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AEG Hoon - 13th July 2008

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The Coastal Hoon is going to be SUNDAY13th JULY 2008!

lets meet at thickthorne as suggested at shall we say 11am (give everyone a layin!) and maybe pick up some more cars en-route if necessary!

Could i have a list of all those that wish to attend!

Simonf - will have a spare seat if anyone wants a lift!

Edited by simonf


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Simonf - will have a spare seat if anyone wants a lift!

Kimbers + Daughter.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I should be able to make this :whistle:

That's the day after Tobi's BBQ isn't it.

Keep off the straight and narrow

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Yes it is the day after tobi's bar-b-q but that shouldn't pose too much of a problem, it just means we will have either run out of things to talk about or if any shows themselves up (on it will probably be me!!) then we have lots to talk about!!

So the list so far

Simonf - i have a spare seat if someone wants a lift

Kimbers - and hot daughter!

Nifty - is that just coinsidence?


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To me, no to you! It's like a merry go round here! :whistle: Ok I don't mind the 13th July, as I said over in Tobi's BBQ thread, I don't know if I will make the BBQ as I have a wedding that day and it depends how things pan out, so might be there, might not, depends on time. So if we don't make it Saturday we will at least see you all Sunday. :(

Simonf - I have a spare seat if someone wants a lift

Kimbers - and hot daughter!

Nifty - is that just coinsidence?

Owen & Tracy

Two things:

What about food and what about my suggested route? If you are happy with final destination and route, I would get some A4 route guides printed up. Now we have a date, I will see if some Elise and Exige boys want to come along. Could mention it to local CL as well.


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Simonf - I have a spare seat if someone wants a lift

Kimbers - and hot daughter!

Nifty - is that just coinsidence?

Owen & Tracy


Two things:

What about food and what about my suggested route? If you are happy with final destination and route, I would get some A4 route guides printed up. Now we have a date, I will see if some Elise and Exige boys want to come along. Could mention it to local CL as well.


I haven't studied the route, so can't comment, but yes a few copies would be best, an make sure we have each others mobile numbers (ready for a break down/ police issue).

Yep, lets get as many other vehicles there, Elise, Elan, Exige, Seven, whatever.


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I will draw it out tomorrow and post up. I thought by going south people could meet up on the way if they didn't want to start at Norwich, Scole seems like a good place for additional people to join us, or where ever.

I think route and final destination needs to be sorted soon if we are inviting other groups along so they can spread the word. Also parking once we get to the destination, that needs to be sorted, food can be a pack lunch if needs be.


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I'm gonna do my best to be there chaps but I've got something of a diary clash that weekend as I'm meant to be in Surrey on the Saturday morning for a Forester rolling road shootout, then a sprint back to Manningtree for the opening of our annual beer festival in the afternoon/evening and then, in theory at least, onto Tobi's BBQ.

Forget Southwold for fish and chips. It'll almost certainly be absolutely mobbed by TV/media second home 'luvvies' and parking will be next to impossible. Aldeburgh is a far better option IMO. Rather less busy, fewer luvvies, easier parking, and infinitely superior fish & chips.

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I'd Like to come along if thats ok.

On the proviso:

A ) The car is working

B ) Petrol is not at

Edited by red vtec

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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Suggested route with some changes to original route taking into account new destination. I have tried to stay off the A140 if it can be helped. Feel free to suggest alternative, but we should decide this soon. I suggest we start at Longwater Retail Park just up the road from Thickthorn, more space, we don't know how many cars will be starting at Norwich.



Edited by OwenGT3
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Yep whatever.....erm.....which dirty old man says my 16 year old daughter is hot....and wants a punch on the nose?

Owen, maybe we should post it in the Anglia section of PH?

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Owen, maybe we should post it in the Anglia section of PH?


Good idea Tony, I'm going to mention it over on SELOC, and I think I will mention it to CL.

James, have we more information about food outlets in Aldeburgh? Also we need to say what time this event starts, but going by the end of summer run las year 10-ish seems a reasonable time to set off. Does this need to be a two stage event? any suggestions for stopping, Scole? Good pub there with big car park.

Questions, questions! need answers and suggestions! :lol:


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You do make me laugh !!

I suggest a run towards Dunwich or Southwold and get told the roads will not be suitable and then you chose similar roads (actually one of them is the same road) as I proposed.

The run from Diss to Debenham and beyond is a cracking run but you need to be prepared to take advantage of overtaking opportunities should you get held up by slower vehicles because there aren't too many.

