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Everything posted by mickeymegabyte

  1. I am going to add one final comment and leave it at that.....excuse my shouting. "WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE TODAY.....YOU ALLOW ANYTHING AND ACCEPT IT IS RIGHT". CRAZY !!
  2. I think the public are selfish in general. Unions are unpopular today....but everyone who whinges about people striking for their rights and do not belong to unions still accept the pay rises that they negotiate for union members.....I would make it so that they negotiate their own rises. I read somewhere that it is not the Train Drivers that are striking, it is other staff in stations etc....I may be incorrect. Think of this example: A man earning £20,000 per year has a rise of 2% his pay goes to £20,400. A man earning £200,000 per year has a rise of 2% his pay goes to £204,000. This gap will grow every year, imagine the difference in 10 years. It is no wonder that some people are not affected by the rising cost of living.....they can still afford to party!
  3. How far shall we go back ....1066 ....? when the Normans invaded. I am not whinging and whining.....just stating facts. I was an electrician for 25yrs and Railway Signal engineer 25yrs, I could not have worked from home......as many cannot today. I care about the world my children will have to live in, not the past.
  4. It is obvious that most people will put up with whatever is presented to them without question. WHY !..... why do we allow ourselves to be sucked dry of hard earned cash/life savings.... without questions. All I am stating in previous posts is we ALL have a set budget to live on. You cannot give working people 2% wage rises and raise Gas/Electric by 54%....food by 10% per month.....reduce quantities and charge more, something has to give.
  5. I do not have the answers to reduce the cost of living...I am retired. But it is our governments responsibility to find a definite solution to these problems, this is what 'THEY' get payed for. In my opinion they are ignoring the fact that we all have a set budget, depending on income. ...we can't just keep accepting approximate monthly 10% rises in the supermarket and chocolate bars being reduced in size. it has to end somewhere.....doesn't it. Note : some parts of UK reporting about £2.15p per litre for fuel.
  6. Hello all, I wanted to have my say in this discussion. The government are approaching rising cost from the wrong direction. They keep feeding us in the UK with tit-bits to keep us sweet (£150 of Council Tax...£400 promised in winter), I think what they should be looking at is how to reduce the cost of living. What they do not realize is that we all have a set budget to survive on, this may be little or a larger amount. We are, therefore, going to reduce our luxury item purchases and lower our standards with lesser priced goods such as going from e.g. .....'Warburtons' bread(£1.25p) to 'Aldis' own (69p). This is going to have massive consequences in my opinion... already I have noticed that Beef and Lamb is piled high in supermarkets and pork and chicken is low in the aisles. Obviously these are just some examples but I believe this could become a bigger problem. Think of a world with no 'Cadburys' chocolate, 'McVities' Choc' digestives, Fancy Cakes for birthdays and expensive Lager/beer/wine. IT WILL HAPPEN if somethings not done. Thanks for reading.
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