing, new system of actuation of clutch, special made shift fork for 1/2 and a lot more. What was initially thought of as just a few bits and bobs, are in reality a fairly decent amount of money. But will be for the better, once finished. And while at it, there may be other areas as well, which is the right time to do, so add to that as you go. Hence the wish for new carpets when doing the gearmaster etc.

    Then there are the market related potential extra costs, depending on where and how the car was drive and stored. While having deep respect for our UK Esprit driving colleagues, there was at least a time when some Esprit were being used all year round in the UK, making a lot more wear and tear on some cars. That will add more expense, if this is the case. Thinking of for example fan frame, suspension parts, shims, bearings, brakes etc. just to name a few.

    Happy days working on the car ;)

    Kind regards,


    • Like 2
  7. You'll probably need to bring a fresh pcr test when arriving. Likewise if one needs to visit a nursing home and at hospitals.

    May I ask what koncert? (I'll try to make some wheelspin outside, then ;)

    Kind regards,


  8. Looking good and good thoughts on the matter. I think there was a scheme showing the stiffness for a variety of cars, incl. the normal Esprit, the Sport300 as well as the X180R, where you can see, that the stiffness in chassis on the X180R is just a lot higher.

    And... ;) if you see or hear about an EMCO or Holloway set, please notify me asap, and I'll sell my GTO (higher geared still) set to you if you still want one by that time.

    Kind regards,


    • Like 1
  9. So, I am right now building a new complete late type gearbox, stronger casings, bigger bolts, stronger special clutch, special flywheel, late type endcase and mec. with no translator, taller 5'th gear, Quaife lsd, late type gearmaster, exhaust bracket, cables, one piece primary shaft, higher 1'st and 2'nd gear, stronger metals and so on.

    Only problem is that the gentleman who sold me a primary shaft kit is not a gentle as it would have seemed, as it's not the advertised Holloway kit, (which is Emco) but a Derek Bell/GTO/Quaife kit, which it taller 1'st and second still. Great kit, but not suitable for my my driving. It would suit a track car or a race car or a V8. I need the Holloway or the Emco kit. As I seem not to be able to advertise, I will do it here, and ask if anyone got a used or unused Emco or Holloway kit or willing to swap kit + eventually some payment, please give me a PM.

    Till then, everything is on a halt, I'm afraid.

    Kind regards,


    • Sad 1
  10. Meanwhile at the garage, I am assembling the new (lightly used second hand primary Holloway axle and it's assorted parts. So, I've now reached the point where I am trying to install a bearing, which in the original installation is part no. 23 page 47,08B in the parts manual (1990SE), and of course the new axle being thicker, needs a bigger inner diameter bearing, and it is supplied with the kit. But, it just slides nicely over the axle, which I think it not meant to be so, as it would spin on the axle itself, rather than roll the rollers... So, axle is 26mm and bearing is 26mm inner diameter. What is the consensus here, should I get another nearing slightly smaller inner dia, and install and in that case, how much smaller? Or should I lock it in with a bearing "glue"?

    Advices much appreciated.

    Kind regards,


    Picture shows the affected area. Bearing is a French SNR N10755.


    new axle with bearing pointer.jpg

  11. Thanks Mike. I will not use any o-ringes then. And I guess there is a margin for sealing it experimentation, when I reach that point.

    May I also ask to the use of the 8 (10) bolts to crownwheel housing. Are they always renewed or can they be reused? I looked up the bolts on SJ's webpage, and they have a different look to the bolt head. Is that a general use for the purpose bolt or was there possibly a change in execution of said bolt from Lotus?

    Kind regards,


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