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    90 Esprit SE
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  1. Thank you Jim. I will try that way first.
  2. Thanks Filip. Thats exactly what happened with the fueling when the sensor failed. Ran way too rich and stalled.
  3. Hello folks, Very long time since I last posted. Car is trouble free. It looks like I need to replace the temp sensor under the intake manifold. The one that sends data to the ecu for fan control. I will have the chargecooler pump and oil filter out soon and would like to know if the sensor is easy to get at with these part removed. The reading that i get at the moment from the sensor is minus -23c , 4.3 volts. Then sometimes jumps to correct temp but voltage stays at 4.3v Any info is appreciated.. Thanks David..
  4. Thanks a lot .. I thought everything was shut down. Ordered just now.
  5. Hi all , I know its difficult times for everyone right now but would anyone have a spare working 02 sensor that they could post to Dublin., Esprit SE 1990 SJ dont seem to have them listed anymore. Thanks..
  6. Cant seem to find Espritmon anywhere. The Homepages.ipact.nl link has a blank page. Could someone send me the file or give me a new link , Thanks..
  7. Thanks Erik, Id say your right. A lot going on at the moment with a rebuild. Just yesterday one of the oil coolers let go. Anyone got the correct cable for sale . pm and ill take it
  8. Thanks Travis. I will change the cable soon. In the middle of suspension and brake rebuild at the moment.
  9. Thanks for the help. Its an Iocrest cable that i use but its connected through a 16 pin obd2 adapter to the 10 pin ALDL . No rxd light active on the cable just the green txd light.This might be the issue. Fiffo buffers and 16550 UART - dont know about these. There was a post recently with the same data issue but no follow up with it. With Espritmon I have no data. I have the graphics page . Do I need to start the logging manualy. Com port is 7 and correct mode (0).
  10. Thanks ,but I cant get any data to display on espritmon.
  11. Any ideas with this one . Wont display iac, map etc. Just mph,rpm, coolant temp and volts. Connection is ftdi serial to usb on com 7 set at 100ms.
  12. Anyone got an Se fog light for sale . Thanks Dave.
  13. Thanks , Ian. As you can see my manual is a bit worse for wear.
  14. Thanks for that. So on a 90 SE the block with the red star is free ?
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