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Posts posted by MPx

  1. 4 hours ago, C8RKH said:

     But how many times are you driving at a sensible speed on the motorway, in the sheeting down rain, and a RangeRover bombs past you at 75-80mph+ as if they were as indestructible as the Terminator?

    Guilty as charged, but I'd proffer a different view.  We all have a different set of experiences, different personal capabilities and drive machines with different capabilities.  I make mistakes at 20 or 30mph let alone faster but have had enough experience and luck over 40 years of driving ca 20k miles a year to have survived and not killed anyone else.  That informs what level of risk I'm prepared to take and I can't stand the "if it saves one life" lobby who'd have us all locked up at home wrapped in cotton wool to avoid any potential risk.  Nevertheless, I do see risks materialise so its not a complacent position just where I judge is an OK place for me to be.

    In a similar vein, I'm quite quick on track compared to normal road drivers who have little or no track experience.  However against those with both track experience and skill I'm a tortoise and moving road block vs their supreme car control.  I don't consider the faster drivers nutters and I can see that they can repeatedly drive around the corners at a speed where I'd be in the tyre wall.  We tend to judge on what we feel ourselves - but that is itself different for all of us.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Techyd said:

    I'd seriously consider giving F1 up if it happened in any authoritative role.

    I gave up F1 after the Masi debacle.  Not missed as much as I expected.  Enjoy watching the bike racing more...

    • Like 2
  3. Two things come to mind.  There's a very thin vac pipe top left of the engine when stood at the front - can easily come loose and cause a hesitation.  Also the cats on an S2 (particularly the precat) are known to self destruct and block the exhaust flow - similar loss of performance. 

    The guys on LEC will have more and better info/ideas

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  4. On 11/11/2023 at 13:39, exeterjeep said:

    Was going out on their test route towards Tedburn St Mary along the old A30 , just managing to overtake a cyclist. While we were Exeter bound.

    That's the second time have seen it along the road.

    I had my Bike suspension set up there by Steve in the HEL Performance site so was up and down that road loads of times to test various setting.  Imagine my delight when Jess directed me there on my Eletre test drive route.  Nice fast B road that I actually knew quite well!

  5. 4 hours ago, Skeeter said:

     Also fair to say that I live in the Highlands ...

    The highlands of Dorset??  Over the border in the highlands of Somerset what you describe is much like the life that Lionel now leads.  Dont know much about the reliability of post 94 youngsters...but when used as my daily my '86 G-car seemed to go "better", but it still doesn't really go wrong and of course it was also 30 years younger then.   They really don't give much trouble if you make sure they have an annual service regardless of milage and that includes all of the described checks, not just the oil change.  Also new belts every 4 years - again regardless of use. 

    One of the few outings I do each year is to Castle Combe and enjoy some gentle track action.  In 2022 I managed to blow the engine and have just got it back from its rebuild.  It blew because the wastegate was rusted siezed and it would have overboosted - blew a chunk (actually 2 chunks) off piston 1.  That sort of seizing up with rust is a consequence of lack of use.  Affects the ultra shiney garage queens just as much as any other car.  So usage is best, but careful maintenance and proper checking and acting on what you find is a good enough second.  No different to a 1600E.

    • Like 2
  6. Already posted elsewhere but to repeat, I've found the AutoEmergencyBrake in JLR cars to be a real menace.  Has happened in both my old 5.0SC and my latest SVAD.  Cruising on a dual carriageway/motorway.  Coming up behind a slower vehicle and busy enough to need to time your maneuver into a smaller gap in the overtaking lane.  Indicate, start pulling out, but the car detects a collision situation and jams the brakes on - that properly scares all surrounding vehicles and me even more.   Similarly on the adaptive cruise...seems to be working fine, then happen to be at exactly the wrong distance behind a lorry - him in the inside lane, me in the overtaking lane - and when the road bends right the radar places it in front, despite us being in different lanes, so the car jams on the anchors.  Madness - and of course very dangerous if I'm being followed.  The alarm sounds and illuminated stuff flashing on the dash is very Jonesy "dont panic" causing exactly the opposite effect. 

