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Grampian Transport Museum – SpeedFest Day 5th June 2011


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Ok so here’s the deal……

I have managed to get a hold of the curator at the Grampian Transport Museum today and got an update of what he has planned.

The event is going to be very customer (public) focused so that they can see a great range of cars from all marques, models and ages.

Its not going to be configured as a club display event but rather the cars are going to be parked up in different locations depending on what they are going to participate in during the event, their age, and any comparable cars from other marques from similar eras etc, etc, etc.

So based on that there wont be a LEGS or TLF stand…..however there is nothing stopping us having a plethora of TLF stuff at each car :whistle:

The event will follow the same format as last year which was a great success.

The cars will be parked up in various ways:

• There will be two purely static paddocks where the cars will be parked and remain for the day.

• There will be a chronological paddock (to be picked by the museum) out of the cars at the event and as far as I understand they will do some laps of the track while the commentator gives all the statistics and information on the car.

• There will be some pursuit runs where they set two “similarly matched” cars at either end of the short oval track and they have 5 laps try to make some ground on the other car…..e.g. E-Type and an Aston, Porsche and a Fiat 500, Lotus and a Ferrari….. if your brave enough then this could be you!

There are also stunt displays which I have to say were pretty good last year and a variety of different items which means that the day is always busy……AND lots of lovely cars to look at.

The Museum have said that they are not accepting entries from Clubs because of the way the event is laid out but they are more than willing to use various Lotus cars as long as we don’t duplicate models.

If we can offer a variety of models (possibly in a variety of colours) then we have more chance of getting more cars in.

So far we have

• Esprit GT3 Yellow ------- Gordon

• 211 ------ ? - One of the TLF guys but not sure which (sorry)

There may be some other Lotus but I am waiting for an e-mail telling me what they have already.

I would suggest other cars they would be interested in ……..but they are not guaranteed to take are:

• Lotus Esprit V8

• Lotus Esprit (Giugiaro)

• Lotus Elise

• Lotus Exige

• Lotus Excel

• Lotus Eclat

• Lotus Elite

• Lotus Europa

• Lotus Elan

Can you let me know who would be interested in doing this and what car you can supply please and I will try to get as many as possible in to the event.

Please note, I don’t have any control over what cars they will accept but the more variety and general interest factor we can provide the more Lotus content we will have.

Oh by the way Tesla UK are coming to the show this year….. an Elise going head to head with a Tesla on a pursuit challenge perhaps???

Gentlemen, start your engines………Tesla, charge your batteries!

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Thanks for posting and doing the work on this one Gordon.

Is the 2-11 owner Scotty C?

What time would we need to be there and how long does the day go on for?

I am happy to come up, with any of my cars, just let me know which one you need.

One glaring omission from your list though, E-V-O-R-A! :getmecoat:

What a pity they won't allow a car club stand, but as you say we can have a plevora of TLF stuff in our cars.

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I am happy to come up, with any of my cars, just let me know which one you need.

One glaring omission from your list though, E-V-O-R-A! :getmecoat:

Thanks Brian.... if we can get a few more cars together we can give the other lesser marques a run for their money.

If the public are alowed in from 10ish i guess we would have to be parked up in the arena by that time.

OOOPPPS....sorry my mistake!

I would suggest other cars they would be interested in ……..but they are not guaranteed to take are:

• Lotus Evora :thumbsup:

• Lotus Esprit V8

• Lotus Esprit (Giugiaro)

• Lotus Elise

• Lotus Exige

• Lotus Excel

• Lotus Eclat

• Lotus Elite

• Lotus Europa

• Lotus Elan

And any other Lotus variant that i forgot.

Is the 2-11 owner Scotty C

Not sure but i imagine so......Scotty??

I will get more details but this is what i have for now....

At SpeedFest a selection of cars are invited to participate in the arena and track activities. We need to confirm in advance which cars are taking part in the various activities in order to properly brief the drivers and to position the cars on site correctly. Could you please tick the boxes below if you are keen to participate in the various arena activities throughout the day. You will then be given full information in advance, in your reply pack for the activities in which your car has been selected.

Public first arrivals rides session - Approximately 10am – 11am

Parallel Auto-test - Two identical courses of cones for similar pairs of cars.

Pursuit - Pairs of similar cars starting at opposite ends of the circuit

Finale - Pairs of competition cars starting at opposite ends of the circuit

Static Display Only - For those who prefer not to enter the arena and track events


So far we have

1) Esprit GT3 Yellow ------- Gordon

2) 211 ------ One of the TLF guys ...Scotty C?????

