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About Doulou

  • Birthday 16/08/1965

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  • Name
    Paul Christodoulou
  • Car
    Lotus Esprit SE

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  1. It’s hard to believe that nobody has come forward with this problem before, I find it very bizarre!
  2. I appreciate all your help Grahame. Yes I have a new starter switch so just wired it in and can start the car using a screwdriver to turn the starter switch thanks again👍
  3. I understand and don’t worry I have tried most places and drawn a blank too I am in no rush can still use the car starting it with a screwdriver best regards Paul
  4. Hi Grahame, indeed the offending item will be tricky to replicate I cannot thank you enough for having a go best of luck
  5. Grahame you can see the grub screw if you look closely at my first picture thanks again
  6. Hi Grahame there is a grub screw on the rear of the column housing behind where the starter switch sits i had to use a very small flat blade screwdriver to remove it the type that you adjust spectacles with. You can feel it if you put hand behind thank you so much Bye the way once you remove the switch the adapter with be nestled in the starter switch you will see it sitting just proud
  7. The starter switch is pretty generic triumphs TRs etc used them too
  8. Hello mate,you ok? I think it is, speaking with the likes of SJ etc if that small adapter is lost or broken you have had it all the components on the ignition etc are from the factory SJ sell the switches but no one has this little adapter
  9. The image shows the D coming from the barrel the square image 2 is the starter switch the adaptor fits between the two which enables the barrel D to turn the starter from the key if that makes sense??
  10. Sorry no. The little adapter broke in to three pieces and like a fool I binned it its best described as a hollow metal sleeve one end is shaped (square ) to fit in to the starter switch the other end shaped like a D (hollowed) that fits on the end of the ignition barrel I would say it’s about 1.5 - 2cm in height thanks Paul
  11. Hello everyone looking for some advice! My ignition switch broke which is easy to replace I know however the little adaptor that plugs into the starter from the end of the barrel completely disintegrated. I am now trying to get a square peg to fit in a round hole so to speak and frankly not having any luck. any help / advice welcome thanks Paul
  12. Perfect thank you look forward to meeting you Paul
  13. Hi Edward when is your next meet? I would like come along thanks Paul
  14. Brilliant thanks for the info Andy Paul
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