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Everything posted by C8RKH

  1. Ah ha, OK, thanks Jimbo was not aware Think it looks great and I prefer the leather over the Suedetex of the SR to be honest.
  2. C8RKH

    Evora Roadster

    Having owned a car of the metal folding roof variety I hope Lotus steer well clear, It was a nightmare ownership experience for me and eventually I handed the damn thing back as the roof was so "fragile / unreliabe" when working which meant most of the time it was not working! CF panels to lift out and store behind the seats - yup, I personally see nothing wrong with that. Fabric as per the Boxster Spyder thingy - yup, I personally see nothing wrong with that. 2 seats in the back - yuck, I see a lot wrong with that - though I am an Evora 2+0 driver Each to their own, one thing is for sure, Lotus will not be able to satisfy everyone.
  3. Looks lovely Andy, congrats. Re-trim or new SR front seats?
  4. I'm sorry but I'm with the last couple of posters and quite frankly I think you are either just plain crazy or crazy wealthy. For the love of things holy I have absolutely no idea why you bought a CUP and your responses are bordering on insanity trying to sound plausible. You say you want to tune a car, but in reality it really sounds like you want to tinker / fettle and restore. My positive suggestion would be for you to go out and buy a tatty 1275 mini (but not the cooper cos that would be too fast / force you to drive like an idiot on the public road for it to be engaging). Then you can tinker / fettle and restore away for years and you woukd, from what you have written, be well happy. I'm starting to have a sneaky suspicion you bought the cup as an investment and are miffed that as such its current performance went down rather than up. Your posts just do not seem rationale in my humble opinion of course and no offence meant.
  5. So basically you're saying all the good shit is bad for me then Greg? Well, you stick to the muesli and the grass and live long and prosper. Me, I'll take what's coming knowing I enjoyed it fully
  6. It seems to me that you did all this fantastic research but neglected the one, key, pertinant area - you know the one you missed - where and how you were going to drive it. So despite being incredibly clever you were also stupid - please don't tell me you have an MBA and run a business! I get what you are trying to say re the 40 mph bit. I really do. I have a 2008 plate 1.3 Ford Ka that we share as a family runabout as even going out for a pint of milk is a 10 mile round trip. It is basic with no power steering etc yet I have loads of fun hooning around in it at 40 - 60 mph on the back roads around here. How on earth did you ever come to conclusion that a motorsport produced, track focused, street legal rocket would give you the pure driving fun you wanted in the way that pushing a pedal car beyond its normal limits would give you? You would have been better off paying £25k for the Toyota GT85 or whatever which is applauded and lauded for doing just what you want. Why was this not on your radar from the research? I don't mean to offend but I really do think the only person on this thread who has missed the point is you. Sorry.
  7. Mark, I feel for your potential loss but I can't help thinking there is some major whinging going on here. Look man, all NEW cars lose a ton of value in their first year. You think £17k in 1 year is tough on a £70k car? Try buying a BMW 750, a Mercedes S500, A maserati quattroporte and others. You'll lose that value at a minimum and that's on fairly mainstream exec cars and not a niche track model from a niche manufacturer. Just did some quick research, here are some howlers and all as bad or worse as a % loss than yours: VW phaeton - £55k to £22k in one year - a near 60% loss Nissan Leaf - £28k to £12k in 1 year - a near 60% loss Chevrolet Cruze - £19k - £8k in one year - a ner 60% loss Chevrolet Orlando - £19.5k to £8k in 1 year - a near 60% loss Your Cup - £68k to £51k in 1 year - a near 27% loss I bought my wife a top of the range Qashqai in January - £27k, now worth about £19k as a trade in - so a near 30% loss Just about every new car loses money, in year 1, sometimes huge. Full stop.
  8. C8RKH

    2bular exhaust

    Good luck with the house purchase and the sale Jordan. I'm sure you'll sleep better in the house but it will not be as much fun as the Evora.
  9. Nice you're now all sorted re the new parts. It's posts like this that will scare off others from buying an Evora as it just gives them the excuse they need to say it's not as good as a Porker / Audi etc. It's a shame really and the Lotus is the better car Had a guy in work lecture me on how my Lotus would be a lot of trouble when he found out I had an Evora. He was on his second Audi TT. Then got in the bosses PA's Audi TT, she told me all the little problems she'd had with it since she got it, then told me not to listen to the other guy as his last TT was always breaking down and his new had been back to the dealer a few times already. Funny isn't it how Lotus get's the bad rep and Audi get's away with it. RS4, RS5 and RS6 all slated for reliability and all more expensive than my little old Evora. Ho hum...
  10. C8RKH

