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Everything posted by gghc87

  1. while we are on the subject did you see this regarding chip and pin. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/4980190.stm The wonders on modern technology.... yeh right. full proof great improvement I could go on for hours but I wont. The simple ideas are always the best and the more complicated you make things the more they go wrong. this is interesting as well http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4754733.stm
  2. Having seen Daves car in the flesh so to speak its a great colour and seems to have a gold ting to it. fishys car seems to be a different silver. sorry no picture maybe someone can oblige B)
  3. Oh no I can feel another G CAR debate coming on
  4. Did Millbook on an invite day( massa). Great place 155 mph on the oval few feet from the armco on the top lane ( hmmm interesting)... 165 mph on the straight run braking hard just before the end ( slight increase in pulse)..........alpine course is just great fun..only thing is I think its reserved for car manufactures as lots of top secret stuff on site. Not sure if it can be hired or how much if it can. Great experience for anyone you dont forget it.
  5. the radio this morning said 6 months CLIFF
  6. gghc87


    How true, How True
  7. gghc87


    Thanks for all the great replies so far chaps keep them coming. I have to agree with the sentiments given so far. The odd thing is when we all work together, understand each others points of view and have a common purpose the results are often spectacular......Take this forum and LEW for example. But it always takes a few determined individuals to show the rest of us the way. So lets not give into these silly agressive people dispite there increasing numbers and show them the better way. B) Wayne... Love the soap box as mine is almost worn out just wondered if it was coming up on EBAY some time soon???
  8. Paul , thanks this is along the lines of my thinking. However I will quote directly from the Owner's Handbook. "Polishing (page 39) Eventually some loss of gloss, and an accumulation of traffic film, will occur. At this stage, after the normal washing, a polish with a good quality liquid polish will restore the original lustre of the paint film. (page 40) Higher gloss of the paint film, and added protection against contamination, can be obtained by wax polishing. But it must be remembered that a wax polish can only be used successfully on a clean surface, and that the previous application must first be removed with white spirit or a liquid polish cleaner before re-waxing" Has anyone heard about this or done it ? Cliff
  9. My owners manuel suggests removing the old film of wax on the paintwork with white spirit before rewaxing? Sounds a bit brutal has anyone tried this and if so what where the results ?
  10. gghc87


    I agree totally Bibs. Was going to have a quiet word but had my 12 year daughter with me so didnt push it. In my job I've dealt directly with the public for some 30 years and have found most people polite, considerate, patient and understanding ( you always get the nutters sorry excentrics !). But I have to say that in the last 5 years or so the amount of anger and impatience shown by people has never been so great. Its true about people in cars but just try walking down any high street at a weekend when all people are doing is shopping ( normally there choice ) and note the impatence, agression and self importance you are met with.
  11. gghc87


    When to the garage the other day to fill up the Esprit with Optimax. Filled the car and paid. Whilst doing this there where a couple of lads in BMW M3
  12. YES.............THE FORCE IS STRONG IN THIS ONE.....
  13. We are talking about the women The film doesn't look too bad either.
  14. Thanks for clearing that up. UK spec cars dont have this see pic. most the fuses in the boot but there are some on the side wall of the glove box
  15. sorry misunderstanding didnt mean between the seats was refering to what appears to be a storage compartment to the left of your steering wheel?
  16. Sorry to take so long but a Big thanks to all the organisers of a great day MY PICS
  17. I'll second that but some would have you believe white is also a good colour
  18. Looks like it !!! It seems to reduce the size of the glove box lid but there seems to be some form of storage next to the steering wheel.
  19. Hiya Yes the glove box can be seen on the left in this shot taken from the passengers side. The lid is held down by a push catch and there is no lock. Sometimes the lit pops up if you go over a bumpy road. Question... ........ is there a drivers glove box between the steering wheel and the drivers door on the fed spec car.
  20. On the passenger side of the car the fed spec car seems to have some form of extra padding along the dash ?
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