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Barrykearley last won the day on July 17

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About Barrykearley

  • Birthday 07/05/1976

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  • Car
    2010 Evora, 1996 S4s. All now gone - 2009 LE Evora, 1995 S4, 1981 S3, 1998 V8, 1991 S.
  • Modifications
    None at all honest
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Community Answers

  1. I’m gonna start a special topic about how great Sir Kier Starmer is and that Scotland should indeed get independence. We need to increase all benefits and tax any Evora GT cars with 300% road tax. With the help of @C8RKH this is gonna end really fast. 10/10/24 at 1525 is my guess.
  2. Some new tools purchased today to allow some working from home 🤣
  3. What was most amusing was the reference in the legal pack before the hearing to the extension I have applied for on the barn. Apparently I have done it without her consent and it’s going to affect the value of the house…… ummmm hang on I’m hundreds of meters away from the main house and you won’t even be able to see it from there anyway. its also apparent that she won’t be having the £2.5k to pay my eldest daughter as agreed every September while she’s at uni. So she will almost definitely breach that part of the court order and I will simply pick up the strain until the house sells. In other news I’ve now applied for judgement on the damage to my van via the small claims track. sadly the abuse we have all suffered will continue to some degree until she’s gone. But the future is bright for all of us and thanks so much for the best wishes guys ❤️
  4. Court went amazingly. the screenshots from my eBay and from here were simply ignored by the judge. If anyone thinks they will silence my family or myself speaking out about the abuse we have suffered at the hands of that woman they can think again. house will now be sold and that’s the end of matters 😎 This morning I’ve requested judgement on the van damage online. She didn’t attend court - too unwell and stressed apparently. The reality is the kids gave notice they were attending to remove possessions and she simply wanted to try and use more control. The kids never went there as they simply don’t wish to become involved in a spiralling police incident as it would have got nasty really quick.
  5. Well that was an interesting day. The ex didn’t attend but her solicitors did. Got absolutely everything addressed that was important and it would appear now we have a legal enforceable order and timescale for the completion of matters. she will it seems get away with stealing £25k of garage equipment along with disposing of the kids stuff. That’s life and frankly I’m not bothered. We will build back bigger, better and stronger.
  6. I’ve not posted much on here as it’s now very apparent the level of stalking and scrutiny all of my life is under by the ex and her solicitors. Court it is today. Maybe just maybe we will get some progress.
  7. And the circus still rumbles on. After a chaotic week of work we got back home about 1845 last night exhausted. By 1930 I have a police officer at my door concerned for the welfare of my ex. Thanks for that - not once have they visited my kids or me concerned about our welfare at the hands of that woman. They got my opinion in no uncertain terms. Even more amazing is the source of the report - which is the woman who they have still yet to arrest due to hate mail………. But they are due to apparently The kids do not need to see the police on our drive and discussing such things and I kept the officer outside and the door shut.
  8. It was always coming @C8RKH. The system has always favoured those who don’t bother. With Labour in power this will only get worse.
  9. In good news @C8RKH The SNP have been very quiet
  10. He’s talking utter bollocks - if it really stops it working then remove and refit 😊
  11. He’s still fat then. seriously - he’s got four bloody wires to swap. It’s literally like for like. There’s no reason he shouldn’t be in and out in 10 mimutes
  12. I was the first to vote in our local polling station for the third consecutive time running. Not that it’ll make any difference as I’m sure the loony greens will get in here. Looking forward to seeing the chaos unfold overnight.
  13. The garage at the start is not a million miles away from me - recognised it immediately
  14. Time to waste another couple of hours watching dross on the tv.
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