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    '90 Esprit SE

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  1. Tis the way forward... More than capable of maintaining Esprit pace too, but has a tendency to getting impaled on small branches on the Bibs/Laura West Malling estate And I just happen to know of a very carefully modded black one for sale producing just north of 400bhp. Lives in Kent too....
  2. A valiant effort though old chap!
  3. You missed a really enjoyable evening, Si. There were eight of us in the end and a good time was had by all. Lovely to see Gerry and his wife Sue at their first AEG meet. Most impressed that Sue and Shasha were drinking port by the end of the evening... true AEG/LEFers!! Believe it or not, we had quite a few arrive in Esprits. Can't remember if there were four or five, but pretty good given the number of attendees. Blue, brick shaped and hossing along certainly sounds suspiciously like the Blubaru but I was in the Esprit this time!! Santa Pod sounds interesting but, sadly, the Blubaru's clutch is a suffering at the mo as a result of half a dozen or so rather over exuberant launches 'testing' some 0-60 software.... the interior of the car reeked of burning clutch for several days afterwards. So I'm driving (relatively) sedately for the time being. Ho hum!! Might come along to spectate though.
  4. I've just removed a pair of ZZ3s from the SE. My advice, avoid them like the plague. Absolute rubbish in the wet, with the tyres spinning up or back end sliding with the merest provocation. Roundabouts were a constant buttock-clenching nightmare. In the dry they were ok, but no more than that. Now switched to Kumo Ecsta Sport KU31 (one of the few tyres available in original size) and the transformation is amazing. Perhaps not the best tyre in the world but night & day in comparison to the ZZ3s.
  5. Ah, glad you're still with us then, Gary! Shasha was asking after you earlier today; I can now report back that you appear to have been admitted to some sort of asylum....
  6. This just HAD to be shared.... A mother was working in the kitchen, listening to her five-year-old son playing with his new electric train set in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son saying, 'All of You B*****ds who want off, get the f**k off now, 'cause we're in a hurry! And all of you B*****ds who are getting on, get the f**k on, 'cause we're going down the tracks'. The horrified mother went in and told her son, 'We don't Use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language.' Two hours later, the son came out of the bedroom and resumed playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say, 'All passengers who are disembarking the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for travelling with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one.' She hears the little boy continue, 'For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us Today.' As the mother began to smile, the child added.......... 'For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the fat bitch in the kitchen.'
  7. Happy Birthday Laura Hope you have a great day.
  8. Welcome aboard, Gerry To join AEG - Scroll to the top of this page. Immediately below the LEF.com banner there's a series of links. Click on Regional Groups and you can then join AEG from there. James
  9. 1) Alex --GT3-- 2&3) Paul C 'n' Vicki 4) Ian - mayesprit (Sunday only) 5) Mark B (Sunday only) 6) matk 7) Kimbers (Sat/Sunday) 8) GGHC87 9) Yasuo 10) Robert Crooks 11&12) Ade & Gina (not sure when yet) 13&14) Paul & Sarah Fri/Sat/Sun 15) Martyn 16&17) OwenGT3 + One (Sunday only) 18&19) Hopo + some floosy (Sat or Sun) Maybe both 20&21) Sparky & Tracy Sat/Sun 22&23) Matt & Jo (Sat evening & Sunday) 24&25) Tobi, Sell, Calypso 26&27) Mark & Sandra (LooseCannon) Sat only 28) Dragi, Sat only - my daughter Jenny-Loraine has First Communion on Sunday 29) Bazza 907 30&31) GC1 + 1 Sat Only. 32&33) Jukka & Sissi Fri/Sat/Sun- hope to find something to do on Mon-Tue 34,35&36) purza + 2 kids (sunday only) hopefully 37&38) Simon & Lisa 39&39)karl & justine (sunday only for a quick look) 40&41) felix and the Missess will be there Sat-Sun 42&43 Dave Freeman and Megan will be there, not sure if Sat or Sun 44) internets Sat / Sun 45) Trevsked (Sat) 46) Tentenths (Sat & Sun)
  10. Just been in touch with Mark (F&C run organiser). He's now up to 31 confirmed cars/bikes and will be closing the list once it reaches 33. So, if you've not already signed up you need to do so asap (via link in Kimbers' original post).
  11. Happy Birthday Andy Hope you have a fantastic day!
  12. Satnav speedo accuracy is pretty spot on - within <1% iirc. As Gunter says, car manufacturers selling into Europe are required to ensure that speedos err on the conservative side i.e. must not under read. Hence the reason why all are calibrated to over read by, in my experience, anything up to 10%. Don't forget that tyre wear also impacts on speedo/odo accuracy.
  13. Rumour has that Simonf might be bringing his new beast of an Audi out to play.... along with its attendant petrol tanker! :)
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