3) Evora or Elise or Esprit V8 ------- Brian

Some pics from last year...


Speedfest 2010 - Alford


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Ok .. so far then we have

1) Esprit GT3 Yellow ------- Gordon

2) 2-11 ------ Scotty C

3) Evora or Elise ------- Brian

4) Esprit V8 GT ------ Hedgerley

like i said earlier, i cant say for sure that they will take all of the cars but i am pushing to get all of them in.

Any more offers???

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GordonI will send a mass PM to point LEGS members to your post.


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Hi Gordon,

When is this?

I could make the beast available, a chance to introduce myself and the car to the wider fraternity.

358ci NASCAR powered Esprit SE, ex-John Hazzard 750MC and AMOC car. In classic Lotus racing colours.



She is road legal but very track focussed and makes a very good noise.




Edited by M Blur

It's alive.. alive!!!..


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The Speedfest is on Sunday 5th June.

What an awesome beast you have there. I am sure if you are able to make it and take to the track that would have little boys wetting themselves. :unworthy:

Where are you based?


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I spoke to the museum again yesterday and they told me that he cars they have entered at the moment are:

1. Lotus Esprit GT3…………..My car

2. Lotus 2-11……………..Scotty’s

3. Lotus Elan S3 Coupe…….(I think this is probably the same car that was entered last year which is pretty original and owned by an older chap who has had it for years)

4. Lotus 996……………………No idea what they are talking about here. Is there such a car…..perhaps they mean Porshe 996?

So far, in addition we have the offer of:

5. Esprit V8 - Hedgerley

5. Esprit V8 - Brian.....OR

6. Evora - Brian…..OR

7. Elise - Brian

8. Esprit (The Beast) - Jon

I would imagine that they might feel 3 Esprits are too much but we can class Jon’s car as Nascar Lotus or something like that and that only leaves the GT3 and the V8 which should be fine.

It would be a good idea if you could all send me a pic of each of the cars on offer and then I can show them to the Museum and encourage them to get lots of Lotus in. :thumbsup:

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Hi Gordon,

It's fair to say the beast was an esprit once but it's quite a different animal now.. Both sight and sound and being an old racer makes it a wee bit different.







Edited by M Blur

It's alive.. alive!!!..


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Ok guys, I am going to get back to the SpeedFest (Sunday 5th June) organisers tomorrow with the list of cars we can provide.

At the moment its:

1. Lotus Esprit GT3…………..My car…..Allready entered

2. Esprit V8 – Hedgerley

3. Evora – Brian

4. Esprit (The Beast) – Jon……Can you confirm if you can make this on the 5th June please Jon….Don’t know if you know the area but Alford is not too far from Aberdeen.

Any more people interested????

Brian, can you send me up a picture of the Evora please (and the Elise…just in case there is a last minute change)

We don’t have an Elise entered yet… do you think Jackie would fancy taking it up Brian?

I believe Scotty’s has already entered his 2-11 separately….can you confirm please Scotty?

There is also an Elan S3 Coupe…….(I think this is probably the same car that was entered last year which is pretty original and owned by an older chap who has had it for years)

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Jackie won't be able to make it but I will see if my son can.

Will let you know tomorrow.

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I will only be able to bring one car to the Speedfest as my son is also not available.

Speaking to Al. this morning he mentioned that he may now be able to attend with his Evora so I will bring the Elise if you still want one up there.

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Hi Gordon/Brian,

5th is fine for me (day after my next exam) = R&R!!

I'll arrange a car carrier to take the beast up to Alford (unless someone has a trailer and can give me a tow). If so then let me know!

I'm based in Larbert nr. Falkirk.

Took some latest pics with the front diffuser attached which changes front end, looks more the like an old IMSA car. Where's the html option...??????

Car off to engine shop - she's suffering valve bounce and missing 1500rpm top end which is about 100-150bhp. Not sure we'll get her to 600bhp by Alford but hopefully over 500bhp p/tonne.. she's only running 410-430ish p/t at the mo and torque curve a bit screwy,, just trying to get the 0.50 600ex 286 duration cam to work on short track.

