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I'll be on it soon. just ordered it.....but playing sooo much Fallout 3 at present it's hard to know where to fit it all in.

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Fraser is getting that after his prelim exams are finished on Wednesday next week.

Having seen him on the other games im guessing you will me toast Mr Bibs!! :)

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Just received my PS3 back from Sony following a DVD blueray player issue. Have to say they where top notch very impressed with the service.

So will now be popping down to the shops to invest in the new COD. :)


Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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Tim. :) Must admit I get the same kicking online myself. Finished all of it now including the additional disc. Cracking game with Video Direction from our own Rob Cunningham onsite (Robcun). Alot of the artwork on the load screens also seems to be inspired by his style of artistry.

Xbox360 is th way to go though!.....Until the new Total War PC game comes out that is!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I'll be up for that. Bibs, I'm already a friend online of you, but if anyone else wants to make me a friend my handle is Kimbers34 (suprise suprise).

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Bah, wait till I get there!! You'll be falling 24 times in a row.......

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Ok, so I played Bibs head to head last night (get those headphones fixed matey) and he did actually kick my butt! but he does have better weapons and mines etc which I don't have cause I'm lower level.

Still, cracking game!!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I play COD WW as well at the moment, but I'm really not impressed with it at all..

Just a couple of bugs I've found.

1. The after match stats always say 'error. server timed out'.

2. You can be killed by an artillery strike, and respawn right back in the middle of it, dying again instantly. This happened three times in a row once which is very bad programming.

3. Sometimes you respawn facing directly up at the ceiling. By the time you've panned down, you've already been shot by the same person who just killed you. usually as you've died and respawned about 10 feet away from where you were killed in the first place.

4. The weapon challenges are a joke. No rewards apart from stat point for getting head shots. On COD4 you got different camo for your guns, and ultimately golden guns. (I have the Golden Dragunov on COD4)

5. No 'mercenary' deathmatch option. That means you often end up in a game where the other team is a clan of 6 Italians, all shouting at each other at the same time in the lobby, with nobody actually listening. (I've got nothing against Italians.. but they do seem to shout very loudly on their headsets!)

6. you spend ages getting to the higher levels, which is where most of the useful perks are such as 'iron' lungs.. So then you only get the perks you want for a little while, and you then have to prestige up and lose everything. They should make some of the useful perks lower down.

7. General lag issues all over the place. Games timing out. Big delays at the beginning/end of games.

8. And finally, my biggest annoyance. You are able to kill someone with a 9mm SMG who is hiding behind a wooden fence.. but if you fire a round from a tank then the flimsy wooden fence protects them completely! How very realistic.

All in all, I think Treyarch have been given a super game engine that Infinity ward wrote, and they've stripped out all the good bits and replaced them with rubbish.

I'm still playing it at the moment, but it's doing my head in. COD4 was 100 times better.

Edited by Glyn Harper
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Hmmm. Glyn. You playing on X box or PS3?

I'm on the X box360 Live and To agree/disagree somewhat.

1. Only ever does this on X box when the host leaves and it can't migrate a new host.

2. Totally agree and now await the full time to respawn rather than hitting X and jumping straight back in.

3. Spawn Camping has been a big issue on X box version with people knowing where the spawn points are and just waiting for you. It needs random spawning. Bibs tells me this issue is being resolved and we have already had one patch.

4. Never understood the need for camo's and golden guns. I thought that was rubbish on COD 4, I want gun options like sights etc who cares about coloured camo etc. It never helped me hide anyway.

5. Never played Mercenary Deathmatch. I always played Domination and Ground War (which I still do), with the odd search and destroy and headquarters game mixed in. In regards to the Italians. Theres a new option on the X box game where you can chose to play "Worldwide, European or Local (UK only)" This will also sort out your lagging problem. On x box press the X key in lobby.

6. Thats the same as COD4. My fave weapon was MP44 in that which you got for 1 whole level before you presiged.

7. See above. That will get better but demand is very high at present and all you need is 1 person in the US or Europe without Broadband and everything grinds to a halt.

8. Agree. They could have given us a more interactive enviroment. I love to see the artillery come down, with all the earth/bricks etc flying about, but afterwards there's no pot holes or rubble. Also the dogs shouldn't be able to kill you with 2 bites when it takes a BAR 3-5 shots!!!!

9. My addition: It's not as true to life as COD3 and (to a lesser extent) COD4. You have to keep moving about to get a good score whereas in real life you would find a good spot take your shot and then move. You can't in this as the maps are too big with too few numbers and you'd end up not shooting anyone for the whole game. I wanted to see 20-30 players a side on the biggest maps. Snipers seem to have a massive advantage on maps like Seelow which is so open you don't stand a chance, I hate it! Yet you can't even try and snipe on CHinese CAstle or some of the town games.