    2bular exhaust

    Good 2010 cars with good specs are going for around the £30 - £33k at the dealers, so private I would expect to see it up for £29k with a offer around £27.5k to 28k probably sealing it - so not far off that £10k over valuation. Hmmm, having now owned my 2010 Evora (bought from a Lotus dealer for around £30 - £32k with 15.5k miles on it (sport pack, CR, Lotus Sport exhaust) since April, so 3 months, I have to say I am still loving her and would not consider selling her unless I really really really needed the cash, which may the situation here. No, I'm happy to stick with her for now - yes, she's not the fastest (but fast enough for me), or the loudest (but I can fix that! ), or even the youngest, but damn, she is still one of the best looking gal's at the dance, still a belle at the ball!
  11. Thanks for this Jimbo. I may well incorporate into the re-trim as seems logical and would further lift the interior.
  12. If you're a current customer and therefore known to the dealer and you're not getting the respect you deserve then tell them to freak off and take your business elsewhere. Eventually they will get the message and change. In general, I don't think it should matter how old you are - there are plenty of "young" kids out there driving £30k - 60k cars (Lotus sweet spot?) on Daddie's bank balance and they should know that. To pre-judge a young guy is to potentially miss a sale. To not respect an "older" guy is to potentially miss a sale. They must be doing well both as a dealer and a sales guy to want to miss sales....
  13. Daddy, I want one of them there Lotus 400's. In ardent red with black pack and I want it now.......... Think it looks very nice, and agree, much better than the show pictures although I did like the silver / red show pictures combo. I am hoping my local dealer, MMC, invites me to their 400 launch event soon...
  14. For me, I would pay a small supplement but I would probably do some more digging and would like to know: 1. How long since the upgrade was done and are all the service reports available from the dealer (to check notifications etc). Also, I would get some peace of mind if I knew it had been used and working for some time, rather than it was put on 1k miles ago... 2. If the car I was buying was "known" to the dealer for it's whole life - you know supplied by them, serviced by them etc. I could get a good insight from them on the car and the driver if that was the case. Of course, they could just fill me with bullshit but..... 3. If the owner was "known" on forums like this and had a good rep - sometimes the best indication of how someone "treats" there car is from tracking down youtube vids, forum posts etc... So, to cut this all short - I'd be happy to pay a small premium if I could satisfy myself re car and seller provenance. Hope this makes sense.
  15. I'm less worried about any anti-biotics from cow's milk and more worried about the Oestrogen from the water I drink in our large cities like London. They reckon the average glass of tap water has been "through" 4-5 people by the time the water gets to London and if they happen to be women then the oestrogen they pee out stays with the water as the treatment works cannot separate it out. Think that's why my man boobs are growing bigger as i get older and my hips are starting to fill out the jeans more. Nothing to do with chocolate, beer or pork pies before you say anything.....
  16. Duncan, very good. Explains the current situation perfectly but you missed out the piece where the spoilt cow accused the daddy of trying to blackmail her. Love it, love it, love it and are you sure you don't know my daughter?
  17. Yep, and boy do they look ugly. Look like a character car from the Disney Pixar "Cars" films..... Just sayin'........
  18. Really Dan. So their acceptance of silly rules like 0 or 50% of Vat only on the Islands, lavish state pensions for some workers, very early retirement for other public sector workers, bidding for and winning the Olympics, building loads of infrastructure on the tick etc etc was not something that they asked for, that they voted for, or that they enjoyed in the first place. Unless I'm a complete pleb (and there is a good chance of that) I think you need to think again. This is what happens when you have a socialist government for too long that just gives and gives - eventually the cupboard is fully bare and you need to spend to fill it up again. It is not blackmail to ask (whether an individual or a country) for a debt to be settled under the terms agreed, or are you saying that because it was agreed by the politicians only, and not individually by the 11.03m people of Greece, that the loan that they benefitted from is no longer and should not be repaid? What am I missing here? If only Lotus was run by Greeks. I'd be able to sign up for a 50:50 deal on the Evora 400 and the 3-11, put half down and in two years put up two fingers and say you can swing for the rest as you write off the debt. Yeah right....
  19. I bought this one for 1/4 of the price from Amazon and it worked first time just great, but guess that is the benefit of not having to pay Apple for the privilege of "joining" their club http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00OMNGT4W?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00 You can use Torque or DashCommander and they will both work fine. Both are free but have much better "paid" versions that I would recommend as you are only talking a few quid. I posted some screenshots earlier in the thread and both allow you to read the ECU messages and reset some of them (paid versions only). Enjoy.
  20. C8RKH

    Evora Roadster

    That Al, looks lovely and how patriotic in red, white and blue
  21. No Pete, Greece will be different cos as well as lending them shit loads of money the EU also paid for new roads, airports, power stations and stuff. It's like heaven man. Think of that top gear episode where they found a whole town in Spain, with an airport all decked out with swivelly chairs and computers and the like. They didn't even bother locking the doors cos it was deserted.... Bit like Labour over here when they went all they left was a note saying sorry, no cash left....
  22. Hi Barry - my comments were more general in terms of general responses from people in general around the press and TV today. Looks like the Spanish have seen what Greece has done and are thinking along the same lines. Yes, the Euro was a great and expensive experiment that went horribly wrong and I'm glad that Mr. Cameron has decided to let us all have a say in whether we want to remain a part of the Federal state experiment that will never be happy till everyone is in the Eurozone. You better to get in quick to buy your house over there Alan as I reckon by Friday Putin will have done a deal to buy the whole country and annexe it from Europe. They could be out of the Euro by Sunday....
  23. And quote of the day from his brother - "Devon was not the sort of guy to do something stupid!" I kid you not, you could not make this stuff up. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/33405639/man-in-america-dies-after-trying-to-launch-firework-off-head Very sad story really, but jeez.....
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