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Spider in my garage


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Tried looking on the net but couldnt find anything other than one possible which was just a common web spider. They live round window areas. Which is where this one lives.


Creepy as it is its still someone to talk to in the garage! gathering.gif Just dont like working iwhen its above me!!

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He looks a fine handsome fellow, don't squash it, send the photo to the Natural History Museum. We have some quite spectacular ones here, and only a couple of them are deadly.

Edited by Roger the Dodger

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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Not one for killing living things. With an exception to NATS that is. I have an electric bat for them. "Fry em is what i say, little bitting b*****d's"!!!!

Every now and then i have a clear out in the garage. Its very damp and old so i get alot of creepy crawlies in there. Nothing a good hoover doesnt take care of from time to time.

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he looks quite interesting. Like Roger said send a piccy to the natural history museum and ask. You could be suprised! (or they may say it's a common one)

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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Emailed a spider expert, see below. Still cant bring myself to squash it. Waiting for another reply from him.


Yes, that looks like Steatoda nobilis, one of several species given the name 'false widow'. I would recommend leaving it there. The press seem to love demonising this little creature but it really wont do you any harm.

There's a nice informative page about the species here: http://naturenet.net/blogs/index.php/2007/05/02/steatoda

Nick Loven

Nick's Spiders


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I don't understand? What would the wife say if it bit her and she knew you knew? What if it ate your children?

If Lisa gets bit by one I'll blame it on you for breeding them and then you'll wish you'd squashed it!

That 1 will turn into hundreds!

SQUASH the fcuker! I can't understand why you won't?

Chunky Lover

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I keep finding these buggers in my pool and on the garden paths. Last week there was one in our hallway, not good when you have kids around.

Sorry Roger, I instruct my wife and daughter to kill them on site - these'll kill you in hours if you don't get the antidote. For anyone outside of Oz , it's a Sydney Funnel Web - they're Bastards.



Edited by stevem

Too many Toys are never enough !

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Yeah - you've got baby killers over there in the Eastern states Steve. Over here in central Oz there not quite as deadly, but still big and hairy, and quick, and they'll jump at you when you least expect it - bit like in the movie 'Aliens'


Simon  (94 S4)      My Esprit will be for sale in late 2017

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Its a way of keeping the wife out the garage!! She wont come up because of all teh creepy crawlies there. Doesnt mean i like the spider but unless someone wants to come remove him i guess he will b staying put.

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Our back garden is full of black widows (as is most of SoCal), but they only come out at night and we leave them alone and never had a problem. Now my neighbor decided he was going on a black widow genocide on night and was out all night every night on search and destroy, and you guessed it, he got bit! Turns out it's not as bad as rumor has it, but he still had to take a trip to the hospital.

Edited by fmxa
Paddle Faster, I hear Banjos!
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I keep finding these buggers in my pool and on the garden paths. Last week there was one in our hallway, not good when you have kids around.

Sorry Roger, I instruct my wife and daughter to kill them on site - these'll kill you in hours if you don't get the antidote. For anyone outside of Oz , it's a Sydney Funnel Web - they're Bastards.


OK if they're dangerous, but assess it first. And those things from SA, well they

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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  • Gold FFM

For any potential emigrators, thats got to be the best advert ever to stay away from Oz.

All spiders should be impregnated with a size 13 footprint to resemble Simons pic :thumbsup:

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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Sorry the colour is a bit washed out with the flash, this guy has been busy outside my side door for the last couple of hights.

I have no idea what he is, but I don't think he's dangerous.

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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He's setting a man trap.

Everythigs fine, until you have a couple of drinks and forget all about him - then whammo, right in the face.

And believe me they know where head high is.

Simon  (94 S4)      My Esprit will be for sale in late 2017

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I hate flies, spiders eat flies therefore spiders have free range in our house. They don't do any harm, vacated cobwebs go quickly up the hoover and even if there's one less fly in my house I'm happy :thumbsup:

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