    Of course the one time I actually needed AEB through being a numpty and not concentrating it did absolutely nothing and I hit some poor woman's car at just under 1mph - which presumably it could have easily avoided by applying the brakes half a second earlier than my surprised jab, but it chose not to for some reason.  So thanks for that!

  7. 4 hours ago, exeterjeep said:

    I take it that there are no details of what's on at the event.

    There's a bit of fluff about being greeted and presented to (interrogated even?), but its generally worded as an exclusive opportunity to jump the queue and acquire a stock Eletra or Emira...

  8. 1 hour ago, MPx said:

      I've not had any recent emails or been invited back so maybe I didn't make a very good impresson! 

    Update on that....got a letter today (late post in the sticks!) from Conor Horne UK&Ireland Director assume of Hendy not Lotus???   Anyway its my invite to the 75th anni event at Hendy between 22nd  and 25th Nov.  Annoyingly we're busy those days so I wont make it....but the exciting part is the 22nd should be the long awaited pick up of Lionel from PNM...

    • Like 1
  9. Interesting, did you get anything Keith?  Obviously we have both had our Eletra test drives - so maybe nothing more to see here.  Mine following a (single) Hethel email/invite.  I've not had any recent emails or been invited back so maybe I didn't make a very good impresson!  Although, on the day, Lloyd kindly invited me back any time....

  10. First post has to be approved by a mod Barry.  Most often Pinky does it but Spud can as well I believe - should happen within a day or so.  Once first go is approved you can post away...tho as Justin found it doesn't really support pictures so you'll need a companion pic host and link from there in IMG tags.

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  11. Yes many (not sure about all) can be disabled if the central screen works - but as Keith says you have to do it every time which is annoying and time consuming.  Not possible on my drive as the software "needed an update".

    • Like 1
  12. On 07/10/2023 at 16:25, exeterjeep said:

    Went in today, booked for the 9th. 

    Well done Keith - hope its a good one.  Sadly I had to cancel mine today.  F has been Covid positive for the last week or so and this morning I tested positive too.  B****r!  Our first go at Covid, F does most of the interfacing with the great unwashed while I stay at home so she was always more in the firing line but we've gotten away with it for three years.  I guess once its in the house its hard to avoid although I know Bibbo has a couple of times.  

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  13. 13 hours ago, jep said:

    I hope you called your insurer on the i3. You can usually get a reduction from an initial renewal quote


    Good advice Justin, but this time I didn't.  If I'm going to talk to a broker, its odds on they'll make me cross and I like to have somewhere else to go if I want to end the call.  Didn't feel I did this year so just paid up...

    • Like 1
  14. Well the two Lotus were much the same this year as last and indeed for the last several at around £100 each  ...but I must say I feared the worse for the other two given some of the horrors I've read about on the SpeakEV and FullFat forums.  The one that most lived up to the hype was the i3.  The renewal quote came in at £329 up from £215.   Over 50% uplift seemed a bit strong so got onto the Meerkats, Go Compare and Confused.  All started way higher - over £400 so renewed where I was for £329.  The Range Rover (SVAD) is slightly unusual in that I had an embarassing ding in Dec '21 so lost some noclaims and had to pay £736 last year up from something in the £400s.  This year the renewal came though at some huge four figure number but back on the comparison sites it was easy to get it down and eventually paid £679.  I'm guessing being geriatric but not yet doolally and living in the middle of nowhere has its advantages in this game.  All four cars for both me and F to drive were less than my Mum has to pay for her old Fiesta ... but she is 90 this year!


  15. 4 hours ago, exeterjeep said:

    I have not got one on order but got an email from the factory to book a drive.

    That's my position.  I went to the Hendy/Lotus launch event (as you did) and I told Lloyd/Elliot that I was interested.  Then I got that email from the factory to book a slot, so I did!  

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