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Stomach problems still not solved


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Well, the official diagnosis on my second recent hospitalisation is still awaiting further tests.

One thing they have found is that my stomach/bowel can no longer take any Fibre. Literally within 30 mins it's straight out part digested and stomach cramps are terrible (I missed part of the driving experience at Lotus due to them).

The doctor has put me on a Carnivore diet and I've been much better, but am worried about the health issues this may cause.....better than my stomach exploding I suppose.

So this is it! NO Vegetables, NO Fruit, NO Cereal, NO Brown Bread or Rice. NO Health Food/Nuts....and the list goes on. Certain cooking styles aren't allowed either. No Well done toast. No Crispy Batter. No Crusts. I didn't realise, for example, that something with little fibre can build fibre depending on how it's cooked! Boiled potatoes, very little fibre, Roasted nice and crispy, lots!!!!

So what do I eat? Mashed potato (very low in fibre as long as it's dried Smash mix) Meats, WHite Bread and Rice.....Thats it!

Do you know how tastless Food is without Onion etc mixed in? And even loving meat as I do (no gay implications) I'm still getting real bored. Kill me now!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Ah, glad they figured out the problem and have you on the road to recovery.

That actually sounds dangerously close to my regular diet. Now I have good reason to be eating two or three hamburgers a day (but mom, I don't want stomach cramps!)

And if you're getting bored, here are 2667 ways to prepare a steak: http://www.recipezaar.com/recipes.php?q=steak

I'm sure you can find something doctor-approved in there!

Edited by Clark
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What about fish (omg you live in the UK don't you) but seriously fish is good.

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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Dude, having just got back from a long(ish) session at the pub, I really feel for you (ooh-er missus!).

Life without beer? Erm, just doesn't compute! ;)

But, look on the bright side. At least you'll not be turning up to a 09:00 meeting feeling decidedly below par, half asleep, nor asking people to whisper!

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Thanks for reminding me. I forgot the "No Alcohol" rule. Seems that Alcohol acts as an irritant. :( I had a drink with Bibs last Friday and by lunch time the next day was unable to drive the Lotus's at the Track day due to stomach cramps, sweating and feeling like I was going to vomit.

It's not like the atkins diet because that excludes Carbs. I eat bread and potatoes but I can see what you mean.

Kylie. No Chips unless they're boiled and boiled chips are called mashed potato.

You'd think with a diet like that I'd lose weight but I seem to be putting back on what I lost in Hospital. Wife says it's because the weight I lost was in fluids.

Anyway. This isn't a post to get sympathy it's to see if anyone else has a similar problem or diet?

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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A bit extreme, but I suppose that would fix it.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Is this the FATkins diet TK?

2009 World Singstar Champion

No I don't like the Europa, Evora or Exos.

"Like a cockmonkey with 3 cocks."


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Erm.....vitamins? Oh yeah they did mention something about that....suppose I better buy some.

In regards to Fish. It's just so bloody expensive. In fact meat is as well! Gone are my staple diet of Beans on Toast or a jacket potato with Tuna sweetcorn. I love them and they are all so cheap.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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You can live fine on meats - I have an extremely high meat diet for the protien needed for building muscle.

The atkins diet works on the principal that you eat protiens and fats and totally leave out carbs in food.

You can live without carbs but not fats and protien - the idea is if you burn the fat with light + prolonged exercise the body uses that as an energy source instead of carbs (which it prefers to do).

You need to see a dietician really to sort it all out becuase you might be losing out on certain acids and viamins not found in protien based foods, IMO you should endevour to get these from food but if you cannot do it then suppliments are the only way to go.

Try taking on some light exercise as well, the nice thing is you dont have to do anything strenuous at all !

Walking for an hour or just cycling at a slow-medium pace will burn fat off which is often ossociated with high protien diets (esp meat related) - never know you might see a leaner meaner kimbers !

Thing to remmeber is everyone is different and some people (like me) can eat and eat and eat without a problem, I eat whole tubs of ice cream and never put a pound on - so your high protien diet might work for you and not for 100 other people, its something you have to try and test out.

