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Everything posted by bogle

  1. God, you must be so infuriated! Our world is now so authentication driven. Almost need a Siim card surgically implanted. I have an Inspire sleep apnea device. Maybe I can add a Siim card port to it in case I lose my phone? We are too dependent on our phones unfortunately.
  2. Can you track your phone with your laptop? Hopefully it won't ask to authenticate.
  3. After roughly 16 years of service (not faultless for the washer), both washer and dryer were replaced. The washer cost an extra $500 since the hot and cold taps were corroded beyond repair. Total cost $3200. After 5 years of service, both laptops died within a week or two of each other. Total cost $3,600. RV was vandalized. $375 deductible. Estimated repair cost $8,000. Outback Subaru WIlderness backed into by a friend in their driveway. Estimated cost $3,500 - covered by friend's insurance. Estimated MasterCard payment $7,125.60 this month. Owning a 2003 Lotus Esprit V8 in Chrome Orange ---- Priceless! This probably should have gone in the Unhappy thread, but this is my own version of a new MasterCard commercial.
  4. Especially when Jeremy Clarkson is yielding the Almighty Hammer!
  5. Nice Evora and clever mods for MOT.
  6. Wow! Jennifer and you have been through some tough months. I'm glad she was able to fight off both those illnesses. However, losing all the exercised body build up definitely cost both of you valuable time it took to get her better previously. I can't imagine what it is like to go home and know she's there at the facility. That's got to be a struggle for you. I know all of us wish Jennifer would return to her normal fietsy self. The timing is just not right for Jennifer at the moment. I usually butcher words of comfort, but every one here on the forum is exceedingly impressed with how your coping through this ordeal. Personally I think I would crumble if put in your place. That's why I so astounded with your bravery. I can’t imagine what Jennifer is going through and her side of this emotional roller coaster. The question you keep asking yourself is Why. Why her? Peace and rest for both of you.
  7. I will be be thinking and hoping Wendy gets better. It will certainly be interesting if she gets the same results as Sparky.
  8. I'm guessing she did the painting entitled "light and Shadows". That's if your wife's name is Wendy. It's a well done piece.
  9. I just hope no one pushes the nuke button during this phase.
  10. Wow! The Force is strong within your family. Brother has it, Brother's Dad has it and your Sister has it.
  11. It's that wondering eyeball that says movie star to me. I've flown 1st class once. Still waiting on the business class flight though.
  12. Yes. Quite the day indeed when you run into Rock royalty.
  13. Hi Steve,

    Any possible way to get a quote and estimated delivery on floor mats for a 2003 V8 Esprit?  The mats are Magnolia (cream) with the Lotus logo in Green & Yellow.  I'm near Chicago, IL in the USA.

    Thank you,


  14. Not a fan of any BMW except the M1 (wedge shape of course). As for Audi, I was thinking for a very brief time to get a TT RS (baby R8) but then my friend bought an actual R8 v10 Plus and TT RS idea went bye bye. I'm sorry Kimbers that your daughter's brand oriented blindness is costing so much money. Most of what BMW and Audi produce are sedans/saloons which are just so boring. It's sad that she didn't want to follow your advice and generosity for a safe and sensible vehicle. The wife and I chose not to have kids and it's probably the only reason why I can own/drive an Esprit. If I had kids, it would probably be struggle to own an Elise. Life's too short to drive boring cars.
  15. I agree - 17 year old and turbos are sometimes problematic especially if they are trying to impress someone. I can't wait to see my first Emira in the wild here in the USA. I have a long wait for that!
  16. I need floor mats in Magnolia (cream/tan). Any idea where I can find them in the USA?
  17. Now that's a proper sendoff!
  18. Wow. I did look it up, but I was afraid to look at the pictures. Yep, I happily admit being a coward. I was a professional guitarist so I have a hang up obviously. Regardless of my situation, I do appreciate the information and hope it educates everyone on the forum. Plus I wish you a fast recovery.
  19. Oh, that doesn't look good. Right handed and forced to elevate - that sucks big time. I'm right handed and have trigger thumb, more MRIs for me next week to find out more. It's got to be a bitch to type left handed, but did they discover this cyst using imaging (i.e. CT, MRI, X-ray) or just by looking at it? It looks painful just looking at it.
  20. Have you done a sleep study to rule out sleep apnea? I snored like a freight train and that was a key factor in getting checked. After 17 years of CPAP, I got the Inspire implant last December - SO much better! But you might just be a "loud" snorer and NOT have sleep apnea. It's best to go to a Neurologist to rule out sleep apnea. For me, it turned out that I was sleep deprived for 20 years which was making me a hazard on car trips longer than 30 minutes. If I had not been forced my the misses to get checked 17 years old, I don't think I would have been around to respond to you. Even 90 lb. girls can have severe sleep apnea like I was diagnosed with.
  21. Did you make the mistake of marrying a Professional Kick Boxer as well?
  22. David, Fantastic news! This is a great bit of news to hear as I've run into a slight hiccup from my surgery. At least I can be happy for Jennifer and not be selfishly thinking of me, myself and ME. Thank you so much for letting us know Jennifer's improvements!
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