Liked the pics - some nice things to play with, don't expect beast to be that quick, track far too short for her gearing but she'll be loud and put on a good show!! :)

<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://static.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed22.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb308%2FMBlur%2FEsprit%2520Special%25202011%2520%2520Green%2520Monster%2520Racing%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="http://photobucket.com/redirect/album?showShareLB=1" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.pbsrc.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b308/MBlur/Esprit%20Special%202011%20%20Green%20Monster%20Racing/" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.pbsrc.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://static.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed22.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb308%2FMBlur%2FEsprit%2520Special%25202011%2520%2520Green%2520Monster%2520Racing%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="http://photobucket.com/redirect/album?showShareLB=1" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.pbsrc.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b308/MBlur/Esprit%20Special%202011%20%20Green%20Monster%20Racing/" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.pbsrc.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Edited by M Blur

It's alive.. alive!!!..


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Hi folks

Ok, we are on!

GTM have come back saying……

“….we would love it if you could confirm your car, and the four others you have also already contacted (the Esprit V8 GT, the Evora, Elise and the NASCAR), as well as two others of your choice.

Specifically, any you think would work well in this years Auto-Test or Finale (rally cars). Is the NASCAR a rally model? I couldn't tell from the picture.”

So rally car then Jon????????????????? :whistle:

Oh,....couldnt see the pictures on your latest post by the way. 500 - 600 bhp...is that all you can manage :shock: Should turn a few heads!

Based on the above then, the entries will be:

Esprit GT3 - Me

Esprit V8 – Hedgerley

Elise – Brian

Evora – Al

Esprit (The Beast) – Jon

In addition we have space for two possible others…. Any takers??

Europa or Excel / Elite / Eclat or Elan M100……don’t suppose anyone has an Elan Sprint or similar that they use for hill climbs or a “proper” Lotus 7

I assume the Club Lotus Guys have seen this post?

Edited by GordonMasson
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Beast very much a circuit weapon but she's road legal (just)..

Anyone got any good contacts with car carriers?

But very much bringing her up to use.. Can you confirm events are on blacktop?


It's alive.. alive!!!..


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Good news today that means I can confirm my attendance that Brian was alluding to. I will be getting home a week earlier than originally planned on the Wednesday before now so will definitely be able to make this. :bounce:

I might have had to resign from my job to be able to do it - but that shows my commitment I think!! :pirate:

A LEGS man and proud to declare it! Lotus Enthusiasts Group Scotland

Evora Launch Edition 2+2 in Aquamarine -gone 2010. Evora Aquamarine 2+2 - gone 2011, Evora Ardent Red 2+0 gone 2012, Evora S Ardent Red 2+2, gone 2023 

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Anyone got any good contacts with car carriers?

I used ALP Transport in the past to move the cars but they only do a run up north on a Thursday i think.

I can probably arrange taking delivery of it at GTM if it comes up early and they could store it in their car hall. They had some mega expensive cars up there last year and even had 24 hour security cover on the Saturday night!!

I might have had to resign from my job to be able to do it - but that shows my commitment I think!! :pirate:

You are a legend Al. This kind of dedication to LEGS deserves the "Order Of The Garter! :clap:

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All for a good cause Gordon!

I suppose this means I am going to have to wash/clay/polish it sometime after getting home and before the day now! :censored: Heh, heh.

Gordon based on past experience or even this years information when do we have to be there by? Thinking maybe night before in Hotel/B&B so have time to de-bug the front after driving up & no doubt the inevitable brake dust etc. Means no rush or last minute panic if we have to be there very early.

A LEGS man and proud to declare it! Lotus Enthusiasts Group Scotland

Evora Launch Edition 2+2 in Aquamarine -gone 2010. Evora Aquamarine 2+2 - gone 2011, Evora Ardent Red 2+0 gone 2012, Evora S Ardent Red 2+2, gone 2023 

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Please see attached entry form for SpeedFest.

Don’t worry about the return by dates it specifies, the museum know about the cars we are providing.

Can you fill out the forms and return them to me ASAP please and i will send them to the museum all together. You can mail me on gordon.masson@subsea7.com if thats easier.

Entry for the public to the show ground is from 10 am so they want the cars in by 9:30...early start or B&B perhaps??

If you want accommodation up here then i can look into that so let me know.

The museum has confirmed that there is no problem with leaving cars in their secure storage hall if you want to.

Any other takers for the remaining two slots?????????????

Edited by GordonMasson
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Heh Gordon,

Something missing........ (the entry form)

E-mail me it directly if you want.


A LEGS man and proud to declare it! Lotus Enthusiasts Group Scotland

Evora Launch Edition 2+2 in Aquamarine -gone 2010. Evora Aquamarine 2+2 - gone 2011, Evora Ardent Red 2+0 gone 2012, Evora S Ardent Red 2+2, gone 2023 

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I did try to attach it but perhaps it didn’t work... any good this time?Entrants Form - 31 03 11.doc

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