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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Kimbers, I spent approximately 18 months unable to eat any meat or fish, nuts, wheat, dried fruits,soya. If I did, I either vommed or had excrutiating bowel pain. Had all kind of tests and cameras shoved up and down, no one knows why. I have gradually been able to introduce beef and fish back into my diet in small quantities. Still a no-no to dried fruits and nuts and soya and wholewheat/grain. A little bit of wheat now and again. I think what I am attempting to say is that whatever is wrong with you, may just be a passing phase, and that one day you will be gradually able to introduce currently banned foods back into your diet.

Just because you can, does'nt mean you should.

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all sounds a bit bizzar to me. Like some 3rd worl bug you have picked up and they cannot ID (prob. because they are not looking)... sorry, having grown up with it, worked in it, and researched in it... I am not fond of the medical comunity in general. When Universities moved medical studies to the "science" building from the "arts" building the final joke got played...

Anyway... Kimbers, you can live on meat with very few issues. It is not the best, but it will not kill you. You can live on penute butter as well... but...?

I am not sure what you have for meat over there. Seems a bit like the north country here... bland and limited. No alligator, nutrea, deer, rabbit, squirrel, or wild boar to go with the usual beef and fish? Try potted meat or spam. It is not really meat, but I doubt it has any fibre either! even the islamic pesants eat it in Iraq as they do not think it has any pork in it? i think they are prob. correct... but potted meat on bread with mustard is a great lunch!


- just in case you can find one like this in jolly England...


Edited by Autocross7

"If you feel that you are in total control of the car, well, your just not driving fast enough". Jimmy Clark

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Nice....thanks Cameron. I knew I could always rely on you to give me a.....erm....slightly different view on things! ;)

We have lots of good stuff here to eat but it's so bloody expensive. One Monkfish fillet (size of your palm)

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Sorry I can't help any more than that. I can pretty much eat anything... cast iron interior according to the wife. I have been to Central America a number of times and, at least so far, have not gotten ill... As for cost, I have not figured it all out yet. Certainly is not based on any logic. For example, in the states (at least here) chicken cost more than beef. Last time I checked with the grandparents (farmers) it cost much more to raise a cow than a chicken - a typically you get a dozen chicks to 1 calf... so I don't get it? The family here are all hunters and so most meat we eat is venison (white tail or mule deer). Keeps the store cost way down...


Edited by Autocross7

"If you feel that you are in total control of the car, well, your just not driving fast enough". Jimmy Clark

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It is hard to suddenly find you can't eat things you have been so use to eating, my wife Tracy has had to go through a similar process, that was over 10 years ago and she does miss having certain foods, but she still going strong.

She has got Alchalasia, which is a virus that stops your nerves telling your oesophagus to work, so basically food goes down by gravity, also you get a narrowing of the valve at the end of the oesophagus to the stomach, as a result of this she had to have an operation to weaken the valve to allow food through. Once she had the operation she was able to eat again nearly normally, but a side effect is acid reflux, and since then she can't have any fatty foods, curries, anything that triggers acid indigestion, so she has had to learn to eat for a completely different life style, also she always has to drink water to aid food going down.

So if you need to talk to someone about adjusting food eating habits Tony, speak to my wife, only 1 in 100,000 get this virus and they don't know what actually causes it, so there is no cure as such, only a 'that the best we can do fix', but luckily the surgeon was the top guy in the country regarding the operation and happened to be based in Norwich, so she was very lucky in some respects.

But it hasn't stopped her eating chocolate!


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hey kimbers, yep my diet changed after my internal examination by the bbc too ;)

found i had acute ibs and some other crappy thing, so lots of meds and a diet change, hence why the wensum food effected me so badly. i know its a real bummer having to miss out on what you like but you have to do it. whats the docs did for me was ban a whole range of things together , however they did say that not everything they banned would effect me and that after a while try things one at a time to see if it did or not effect me but in small quantities, after a while a few of the things i thought i could never have again i found i could manage.

i wont eat pork now or turkey but i do eat beef and chicken and some fish, small amounts of past, a little rice, but no wholemeal breads or fibre etc the same as you, any form of ruffage is out of the question as its like passing barbed wire.

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I've heard of some fairly unusual food intolerances but never come across one to fibre, which is basically inert cellulose and is not enzymatically digestible by us. I would suggest a sensible second opinion by a gastroenterologist, possibly combined with some patch testing- it's much more likely to be a specific intolence (eg to wheat) and banning all sources of fibre is just overkill, leading to a very boring diet.....!

I take it they've done biopsies, looking for Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis etc?

Tim B

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