10. How do dogs kill almost instantly, yet a point blank shot from a BAR high cal Machine gun still takes 3 shots! Shotguns are totally useless and the bolt action guns...well forget them. Get a Semi Auto rifle and fit a scope instead. I played a "War" last night where the opposition had a constant barrage of artillery on teh flag. Never even tried to capture it. It then goes to play off and they did the same for 30 mins till most of my team just switched off through boredom.

11. What is it with the artillery? If you are on the receiving end of it the screen shakes and you can't see a thing but the opposite team seem to walk through with impunity and shoot you whilst you are disorientated.

I do however like the different grenades/gas. I like the playability and bigger number of maps. Lots of room for improvement though.

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I'm on the PS3..

The camo options were just a nice little bonus. Kind of personalising your guns. If they are to have a challenge for completing 150 head shots with some of the pathetic guns you have, then you should at least get a reasonable reward for it.

I also agree about the dogs. A lot of people reckon the tanks have ruined the game, but I think the dogs have. I've been on several games where there's an airstrike, then dogs. and as soon as the dogs finish, the dogs are coming in again.. then again.. I've quit many a game because of this. Once the other team gets 'on a roll' with artillery and dogs, then your own team is massively disadvantaged, as you stated with the artillery strikes. And it's nothing to do with their skill level, it's just blind luck. On some of the smaller maps, they are almost guaranteed to get loads of kills with them, and keep their airstrike/dog momentum going. Get to that point, and you may as well just quit to conserve your kill/death ratio.

I'd seen about the 'local' option, but I don't seem to have that on the PS3.. unless someone else can advise?

Oh, my other bug bear is not related to COD ww in particular, it's just the way people generally use their headsets.

If they're not jabbering at full volume in Italian, as I said before, then it's one of the following.

1. 'The swearer' - American teenagers constantly shouting 'mother******' everytime they get shot, but not actually offering any useful input to their other team members.

2. 'The bad parent' - Someone with a baby screaming it's head off in the background for the whole match, presumably wanting to be fed, while it's parent/guardian ignores it to play COD.

3. 'The brat' - Someone who sounds like they're about 8 years old, singing and making stupid noises down their mike the entire time.

4. 'The dog lover' - Someone who sounds like they have a dog next to them, barking constantly.. probably for the same reasons as the baby in note 2

5. 'The Gangster' - Someone playing rap music at full volume in the background.

6. 'The chatterbox' - Someone having a conversation with someone else in the room they're playing in, usually about how long they had to queue in McDonalds that day, or why the DHSS closed before they got their cheque.

7. The 'heavy breather' - Someone who never has anything to say, but nevertheless snorts and grunts down the mike as if they're playing the game stood on a treadmill.

Call me cynical, and I know you can mute them (thank goodness!) but why do people bother using a headset if they're not actually going to use it to discuss what's going on in the game?

And before you all flame me.. go on.. admit it.. you've all come across them!

Edited by Glyn Harper
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Hey Bibs... My main man FrazyM tells me your good but that he had a better kill rate than you ....and he only got the game this afternoon...... could this be true??? :respect::rant:

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Tell the young padwan that time will tell. His 0.58 KD ratio isn't quite the 1.03 that I'm currently enjoying!

Oh, and I'd just turned it on, I was warming up.

And I'd had a drink

And, erm, stuff. :rant:


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Ahhhh, but Gordo! Young Fraser was playing Single Player not online all last night. I was waiting for him to come join me and my mates so we could lower that kill ratio!!

I agree Glyn. I have banned my kids from the headset, not because of them but because of what the other people say. The Americans playing are the worst. Last night I heard 3 goading this young kid (sounded about 8) to saying I hate F'in N*****s, Kill all Hispanics etc etc. I turned off in the end.

The worst are the music players. Dicks!

The headset is invaluable especially in Domination games where you can pinpoint snipers etc for your team mates.

Me and my friends formed a group last night where we could talk even when on opposing sides, without upsetting other players.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Ahhhh, but Gordo! Young Fraser was playing Single Player not online all last night. I was waiting for him to come join me and my mates so we could lower that kill ratio!!

I have no idea what your talking about Kimbers.. :rant: .. ask me one on sport ... i can see that i am going to have to get down da kids and learn the lingo and perhaps have a go at this thing myself!

He has not been off the thing since he got it yesterday ( his prelim exams are finished so it was his prezy for working hard) and he is off school today and tomorrow so i imagine he will be an ace by Friday night!

After that he will be going back to limited XBox time again!

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You need to get on with it pops! I know lots of younger people play it but so do loads around our age!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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