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Everything posted by top-plumber

  1. I meant everyone …….except you lot… 🤪
  2. My understanding is that the wiring for the fans on the esprit is not sufficient to run for long periods of time. Hence the “ thermal trip “ otter switch is to protect the wiring. It normally on the left hand inner wing on the Turbo Esprit. The fan switch is thermostatic and reads the water temperature directly as it’s normally in a coolant pipe. If you run the fans for too long you will get a “ trip “ of the otter switch which will need resetting. Normally the tell tail on the dash let’s you know “ fan fail” if the fans jam for some reason same result. Otter switch protects the wiring. let the fan switch do it’s job. If it’s overheating and the fans are running it’s not the stat. sitting in traffic with the fans running full tilt will cause issues else where. even the AC only runs 2 fans at half speed because the gauge of the wiring is on the small side. check the rad isn’t blocked. Not the cores, the fins. Road debris/ leafs etc can create problems. the crummy Ford fans have a habit of crud building and slowing them down making the motors work harder consequently heating up the wiring and allowing the coolant temp to rise.
  3. To all you lovely people that I have the privilege to call friends. it’s a bit of a cliché to say I feel blessed but it about sums it up. I have just read back through the sincere messages that were posted and all I can say is thank you from Michelle and me. We are “ blessed”
  4. The water thermostat switch that operates the fans can be linked out and all 3 should run full tilt. The otter switch is a thermal trip that protects the fan wiring. If the fans run too long because the temp can’t be pulled down the otter will trip and a fan fail tell tail will appear on the dash. The water temperature looks fine to me. New ownership nerves. wayne
  5. Are you going? If I’m up to it after the opp then we would defo be there. Ian loved the Pantera in the car park. @Chillidoggy
  6. You scared the “ bejesus” out of me and Michelle when you came past on the slip road. That car truly is “ super” see you again soon ✌️ wayne
  7. Me and Schumacher should be good. It will be nice to see you all. wayne
  8. Sorry we missed you folks. Still getting over the accident. choked I missed Trevor’s car I still haven’t seen it @Trevsked hope to see you all soon Top Gun and Schumacher x
  9. I have sat and looked at the “ Moore “ for weeks now unable to drive and thinking I might need a change. I’m just going to roll with this for now as see if I get a solid offer. Will not budge on the price. I not desperate to sell. wayne
  10. Hey everyone. Thanks for the kind thoughts. been sitting here for weeks now. Off work with a broken shoulder/sternum and foot. Michelle was bashed up but has also been in better shape the last few weeks. So recovery is slow but steady. The Esprit sale is an option I’m looking at. Will have to be the right price otherwise it won’t happen. there is some early interest so I will let it play out. We still have the M100 and I’m thinking about 2+ 2 Elan or Sunbeam. Let’s see. wayne x
  11. I echo what Pete said. Absolutely outstanding hospitality with wonderful friends. Thanks Dave and Megan
  12. Me and Shuey……. Me and Michelle were in wooky hole last week. Check out Wells cathedral and town centre. Hot Fuzz the film was made there . 😁
  13. Not too far, not too early ... I can't think of a reason not to go... i couldn’t think of a reason…. I can now. 😂 See you there me and Schumacher
  14. Some outstanding examples of the TE on display. Great to see everyone Shelly Schumacher and me had a really great day.
  15. Reserve not met..... or right buyer not found?
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