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MPx last won the day on November 1 2010

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About MPx

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    '86 Turbo Esprit, '94 M100 Elan S2
  • Modifications
    Clutch hose, Front Brakes, Fuel Lines
  • Location
    Deepest Sunny Zummerzet

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  1. I just put my pics up on Postimage.org (other free picture hosting sits are available) and put the link on here....
  2. Yeah - enjoyed the catch up and great to see/hear that Lloyd is so happy with his lot post the Hendy debacle. Also good that we were lucky with the weather so fine for exploring outside as well top down journeys both ways. Still find it annoying that you are supposed to get there between 8 and 9:30, but they dont open the doors 'til 10 (10:08 today!). I meant to get there as late as poss, but ended up only just after 9 - doh! Awkward for some of us to have no access to a loo until 10 and the Stockman's cafe normally opens at 8 which would offer a very good use of the pre-down-time if only they'd let you in to it. Anyway, not many places outside Goodwood that you can go to gawp at an F40, Pagani Huayra and AM Valkarie parked next to each other - over £6mill in that little row without the F1 cars and all the more normal level Lambo/Fezza/Maccer on show. Well done the organisers! Obviously have good contacts!
  3. What better way to lead your life - assess what gives joy and what doesn't and maximise the first while minimising the second. Good to hear it being done for real.
  4. MPx

    M200 concept for sale

    Keep up Andy ...
  5. Crikey, out door only Keith - much as I love it its not really indoor material is it?!?! Indeed sounds like not many of us going as he said "if" they get several they'll park all the Lotus together.
  6. I've got the Elan booked in, but have said to Daniel that I will want to change to the Esprit of its raining. He seems pretty flexible so hoping it works out OK.
  7. Interesting thoughts Justin. Range is what it is in the i3: for our 2018 that's 100 winter, 130 summer which is fine for the majority of uses but hopeless if you have no other cars for longer journeys. Agree that the car can be appealing to drive - certainly a good compromise between practical and fun for a city car. Don't get the depreciation comment. Ours was £29k new in 2018. Just looked up on Autotrader and it looks like most are being marketed at around £13k (some more, some less) so maybe a £16k drop in 6 years just 55%. As depreciation goes that seems better than "normal" isn't it? Based around my rule of thumb that general car values drop about 50% every 3 years - or does that no longer hold true in the mass market?
  8. Many thanks to SWLC Performance for hosting this event again. Had a good time and great to catch up with everyone. You were missed Ian...but I'm afraid Gout is a ailment attracting pointing and laughter however painful it may be for you. Which over indulgence caused yours? Delighted to say the Elan got me there and back extraordinarily quickly without missing a beat. So sort of all good - except I had gone to the trouble of attaching my laptop with Elanscan to capture the misfire that didn't happen all day - best part of 200 miles! That Elite is coming on better than new - but the Esprits in the workshop were in an awful state so they've got their work cut out there to make something of the restorations. Some great cars to gawp at coming and going throughout the day.
  9. Yep - I'll be going down in the M100 if the forecast for dry is close to being correct. Normally get there late morning - 11 or so, depending on whether Fran wants dropping off in Exeter on the way down.
  10. Well done Bibbo - a great place to have hung out for so long. I blame you for introducing me to the nearest I get to social meedya - but I guess its not all bad! 😘
  11. Its first Sunday of every month Justin. See here... Most cars are just in the car park, but there's a monthly theme and you can get in that in the smaller paddock by asking by email. Need a "ticket" either way which is £5. Its been popular enough sometimes that they sell out so no longer just a "turn up" event.
  12. Ordered a rear silencer on 7/8 - website said 10 days. Chased by email after two weeks. No response but it arrived three days later. I expect they're just even busier than normal during holiday season. Keep trying to call - you'll get through in the end.
  13. Went along to this today as the theme was 60s/70s/80s. Hoped there would be some good Lotus classics in attendance. But no. Still a good event, but not as well supported as expected. There were 650 cars booked in overall and about 50 of us in the Paddock for the theme. Capacity is 675 and it was nowhere near that so many no shows....and not many Lotus - just saw these There was also an Emira that came late and went early... All slightly disappointing to be honest but |I guess as rain was forecast the garage queens weren't allowed out. Didn't rain until I was leaving at 10:30. Lionel was the only Lotus in the Paddock Some great eye candy - Fezzas, Maccers, Lambos, Astons, etc. A lovely Audi Quattro and Maserati in the paddock along with the first Nova I've seen this century! But overall outnumbered by the modded BMW and Chav cars about 5 to 1.
  14. Always loved the Sprint. Mine was BRG reg JNH774N. Great car in its day.
  15. I use Sansom products (sorry Greg!). They do a spray called Bugsy. Particularly summertime when its insect dense I also do a spray around first with that - typically all the frontal area, mirror backs, leading arches, etc. Its also perfect on bird muck so any of that gets a squirt too. All pressure washes off easily in the first round then. Interesting thought on the wheels Andy - I just do them with everything else, but obvs a separate brush for them when the body is being hand washed. Not had a prob but can see some merit....hmmm!
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