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Everything posted by Smithy111

  1. I’d have thought it would need a bar across the top or legs protruding underneath the car
  2. Ah yes just watched the video, not too portable then but looks good if your doing a lot of work. The tilt thing looks a good compromise though
  3. How does that not just tip over onto the sides of the car?
  4. No reason it shouldnt work unless it has a big leak somewhere? First thing is to get it vacuum tested for leaks. Im in the process of trying to get mine up and running again which hasnt worked since i bought the car due to a massive leak.
  5. Can anyone confirm what size the reducer coupling should be at both ends for the water pump return hose to curved bypass/return pipe?? It’s missing from mine as has silicone hoses
  6. So today it’s decided to dump it’s coolant for the 2nd time this year, but it did wait till I got home and pulled on to drive so I can’t be totally annoyed! This time it was the heater return hose at the front of the engine that connects the alloy heater return pipe to the pump housing. It’s been rubbing on the pump pulley and sliced through down it’s length. Is this what it looks like just an ordinary strait hose or something special? Also what diameter is it? I’m also taking the opportunity to replace the water pump return hose (the wiggly shaped one) that’s currently made up of a number of silicone elbows joined together instead of the one piece item and the thermostat which I’ve ordered from pnm.
  7. Yes it looks like a total pita where it’s mounted! Fortunately I know all those hoses were disconnected not more than a few years ago so hopefully nothing corroded on. I’m not even completely sure it’s the problem as it does work but I suspect it’s not opening to the radiator fully and some coolant is still bypassing.
  8. It’s not so much the overall maintenance costs it’s just annoying when simple generic parts are expensive for what they are and do. The one I posted above won’t work I’ve found as different flow directions and is also a pressure relief stat. probably have to just get the pnm one which I believe is oem but they are obsolete I believe so don’t know what happens when they run out?
  9. It’s a crappy design which was rectified in the later cars but that means changing the water pump as well
  10. Actually it’s not being a cheap skate and I resent that comment. It’s a poxy £10 stat on any other car and just seems overly expensive for what it is. There’s often an alternative which is identical for a fraction of the price and as soon as you say Lotus it’s triple had this on previous cars. It’s not a special or unique part in anyway. PNM’s website says they can supply them that’s where I saw it unless that’s incorrect on their website.
  11. Would this fit? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273914223431
  12. Yep that’s the one. Ok so I’ll need the whole unit, I’m loathed to spend £65 for a thermostat so might look at alternatives
  13. If replacing the thermostat do you have to buy the whole housing or can the housing be removed and the thermostat inside replaced? £5 versus £65...
  14. I’ll prob just buy the kit with adaptors from sj as no where in uk seems to sell at a reasonable price
  15. What would the adaptor be? I know sj sell the receiver drier and adaptors by look of pic but their pretty expensive for what is a generic item. Also does anyone know the fittings sizes on the standard hoses? 5/8”?
  16. How would I know if there flare or oring take the fittings off? (no gas in system) They are likely the original hoses.
  17. Would you be looking to sell the 2nd set after refurbing and testing them?
  18. I personally think they look totally wrong with anything bigger than an original 15” wheel the fat tyre is part of the look and place more work on the suspension. Tyres aren’t a problem just the the vredestein sport trac 5, 195/60 15 and 225/60 15
  19. Anyone know if this will this fit a G esprit?? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273436502530
  20. Didnt have any problems with mine, used the draper ones and also sealey type ones which i found safer https://www.amazon.co.uk/Draper-14173-Coil-Spring-Comssors/dp/B0001K9Q2W/ref=sr_1_14?adgrpid=58661823292&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5fbj2oSX4wIViKztCh3IFg_CEAAYASAAEgJsUvD_BwE&hvadid=259038535113&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1006460&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15183068222699631397&hvtargid=kwd-297003864120&hydadcr=28152_1752810&keywords=spring+compressor&qid=1562098092&s=gateway&sr=8-14 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sealey-AK3846-Spring-Compressor-Reach/dp/B01M64VXR9/ref=sr_1_10?adgrpid=58661823292&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5fbj2oSX4wIViKztCh3IFg_CEAAYASAAEgJsUvD_BwE&hvadid=259038535113&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1006460&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15183068222699631397&hvtargid=kwd-297003864120&hydadcr=28152_1752810&keywords=spring+compressor&qid=1562098092&s=gateway&sr=8-10
  21. I had this exact problem. You need to loosen the 4 bolts that attach the bracket to the pod and adjust the fore/aft position till you get an equal height on both pods and then adjust the push rods accordingly till you get them to park flush with the body and raise by the same amount.
  22. Thread resurection, i have similar problems with mine not a new problem its always been like that the last year i have owned it and just got used to rubbish brakes. Got some same tests to do first to check amount of vacuum but would this kit solve the poor vacuum generally found even when working correctly? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-Vacuum-Pump-Kit-Brake-Booster-Electric-Vehicle-Hotrod/192877251317?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  23. Heres a pic of mine from my suspension rebuild last year, i got new link pipes from sj and they didnt fit and had to roll them around a socket till they lined up.
  24. This is what I had assumed but you know what they say about assumptions! Cheers I’ll do exactly that
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