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About ChrisH

  • Birthday 11/03/1949

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    Lotus Esprit N/A

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  1. We spotted in Malta an immaculate Mk1 lotus Cortina during the classic car grand prix in Valletta plus a Europa in JPS colours and a couple of Elans. I did try to post a picture but I must be doing something wrong, no change there, Keeps comong up upload error............
  2. Think the hammer is a better idea, our neighbours on one side are superb, could'nt ask for better, wheras on the other side who have just bought the house are your archetypal neighbours from hell, he punches lumps off of her( that does my head in) screaming at the tops of their voices late at night which disturbed the "Maid", that I was not having. I quietly made my/our displeasure known and informed same character that the authorities would be made aware. Amazingly enough a friend of ours has just joined the police and turned up in her uniform to see us. Job done, not another cheap from them......................
  3. ChrisH

    Black V8

    Spotted this morning at 07.10 am just passing Green Lanes on the North Circular heading towards Tottenham a lovely Black V8
  4. After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, Irish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago. Not to be outdone by the Irish, in the weeks that followed, an English archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the Sassenach Morning Herald read: "English archaeologists, finding traces of 130-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech telecommunications network 30 years earlier than the Irish". One week later, the Banffshire Advertiser in Buckie, Scotland, reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 feet in his pasture near Enzie Braes, Banffshire, Jock Broon, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely **** all. Jock has therefore concluded that 130 years ago, Scotland had already gone wireless." Makes a man proud to be a Scot! Here's tae us - Wha's like us ?
  5. Does anyone think that MP's have finally realised that the British public at large, that is the back bone of this country have finally had enough of being taxed to the hilt, lied too, robbed blind at every given opportunity, from a bunch of people who were corrupt in a massive scale, who have wasted countless millions of our wealth or should I say squandered millions, got involved in two wars we could ill afford, that maybe and its only a maybe tht this forthcoming election might be the lowest turnout for any election. Strangely enough I received an e-mail from our local MP which was almost word for word to the one Jonathon got. Furthermore, listening to the guys at work there seems to be a distinct air of apathy, like a could'nt care less attitude and who can blame them ?? I listened with interest to the programme with Darling, Osbourne and Cable when Darling blurted out "There is nothing left in the kitty", that to me said it all........................
  6. Archaeologist on the Somme Battlefields
  7. I have just bought my last packet of cigarettes, I have been thinking about giving up for quite a while now but with the recent budget hike which has put my brand up to £6.10 to £7.09 pence a pack I thought stuff it enough is enough. With 2 motor-bikes and 2 cars the fags is one "luxury" I can do without and saves me nearly £3000 a year. Now that has really made my day
  8. I was well made up today I got 4 rare military badges from her ladyships cousin in Queensland, Australia, took six days to come and I was not expecting them so was quite a surprise, I had been looking for 2 of them for years.
  9. ChrisH


    Welcome Paul you will enjoy the people on here, total wealth of information etc. Any chance of a burn-up down the runway in one of those jet fighter things, quite happy to put a couple of gallons in.................
  10. ChrisH


    I/We have relatives that served on the Somme Battlefields and are still there, I have managed to find quite a few by looking through the CWGC web site, three I found on the Thiepval memorial have no known grave, more importantly the peace and quiet is quite deafening its like an age removed, we stay in a Gite on a farm near Auchonvillers built over a front line trench. I swear that one night I heard voices waling down the road but when I looked out there was no one there, but thats another story...............
  11. ChrisH


    Well we are off to sunny Malta, 1st real holiday in 5 years, going to a posh apartment in Mellieha which is owned by my boss. I was last there 30 years ago and loved the place, people are so laid back they are horizontal, 10 days away from the M25, speed cameras, central London, I cant wait. then in September we will be spending a week in the Somme...........superb
  12. Bring it round Gary I will give it a quick wash and brush up for you..................
  13. Certainly, look forward to meeting you, the Maid will be on hand for bacon rolls and such like. I had to chuckle the other night when I took my car to work, he has never been out in the dark, the security guard said What is it, is it a MR2, No its not a bloody MR2, whats one of them
  14. After many months of scrubbing, sanding painting and shot blasting etc etc I put my car in for his MOT. 1st words out of the testers mouth was "Dont see many of these". There was I standing at the back like an expectant Father watching the tester try to open the bonnet, the fuel flaps opened...........hmmm. I asked him if he would like me to show him what was what?? Watching him getting in was quite amusing, he is about my height, 6' 3" but a bit heavier. I thought it quite novel when 2 fitters were taking photos and all over my car like a rash with questions like "whATS IT LIKE, how does it work, whats it like to drive, etc etc. Imagine my face when he said there you are Chris and thanks for bringing it here it has really brightened my day. I was well made up. That was it, round to the Post Office patiently waited in the queue, ( I am not the best at standing in queues )Road tax affixed we were off not going anywhere in particular just round the lanes, superb I was like a wean (child) with a new toy
  15. ChrisH

    H Reg Elan

    Spotted Red H Reg Elan in parked up in Potters Bar this morning, If I had had a TLF card I would of left one..............
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