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Everything posted by LOTUSMAN33

  1. Mike I may have the shelves but need to search, I made new for mine using the originals as patterns. I sold a pair of those mirrors to Mark who buys/sells Esprits all the time so may be worth contacting him in case he didn't need both. Cheers Dave
  2. Once you get used to Steve he is fine, best to give as good as you get, he does swear but working in an engineering environment I'm totally used to it. I have spent tens of thousands with him and more... I got hold of him twice last week so you were probably just unlucky, for me he is less than an hour away and if you visit he can be quite a good laugh provided you don't mind a bit of banter....
  3. If think a replica may be a little harsh as the car was born in Essex livery being the first esprit to be on these colours, it would be interesting to see what the first registered colour is with the DVLA, I did read that before it was resprayed for a second time by its current owner that the Essex blue was on all the stone chips and the decals could still be seen in ghost form.
  4. You may be right, this is why I held on making an offer when I saw the car listed a couple weeks back, in my heart it is an Essex but in the back of my mind it never truly will be if that makes sense. The full Retrim won't be as bigger issue in comparison to the exterior. Copper bronze is my third favourite colour with white/red in second and the black/gold a close fourth. I don't want to look back on this car with regret as I know if I take the leap she will once again be worthy of my 10 year olds wall although he loves the S1 at the moment. I still have a 1/18th auto art Essex on my desk at work next to a PPW S1, everyone likes them when they pop by..... Sad I know!!
  5. Thanks Barrie much appreciated, do you think putting MPW back in ESSEX colours is the right thing to do? Your car has always been my dream Lotus after seeing it at shows. As you say the red won't matter as it is a rare sight to see two Essex cars together, last time I saw them was at Donington and that was yours and 007 I think but could be wrong as years ago. I remember driving by 007 in my JPS 099, talking the seller years later he remembered and would have done a deal as he wanted a JPS!! I nearly pulled him over too....
  6. Hope you get it sorted soon Lex, some people are mindless pricks and we can only hope they suffer a similar fate to something they own in the future, although not ideal at least they will know the pain it causes! Painting the bumpers was on my list of things to do so must be over due, will look great when done.
  7. Sounds like a plan, worth getting a set done even if MPW does not happen as I still plan to own one some day, the Essex has been my esprit Nemesis since I was about 10 years old having the picture on my wall! Came close a few times over the years with 007 being the most recent. MPW needs to be at the right money as the respray will be £2000 for a proper job including new trims and that is using a friend, the Retrim will be about the same, I can wait on the wheels as will do another set like I did on Lex's car which can be seen on my vehicle page. The roof stereo like the comps do come up from time to time. Happy to leave the engine as user friendly and being a development car won't really matter, also to get a dry sump set up would mean breaking another rare car which would not be an option for me! If all fails I will wait for the S1 to be finished and see what develops. At least with MPW I won't have a number to worry about although I guess it is 001 in reality!
  8. Thanks Bibs, I will print some pictures off and take them around, doubt I will get them done in Plymouth though as when I owned JPS 099 and 013 I took them around locally but was given no confidence getting a perfect match. The JPS scheme is simple compared to the Essex set which has multi colours. Still worth a shot, has anyone got a recommendation?
  9. Has anyone re- manufactured a set of Essex Esprit decals, if I had a set fitted it may be more simple but from scratch using pictures would end with dimensional errors? I am considering making an offer this week on MPW but would like to get this sorted first, I wish to return the car to full Essex spec. Dave
  10. Well done Rob, I re-visited mine after your post and adjusted it slightly too.
  11. Did anyone decide which Alfa oil sender was the correct one as they list both on the website? I am guessing it is the 1968 onwards one? Dave
  12. Just bought the flexi from Steve at SJ's, my sender has a M10x1mm pitch thread where the union on the engine is 1/8" BSP, the new flexi has 1/8" BSP both ends so I had to Tap out the new hose to M10x1 using a ground tap to reach the end. Bit of a pain but did not want to die nut my original sender.
  13. This topic gets more interesting all the time, I would still like to put MPW back in Essex livery but not sure the stripes or wheels will become available, as a development car I can only guess it never got fitted with the roof mounted stereo? One less headache to sort if so though. Is that the original trim? Welcome to the forum Patrick and thanks for the valued input. Dave
  14. I am going to make some using mine as patterns, they seem simple enough to do albeit a little time consuming.
  15. Really?? Does Jim still have it?
  16. Paul, she looks great and the colour/ interior are awesome! Engine looks like it needs some work though from being laid up. Never seen an esprit with a green interior like that. Good luck with the restoration.
  17. Agree with Paul, I have worked on loads of Esprit engines and it is always close, I have changed a few with cuts in too which were badly fitted. Provided you have set it up with the max clearance it will be ok.
  18. Hi Mike Thanks for your replies, been thinking this one over all night, thought Jim May have moved it on so nice to confirm. I really regret not coming on the forum more often as I would have attended the auction at Silverstone and been really pleased with a £15k reserve. My dream Esprit has always been the Essex and as said I have missed a few over the past 20 years getting funds together quick enough when one comes up! 007 was a done deal but got sold for £500 extra and went to Oz. I have owned a couple 'G' turbos including Lex's car. Such a shame the build book was ditched. Thanks for the info on the pre production cars not being numbered. Although I have the green light from the better half I have slept on it and decided to wait as to put the car back in Essex livery and return it to early spec as in the photo's will cost a small fortune. I know the wheels and hubs do come up occasionally but the stripes may be another issue entirely! One day I will get my Essex esprit but for now I think I will crack on with the S1, must do a thread update as it has moved on a fair way since last posted. Is the interior a Retrim in MPW as looks more like HC spec? I will keep looking at that ad until sold though as it's history is so interesting but that dealer premium is too much.
  19. That's not good news, I do have my originals but they are not great...
  20. Hi Paul That is still my plan pal once I get hold of the mould from my friend. I will let any others go through the forum as Gordon wants one and had a few other requests.
  21. Does anyone know where I can get new interior door pull handle chrome finishing strips? I bought a set from SJ for around the dash and console plus door panels but these were not included?
  22. Thanks Barrie you are a star, I did search but would not have found it with that title. I will make contact as very interested if still owned by Jim.
  23. Jim is the car still yours as listed on piston heads with a dealer? Love the thread and it's history, missed Essex 007 originally so ended up buying another S1 to restore. Do you know if your car was given an Essex number before the colour change?
  24. Found it, looks like it never sold though. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDkQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.silverstoneauctions.com%2F1980-lotus-esprit-a&ei=_pprUonBEOjt4gSXmIGQBQ&usg=AFQjCNElUXaaiXH8mngWIPh82eIlGecSvg Still seems like a good car although clearly re-painted as the strips are not correct and the decals are the later smaller type. I am considering the journey up to view. Does anyone know any more about the car?
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