I would make 2 changes to the route:

Firstly I'd come down the road from Norwich to New Buckenham (i.e. the road that goes to Hethel and Bird in Hand).

The reason for this is that it is impeded far less by reduced speed limits, and from personal experience, attracts fewer cameras. The road from Bungay to Diss is fairly cr4p at the weekend because it presents little fun for a sports car apart from overtaking slower vehicles, it attracts a large number of bikers and thus attracts the old bill ... a challenge in the Land Rover to overtake within the limit but not in an Esprit.

Once at New Buckenham I'd take the road towards Winfarthing and Diss but turn off heading towards Aslacton and back to the A140. Turn onto the A140 and head down to the Tivetshall Ram for a coffee break. The Ram has huge parking space, lots of eating/sitting area and is open at that time of the morning (not sure if the Scole Inn or Cornwallis Arms at Brome would be open before midday).

After coffee head down the A140 to Brome and take the road to Debenham as per Owen's original map.

Secondly, from Debenham I would take the route heading for Framsden so you can take the perimeter road round Helmingham Hall ... a belter, really picturesque, that reminds me of a cross between Cadwell Park and the Nordschliefe.

I would then work a route back towards Aldeburgh through Snape or go to Lower Hatcheston and up to Framlingham and across to Aldeburgh.

Might be worth trying to squeeze Lavenham into the equation too (perhaps on the return trip) ... lovely picturesque village for those with an organic rev limiter and a great ice cream shop too :lol:

It's also worth noting that officially a group of more than 12 (I think) vehicles travelling "in convoy" requires to have notified the police and if being done under the auspices of an MSA affiliated club then they need permission from the MSA too (i.e. Club Lotus would not sanction this without MSA approval).

Silly laws !!

Edited by Nifty

Keep off the straight and narrow

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Yep whatever.....erm.....which dirty old man says my 16 year old daughter is hot....and wants a punch on the nose?


No offence Kimbers, but i knew you would bite on that one :lol:

I am surprised that nifty didn't pick up on it!


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I saw it Simon but who'd want Kimbers as a "father-in-law" .... anyway, Id be after the elder one doing medicine, to help out with the cost of fuel :lol::)

Keep off the straight and narrow

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I wouldn't bother informing the police, but then I wouldn't be looking to invite the whole of East Anglia either.

I think you would be right to inform the police if you envisage getting a significant number of vehicles but if it's just the usual AEG evening turnout plus one or two others I wouldn't bother. Informing the police means having them sanction the route and then sitting on the side of the road waiting to collar someone ... they've done it to us (L7C) before.

As far as the MSA goes, we are not an affiliated club so they have no juristriction over us, however, Club Lotus almost certainly are (the Lotus 7 Club is) Any run of 12 or more vehicles under the banner of or with the support of an MSA club is obliged to have MSA authorisation .... usually a formality I believe. My point was that without MSA approval Club Lotus cannot sanction the run and therefore should not promote it, that said there's nothing stopping someone within CL spreading the word to fellow CL members, it just can't be done under the official banner.

As far as I'm concerned I'd ignore the whole charade and just get a few cars out for a jolly run.

By the way, my remarks regarding your thoughts on my original route were tongue in cheek !

Keep off the straight and narrow

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Informing Police is mad as they will just place cars along our route. What they don't know can't hurt them and even if they did try and stop it they'd stop the last few cars only and even then only tell them politely to go home!

Lets just go have fun.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Agree Kimbers ... my original post on the subject was for information only.

Keep the numbers low and informal B)

Keep off the straight and narrow

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Fine by me!

I hear conflicting stories on what you should do, and what people do do that I don't know what to do! Bonkers! :respect: As far as I'm concerned it's just a small group of people out for a drive obeying the highway code. No endorsements from CL or any other motoring body, we are independant.

What about final destination? Can we arrange a suitable parking place to stop up at? Nifty, do you know someone we can sort this with? Wouldn't want to arrive then spend ages trying to find a suitable parking place.

I will get the map up soon.


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I'm sorry ossifer but these Elise's and Sevens just joined the drive between me and my mate. I just didn't notice it was 30 cars big! Don't worry we'll speed up, might lose a few of them :whistle:

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Don't worry we'll speed up, might lose a few of them
You traded your S4 in for a GT2 V8 Kimbers ? :X


I don't know Aldeburgh at all but the numbers we're talking about I don't think we need worry about parking do we ... unless you invite SELOC, CL and PH in which case I refer you back to the comments on numbers :X:whistle:

Keep off the straight and narrow

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