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Speed Run

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  • Gold FFM

Thanks to many of the regulations of material that cannot be sent via air, I find myself having to leave from my house in Maryland for Florida. The first stop is the Pittsburgh Pirates facility in Bradenton and then Florida A & M University in Tallahassee, with a return stop at RNA in Raleigh North Carolina on way back north to attempt to be at my house in Connecticut sometime Thursday evening/Friday morning. I decided to take the Esprit, as I can make the best time with much better mileage, rather than the Land Rover,the Avalanche, or any of my other vehicles. I figured with the warm weather down south I would take advantage of the roof being out most of the way. Tools and such will be packed lightly...It shall be interesting to see how the car does on a continuous run, normally I just do the 350 miles from driveway to driveway of my houses, I actually find that I can shave off an hour on that trip because people will get out of the fast lane to let you pass in the Esprit. For those of you unfamiliar with US motorway etiquette, there really is not much...so that in its own says much when someone moves from the fast lane to actually allow you to pass by...

So that will place me up to almost 65k miles by the time I arrive back home...should be relaxing...


Edited by cjtpb13
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I did 1500 miles in my Esprit when I first picked it up from Dallas and drove it to Toronto. I did the trip in 2 days, and next to going over to England for the 60th, it was the most fun I have ever had in 2 days by myself.

Interestingly, I noticed that lane etiquette was great in Texas, Arkansas, and Tennesee, and deteriorated as I got further North until it was, as you have noted, non-existent by Michigan and of course Ontario.

Kindly report if you notice more lane etiquette in the South :)

"At home, I have a King Sized bed. Now, I don't know any Kings, but I would imagine if one were to come over, he would be comfortable." -Mitch Hedberg

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  • Gold FFM


Funny that you say that...the best lane etiquette I have seen in the US is Alabama believe it or not. I have managed to travel 49 States out of 50...still have had no reason to get to Alaska. I spend quite a bit of time, half my year, in the EU, Northern Africa, Mexico and South America. So I get to see quite a bit of different driving techniques...lol. I usually average 60-70k miles a year on the road alone.

How did you do for those two days?

I wish I could stop in and visit a few people from forum in my travels but this was three unplanned site visits and with Easter holiday it has to be fast.....

Edited by cjtpb13
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  • Gold FFM

Sounds like a fun drive Chris. I've done a couple of drives around the 800 - 900 mile mark in Esprits, but never any further. A really long drive always one sounds fun and a bit of an adventure. 3000 miles for us, would take us well into Europe then back again.

Hope you get a problem free and enjoyable journey.

Edited by mayesprit

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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  • Gold FFM

Left Saturday morning and did the first leg of 1000miles straight. Not as comfortable as my MB320 4matic,the Avalanche, or for those who know me the other two cars in the stable. But a hell of a lot more comfortable than the Land Rover LOL !!! I had one funny gremlin which I will figure out when I return...slight gremlin in the lights but sorted itself out...swear the ghost from my one house has followed me...

Trevor, thanks. I located my Lotus in Long Island. Cannillo Motorsports in Deer Park. I will PM you next time I am running past your neighbourhood...

Bibs, so true...so true...I think I pulled one of your stunts...the one I have seen on YouTube...video of them trying to lock on your car. I was in a group of about 11 cars, all above the limit, ( Driving in Europe alot I have gotten use to 130 kilometres on the motorways) needless to say it looked like a hornets nest hit with an errant rock...Florida State Troopers swarming everywhere, must have been 8 of them. Luckily enough the uprated brakes slowed me down enough that I just whistled through being one of the few not stung...

Ian thanks...I had to chuckle because when I am in France, one of my caretakers gives me grief because I will drive from Pernay (between Tours and Le Mans) to Paris in the same day. They all think it should be an overnite trip. My friend in Wellington having lived in the States for several years now drives distances he used to think were long in the UK like they are nothing..lol. In Turin before the Winter Olympics a few years back,I had to have a stepdown transformer for a ACTech Variable Frequency Controller. One was found in the UK and the IOC made them drive it. The two drivers shared and drove straight through. Both were exhausted. You would laugh at how I have the car packed with my gear for the jobs...utilised every bit of space and still managed to get roof in the trunk...hope all is well with you Ian...everything set and out of winter for you ?

Edited by cjtpb13
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I totally agree about the lane discipline. Michigan drivers have no clue (they will block the left lane, pass on the right, and never use their signal), and Ontario drivers seem as if they are purposely trying to hold up the left lane, in some kind of "holier than thou" move. And indeed, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and the Carolinas are where I have experienced drivers who are both polite and attentive.

Edited by Tony K

Tony K. :)


Esprit S1s #355H & 454H

Esprit S2.2  #324J

1991 Esprit SE

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  • Gold FFM

Have finished the speed run...3495 miles total...All ran well and arrived back at my one house to discover Marcus had sent my uprated clutch. I figured that after the original clutch has gone this far, now past the 65k mark, it would be time to change. All work with delays completed and no traffic infractions I know of yet...lol

Did discover that one possible reason for not being picked up in Florida by the State Police in the above mention hornets nest is that the spotter in the aircraft has to positively identify the vehicle to the road officers. My friend I had dinner with is in the Florida law enforcement field and said spotter most likely had no idea of the type of car...

Decided there must be a way to air condition the seats...

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