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Barrykearley last won the day on August 16

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About Barrykearley

  • Birthday 07/05/1976

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    2010 Evora, 1996 S4s. All now gone - 2009 LE Evora, 1995 S4, 1981 S3, 1998 V8, 1991 S.
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    None at all honest
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  1. Well it would seem today the reform party have really stepped it up a notch. They are stating if the CPS fail to act against a pair of woman beating individuals in Manchester that they will take out a private prosecution. So it’s either Reform or revolution - it’s up to two tier Kier now.
  2. It’s amazing the topic drift we get on here. I’m still reeling from the inflation pressures on freddos
  3. Sadly religion is forced on people. lets consider religions that believe genital mutilation of young boys, forcing women to cover up in public and controlling their rights to education etc. Democracy, socialism, communism, capitalism, bombs, guns etc aren’t the issues - it the vile religious preachings and practices that’s the issue. imagine today someone coming up with such concepts in the western world - they would be locked up as a cult leader.
  4. And the underlying issue in all of this - religion. one man arguing with another about who’s imaginary mate is the best. Utterly pathetic.
  5. I am stunned about how awful the court and police have been. Had this been the other way round the outcomes would be so much different. In the Non-mol she filed against myself she blamed me for her crashing the car - and even failed to mention she was nearly twice the drink drive limit. How that isn’t contempt or misleading the judge I’ve no idea - but she got away with that completely as she never bothered to turn up. I was criticised for my use of this page !!! So in effect a victim of extreme Domestic Abuse is not allowed to speak out when the perpetrator is female. I’m afraid that as some might say doth butter no parsnips. I am sure the police will do everything they can to remove her license yet again - how anyone can plead not guilty to failing to provide a sample baffles me. All i know is no doubt it’s my fault. I’m sure had it been me that violently grabbed my eldest daughter by the throat breaking her necklace and ripping her top - the outcome of that would have been massively different. The sexual discrimination against men is clear to me. I’ve experienced it directly and I am no sure that silence is the right thing.
  6. Well here we are some 2years and 8 months after leaving. I am divorced - but getting the financials implemented is a joke. I have been in and out of court the last few months with utter crap from her. It’s continual breach of undertakings or court orders by her - with what seems like little consequence. now in a position where she has Dispensed with using her solicitors and is now utterly responsive in any way shape or form. I have delivered communication to the house which has had the front door smashed in by police yet again. Everything is being ignored. on top of that - yet another vehicle has been written off - I dread to think of the circumstances behind that. My work is manic and I really don’t have time to be dealing with this crap and the glacial court system.
  7. Of course they will be. That’s what the far left do so well
  8. Nah it’s shite @C8RKH - maybe it would look amazing on a 911
  9. Fair play she has absolutely ripped two tier Sir Kier Starmer the pensioner harmer a new one in her letter. The rank hypocrisy of his leadership is beyond words - and for one of his own to stand up and point it out is incredible. I am hoping for more to come
  10. Some things simply don’t surprise me anymore. This was the lodger she moved into the farmhouse in a property next door to her children. Words baffle me at times. https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/24604047.oak-apple-pub-knife-arrest-suspect-named-paul-gill/
  11. Sadly though he has got a point.
  12. Nice to see the supporters of the Labour Party voting against their own policies. Two tier Stasi Kier is gonna need to tread carefully. The wolves will be looking to take him down. Of course then there’s the chaos of their actions unfolding https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy43kkw7pn2o
  13. I’d highly recommend upgrading to an alunox exhaust manifold
  14. What really boils my piss about starmer is that the tories tried and tried to sort this. Each and every single time they tried to get something through the house - Heir Starmer and his stasi mates were the fastest to their feet claiming that the most vulnerable were being targeted and they claimed the nasty party was intent on killing people off. So Heir Starmer - what’s so different about your plan? the reality is we have generations of workshy scum whom frankly should be starved into work and the support for them should immediately cease. They are a cancer on this society and we should stomach it no longer.
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