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Everything posted by simonf

  1. Right, i have spoken to Ellough Park and unfortunately they do ont offer arrive and drive fascilities on a tuesday. We could either do the friday following being the 8th May or we would have to be a weekend. I am very happy to do friday, but i would like to hear from others about their thoughts! Please feel free to ivite friends and partners to this one, more the merrier as far as i am concerned! I am going to invite some of my petrol head mates who will definately be up for some twin engine action!! Please post your thoughts on the firday and if we still have enough interest i will book up! many thanks Simon
  2. Some of you will remember that i tried to organise some Go-Karting last year but the interest wasn't really there. So this year i am going to try again! Tuesday 5th May will be the date as this is the normal meeting day for a monthly AEG meet, it will probably start at about 8pm. It would be highly unusual for the AEG not to go for a beer after but feel free to leave straight after the event if you want to get home at a reasonable time. We have 5 AEG members that are very interested and wondered if anyone else wanted to join us? Ellough Park is one of the longest outside courses in the country and you will be using powerfull twin engined Go-Karts! Last time i was there they didn't mind you curbing them and creating sparks from the undercarriage!! Beccles is on the Norfolk Suffolk border and can be eassily access from the A12. Could i please have a list of definates as soon as possible so that i can get it booked as it tend to get booked up well in advance. Many thanks
  3. Tuesday the 5th May - Ellough Park Race Course, Beccles it is then please could i have final numbers as soon as possible so that i can get booked up! I will post directions once we have booked final numbers - many thanks
  4. Yeah the Audi S5 owners club were making similar promises when we went! My non resonating exhaust and lighter wheels with my re-map is going to be fast than your car with is bolt on bit and bobs! An guess whose was the fastest? Me in my standard S5!! Its not just the car that has to perform you know Anyway i think the gaunlet has been set! Shame i am not going to be in the esprit (although if i were it would be the slowest car on the forum as i would have to push it a quarter mile!) Glad the thread is getting some interest. I think it is worth while doing with just a few cars but obviously the more there the better!!
  5. Yeah the Audi S5 owners club were making similar promises when we went! My non resonating exhaust and lighter wheels with my re-map is going to be fast than your car with is bolt on bit and bobs! An guess whose was the fastest? Me in my standard S5!! Its not just the car that has to perform you know Anyway i think the gaunlet has been set! Shame i am not going to be in the esprit (although if i were it would be the slowest car on the forum as i would have to push it a quarter mile!) Glad the thread is getting some interest. I think it is worth while doing with just a few cars but obviously the more there the better!!
  6. Roger, You can't put claims like the FASTEST, SEXIEST ESPRIT on your avitar without proving it!! This is your chance to get a peice of paper proving your claim! and have some serious fun doing it! Bibs, I take your point about track days - as you know i used to do one a month in my old Beemer, but the thing of a track day is that they are much more expensive - i was paying between
  7. The next Run What Ya Brung day is Sunday 17th may 2009. It would be great if we could get a good show of heads! It is only
  8. Simonf - Go Kart required Gumin - Go Kart required Newts - Go Kart required Brendan - Go Kart required G3rry - Go Kart required 5 interested is not bad - i may open this up to the whole forum and see what happens.
  9. AEGers Could i please have a list of people who would rather go go-karting in May than have a meeting at a pub in the normal way. If we get strong interest i will open it up to the rest of the forum, but my attempt to get this arranged last year failed miseribly due to lack of interest! Simonf - go kart required
  10. Kimbers i take it you have waranty? I wouldn't like to shell out for a supercharger! Buzz bomb Blubaru Audi S(ledge-hammer)5 I see a three way race comming on! Come on guys, this is what santa pod was made for!!!
  11. Good man! I knew you wopuld be up for it!! I would be very surprised if you didn't post a 12 second time! And that is good by anyones standards, that is of course if you do not cave in under the race pressure!! I was very surprising how many people forgot how to drive when they got their cars on the strip!! Any more fore santa pod??? Its good fun, its cheap and there are plenty of people with wierd and wonderful car creations to look at and talk too!
  12. How did the meeting go guys - anything interesting happen? How many turned up? I think i might have passed James on the way home - there was something blue and brick-shaped hossing the otherway and i guessed it was james just after the fly over on the Mulbarton Road coming from the A140!! By me turning up for a beer i have saved my perfect turn out record! See you all for the next one in Suffolk! Simon PS is anyone interested in a run to Santa Pod? I have started a thread to which no one has posted, but i thought Andy might be interested in finding out how fast his mutany G car was, Kimbers might be interested in finding out how quick he could sprint down the quarter mile and James has a subaru so it goes with out saying that he would be interested! It is very easy on the cars, there were a whole host of sheds running last sunday and only one breakdown!! Come on guys what do you reckon - its only the other side of Cambridge!!
  13. I have some news! The good news is The table is booked for the bird in hand. Arrive 7.30 to eat at 8pm and the good news is I cant make it! - Sorry guys but i am sure you will have just as good a time without me! (first missed meeting in nearly two years!) Speek soon Simon
  14. cheers buddsy! So i will get the table booked for a dozen I know that Owen is coming and just in case we get some late interest from someone else! Buddsy, Andy do you guys want a lift?
  15. Hi everyone, I have just come back from an excellent day at santa pod race track doing quarter mile runs with the Audi S5 owners club! It got me thinking, would be great to get some esprits there. Reasons:- 1) As an owners club the Audi boys had thier own paddock enclosure big enought for about 60 cars (although there were only about 25 of us - still a good turn out though) 2) It was only
  16. Looks like a good day - i was a shame to miss it! My car would have looked great next to the RS4! I went to Santa pod with the Audi S5 owners club - they are a really great bunch of lads but they don't know too much about quick take-offs! They were nearly all tuned, chipped, lowered, miltek exhausts etc and one chap had even gone to the lengths of getting race fuel and then having a re-map to get the most out of his race fuel and i pissed past him by second gear!! guess who posted the fastest quarter mile? Yep the new boy - me! 13.45secs with a terminal speed of 103.9 mph! Would be great to get some lotus esprits there! Its only
  17. I think the link took you somewhere that mere mortals are not allowed! (regional co-ordinators sub forum, so i guess you didn't have the right clearance!!) anyway thanks for your link Gerry. I will be attending, it will be great to get some EALCers together with the AEGers see if we cant temp some of them onto LEF!!!
  18. http://www.lotusespritforum.com/forums/ind...showtopic=22803 Any AEGers interested? could be good fun and it is for charidee List of potential attendees Simonf
  19. Anymore for the Bird in Hand?
  20. I spotted you too at the top of Grapes Hill going round the round about - didn't catch the number plate but i think it was Mustard98 as it had the bigger spoiler than owens and owen has removed his decals (i think - havent seen him for a while)
  22. Ahh thats interesting as that may just alter my whole take of strategy! If the clutch is under waranty, i feel much better! Andy fuel yes! Tyres i wouldn't have thought so...Quattro shouldn't allow and tyre smoke just lightning take offs!!
  23. Hi Gerry, Nice to see you on the forum - you and the EALC are more than welcome and we hope to see you there! YOu are welcome to join the AEG (which is just the anglian chapter of Lotus Esprit Forum) no charge. If you join i will e-mail you with up and coming events locally. See you soon Simon
  24. If i see him parked up there again, i will give him a "you have been spotted" card!
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