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Posts posted by r3nault

  1. @C8RKH We agree it is unfair and unjust for anyone to abuse or exploit any system of rules. The nature of systems and rules is such that bad actors will always seek loopholes and exploits (embezzlement, Ponzi schemes, criminal acquittals based on technicalities of how the case was tried etc etc).

    We certainly have different stances on the extent to which bad actors represent a population, or how to treat for such, or the complexities of the issues you described. As I said before, I've no interest in ascribing 'labels' to your view - nor the description of opposing views as "Liberal softies", "Left" etc - as I believe such black/white viewpoints only serve to limit the discourse on the issue ("if you don't agree with me, you must be an xx xx"). Simple policies responding  to complex issues will always result in injustice, one way or another.

    Since you've put the call out for education / information, you may find these scholarly articles interesting to skim:

    https://publications.iom.int/es/system/files/pdf/migration_research_leaders_syndicate.pdf#page=191 (pages 191-195)


    I'm not suggesting these are offering solutions to all the problems you've noted - as, again, complex issues are not easily resolved. And in case anyone wants to try and put words in my mouth, I am in no way defending the incidents we have noted: illegal immigrants being released, people looking to exploit well-intentioned systems etc. I am simply saying: it's not that easy.

  2. 1 hour ago, C8RKH said:

    I agree with deportation actions. To my mind you have ONE chance. After that, the second strike, you're taken to the coast. Put on a bright pink Lylo, with a bottle of water, and towed out to international waters. Good bye.  Oh, OK, maybe that's harsh. You're given a bottle of water and one way ticket back to where you came from, and escort to the plane door and your seat.

    This side of the world, the lilo would probably just wash back to our shores. But you’ll love this one, Andy. The previous conservative government put a law in place which allowed them to cancel passports of visa holders or immigrants who commit crimes… makes some sense, one would argue. But in some cases it would make a person stateless, for example if they weren’t given citizenship by their country of birth. Thus they could be held in immigration detention indefinitely without charge. Anyhow, it was tested in court and the judges found it to be unconstitutional to make someone stateless, so now those who have completed their sentences are being released… and I suppose there will be surprised faces all round when this incentivises more people to try the same shenanigans with the carrot of free citizenship!

    • Sad 1
  3. Thanks @EuropaSman, and I was also basing my selection off the same review :) I’m currently on PSS so any of PS4S, CSC7, BPS or GYF1SS will be a decent upgrade. I’m definitely now leaning towards the Goodyears, as for my purpose - mainly hills and occasional track day but still need to be able to drive in the wet - they make the most sense. Especially as conditions here are typically warmer than in the UK, so track  temps will be higher.

    I don’t think I’m quite due for tyres yet, so maybe PSS5 will become an option - in which case I am keen to see the reviews!

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Seb said:

     more tire noise than the PS4s

    To clarify, do you mean PS4 or PS4S here?

    Thanks guys, that's a couple of votes for GY F1 SS. I've seen on the tyre reviews site it's listed as the best UUHP tyre for occasional track work, a bit compromised (in the wet) compared to CSC7 or PS4S if exclusively road use. Probably works well for me, as most of my driving is recreational, so usually look for good weather. Good to hear it works on a wet track too, in case a booked trackday has poor weather!

    RE: PS4/PS5, most reviews regard them as a step down from my current PSS, in terms of handling, feel and track work. Certainly great allrounders and perfect for a daily driver.

  5. @TrevS a couple of things to consider.

    1) I think 23k is too low. Evoras seem to have reached a bit of a depreciation floor (regardless of the Covid driven bubble). Any Evora at that price would probably be pretty shabby and not worth the saving over a better maintained one.

    2) If I were you, I’d lift the range by 2K at each end. It’s much more important how it has been maintained and what things are sorted than saving a couple of grand on the purchase. For example, the clutch master cylinder and radiator are both (low probability) failure points which could result in needing a tow. Whilst the parts to upgrade either are inexpensive, the labour to do so is not. If a car has these addressed, I’d be prepared to pay a bit more to know they have been. Same goes for things like clutch replacement / upgrade to 400 unit, and gearbox synchro rebuild though those are obviously on a totally different scale for cost.

    • Like 2
  6. To my mind @C8RKH those are the facts that matter.

    There seem to be others who believe they have more right to live in the country than indigenous peoples. They are wrong, but entitled to vote as such.

    My gripe in this instance is with the govt for not having the balls to just legislate it, instead pushing for a referendum to change the constitution. I personally think that was a spineless cop out.

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