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    Evora S
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  1. I've done many more than 5 starts (more like 10 or 12), but it seems to have taken a quarter of a tank of fuel to convince it that things are back to normal. I don't think I'll bother with anything higher than 99 octane in the future. The frustrating thing is that I really felt sure there was nothing wrong but the little yellow light started to sew the seeds of doubt.
  2. Update: couple of trips yesterday but cel still on. Ordered an OBD2 scanner this morning, then went to a car show this afternoon/evening. cel light still on but started the car to head home and the cel light had disappeared. Sods law it would happen after ordering a code scan, but I've decided my Evora is a show off that likes car shows. I'll take it to more if it keeps fixing itself.
  3. I had the check engine light come light up on Sunday morning around 2 or 3 miles after filling up with Aral 102 octane ultimate fuel (https://www.aral.de/de/retail/kraftstoffe-und-preise/unsere-kraftstoffe/aral-ultimate/aral-ultimate-102.html) in Germany. I bought an OBD dongle when I first got the car but have never used it and didn't bring it on this trip . Given the light came on shortly after a fuel stop where I filled up (around 10 gallons) with a fuel at least 3 octane higher than any I've ever used before and lileky 4 or 5 higher than is normal for my car, I strongly suspect the cel is linked to the fuel. Later that same day I filled with Shell V-power 99, but the cel hasn't cleared yet. The car is running beautifully so I'm not going to worry about this until I've flushed more fuel through the system. If the cel persists I'll buy another obd dongle to help diagnose. I do wonder whether I should have dropped to a 95 fuel for one fill, and might top up with 95 ron shortly just to drop the octane a little. My car is an Evora S, but the 1zr Elise with us also filled with the Aral ultimate 102 and has not had a cel light. The "ultimate" is more expensive, but it was only that foreign monopoly Euro stuff so no problem there 😉. Interested to know if others have had similar experiences with high octane fuels or any brands of fuel? I wonder if it is linked to the possible use of alcohol to increase the octane rating? This seemed relevant to this topic, but could be split off if anyone feels I'm thread jacking or whatever it's called.
  4. It seems to have done a lot of miles If it's not a typo it's probably a record.
  5. I forgot to mention there are some interesting talks to. I missed last years due to looking at cars but I'm told it was well worth going just for the talks, and for families I'm told there is some children's entertainment (in fact I was told in addition to adult entertainment, but I don't think it was quite meant like that!). For more details check the website or the facebook page. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there will be a Lotus dealer there this year so it is down to owners to help to represent the brand and show their cars. It would be great to get a good mix of new, old and in between. The snow will have melted by late May and we've had great weather for the last few years so there are no excuses.
  6. The 7th Cumbria International Motor Show is on Sunday 20th May this year. Cars have to be booked in advance and it would be good to get a few more Lotus cars represented at the show. There are a limited number of places so book as soon as you can at: https://www.espcarclub.co.uk/register/ Alternatively if you're car is off the road or you're between sports cars you can attend to view other peoples Lotus cars, but tickets are much cheaper if bought in advance. This show is getting bigger every year and has been a good day out. It's on the Southern edge of Cumbria just off the M6 motorway. I'll be there with my car and happy to meet fellow Lotus enthusiasts.
  7. Any news on this? I'm late seeing this but keen to know whether the brake bleeding is a DIY job or not for the faint hearted...
  8. I think the Evora mostly looks better in the flesh than in photos - not sure why, but only certain angles do it justice. By contrast I think Ferraris and some other exotics are often slightly disappointing in the flesh. They often appear huge, more like a barge than a nimble sports car. With Ferraris I also spend time checking if it's real or just a good kit with the right badges - never an issue with an Evora! Too busy to get involved in the 'Lardy' argument discussion. I don't agree, but love the controversy and wish I wasn't busy today...
  9. Fully agree with C8RKH on the Evora not being mistaken for a P-car, and I don't see the need to disguise my Evora as anything else. I like seeing Ferraris and Lamborghinis, but somehow they're not what I would aspire to - they seem to be aimed at, or bought by, posers and social climbers more than enthusiasts. I accept there are always exceptions, but the vast majority of Lotus owners are car enthusiasts and I'd rather be associated with that 'family' group.
  10. Doing long trips through Europe I drive with my seat back (driver privilege), front passenger has to put their seat forward and two rear seat passengers share the rear foot well behind the passenger. Might sound terrible to some people but we found it much more fun than taking a people carrier, even when three were adult and the youngest was an above average height 14-year old girl (now about to turn 16 and taller than her Mum). If they keep finding it fun you could well be alright until 14 or 15 as boys often have their grow spurts a little later than girls. Plus as boys are often then getting car obsessed who knows. I've never forced my girls to come in the Evora, but they choose to even when there are more comfortable options. I just have to agree to stops every 2 hours.
  11. Without the cf rear hatch it's just a 405, and that's an old Peugeot!
  12. A heavy clutch is certainly not normal as far as my car is concerned, but the driving experience can make some go weak at the knees!
  13. I deliberately avoided the +0/+2 discussion as that just gets too emotionally charged... My car has the 20&19" alloys and whilst I love the looks, I sometimes wonder if the 19&18" combination might be more practical on the road. All of these things have advantages and disadvantages. Completely agree on the S1 dash @C8RKH- I love it, and swathes of leather. I had a cursory look at the P-car competition at a show on Sunday and they all looked like nice plastic, but plastic like my grey Audi. For me the S1 dash is superb. Yes it could be better in some ways, but I can criticise any car dash so they can all be better.
  14. No. The Evora is more of an all year car, and I don't expect there'll be a big change until Lotus do a convertible or targa top version. There are some owners who think they'll shift cars for that, but haven't bitten with the 400 or 410 yet. Sorry, but keep hitting the refresh button.
  15. I disagree, several of us have been negative about one thing or another: black pack - some believe the cars are useless without this; black pack - some believe the cars are nicer without this; MY12 cars - a must as many improvements late 2011; pre MY12 cars - better as more reliable; sports racers - great as they had extras thrown in; sports racers - limited choice of colours & other cars have extras; non-Supercharged - less desirable with less power; Supercharged - drink more fuel for minimal performance improvement; Evora 400 - regarded by owners as vastly superior; Evora 400 - regarded by S1 owners as having squeaky seats! I could go on, but I have to say I like to see Evoras of all types and colours. They all handle well and are fast enough for most roads so just buy what suits you and be happy. They find the right price, and at the moment all Lotus models seem to be going up. I saw a quote from an attendee of the Cumbria International Motor Show thanking the organisers and saying she absolutely must have a Lotus now. There were just over 20 Lotus cars at the show with probably over 200 Porsches, but for the only person talking about desiring to purchase a car it was nice to see it was a Lotus. Fortunately or unfortunately this may put further upwards pressure on prices...
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