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I need help from the UK guys


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Too true Karl, I hadn't reakoned on that one, and I was just about to ask if Simon could fit me up in a suitcase when he goes ! As Lee Evans put it the bugs over there wait around the corner and smack you with a baseball bat before taking your wallet ! (true, I've seen the film).

I can remmeber in Cali I was snoozing by the pool (as you do) and I was awoken by a pain in my arm, looked down and this thing about the size of my finger nail was actually taking a chunk out of my arm, drew blood and everything !

Used to star gaze at night in the lawn until I found a spider the size of Sri Lanka in the pool one day......I hate creepies.

And the life guards lie about the sharks too <_<

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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I can say Iraq is nothing pleasant.  Afgan was much better, and Haiti definetly fits, but this is my last tour and I'm out.

as for  mustangs on the market I found two and they made me beliave the market could be very profitable, but I love my car and I con't think I'll ever sell it.  I've got so much time invested the money couldn't compisate.  But I do have a 55 ford fairlane I'll bring with me, and a 72 maverick grapper, small car with a big v-8 that I'm considering bringing.  Yes my wife decided it's in our best interest to make the move.  Her only fer is she has to make the move about a month before I get done with this deployment, but I think she'll be okay.  She leaves later this month for a last interview and to secure housing and such and should be a resident by the end of  march early april.  I'll be there before summer starts, when does summer start there?  I was there from november until around june and it felt cold to me the whole time, but then again I'm used to socal.  I hate and love it at the same time. 

I think I won't get the lotus I was eye balling on ebay, but with this new move, and the hopes of selling a couple cars, I may be able to get a better lotus then that, and with a little hope maybe a morgan.  My wife still wants a rolls, no matter what I say or she has seen me go through with them her heart is set.  and as all married men know there is nothing more important then the happiness of their spouse.  once again thank you all for all of your help.  The bad news of weather is what sold her.  She wants to see seasons.  She has spent her whole life in san diego and your news of the bad weather sold her that for the first time in her life she can see snow fall.... and roger, thanks to you and your cynicalism on teaching she thinks I'll finally take a break and quite working while we are there.    all selling points I thank you for.  I love the US but I need a break and I thank you all for the help, any more info. you can give I'll appreciate though.  With my back ground info. is every thing.



Summer starts here around august 14th and ends shortly after.... <_< sorry.

If you want a Lotus contact me when you move and I will sort out a nice cheap ex demo or something (my dad gets staff discount)....(sad to say he used it on a Proton...DOH!)

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Too true Karl, I hadn't reakoned on that one, and I was just about to ask if Simon could fit me up in a suitcase when he goes !  As Lee Evans put it the bugs over there wait around the corner and smack you with a baseball bat before taking your wallet ! (true, I've seen the film).

I can remmeber in Cali I was snoozing by the pool (as you do) and I was awoken by a pain in my arm, looked down and this thing about the size of my finger nail was actually taking a chunk out of my arm, drew blood and everything !

Used to star gaze at night in the lawn until I found a spider the size of Sri Lanka in the pool one day......I hate creepies.

And the life guards lie about the sharks too  :D


Used to live in Malaysia and was sunbathing by the pool myself, when I felt and itch on my leg. My little bro said "Don't move" and I froze.....I had a Scorpion the size of my hand crawling up my leg. One of the waiters from the bar just picked it off my leg and threw it away.....I went up to my room and changed my Trunks :P

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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scorpions here too.

One time I climbed into the bathtub to find one ready to pounce on me, while I was naked. Can I blame it

While researching on the computer just how poisonous one of those things are, one crawled from behind the couch and stung me in the ankle. <_< I promplty beat the shit out of it.

Turns out they're not that poisonous


"It's called a fire hydrant. Firemen like to stick their hose in it, and eventually squirt water from it."

Owner of 86 TE HCI, and 55 Chevy. Stare at broken down TR7

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Summer is alas hugely variable! This isn't Cali now ...There is only one thing that's reliable about our weather - It's utterly unpredictable! I used to love the Floridian weather - the daily 3:30 - 5pm rainstorm and then it would be bone dry again within half an hour - you could det your watch by it!

One year we may have a blistering summer, with drouts and all things lovely <_< the next (5! :D ) will then skip summer all together and go straight to Autumn (In a Monty Python stylee!) For example, all through November and December all the weather experts were predicting a swingeingly cold and bitter winter here and at first this seemed borne out with some early, heavy snowfalls. Since then it has been a complete non-starter and has actually been very mild!

Leaving the UK cynical sarcasm aside, on average the summer months are July - mid September (-ISH!) The start and end points get very vague but I've always arranged the LEW Alton Towers run (like a second rate Bush Gardens or something but still cool - no plaster Disney mansion here - We atually have the real thing! :D ) in early spetember and the weather has usually been fairlyy reliable. :D

I would recommend you watch as much:

Monty Python

Red Dwarf

Black Adder (all four series - they will also provide you with a rudimentary UK history lesson :P )

Father Ted

I know it's popular but don't watch The Office cos it's actually complete crap! :D

Oh yes... and "Little Britain" :D

...as possible. These are all going to be hugely educational on the infamous British sense of humour. We are sarcastic / ironic without even thinking about it (it has nearly got me into trouble on numerous occasions in the States! The last time I was there I spent half the time talking normally and the other half saying "No... it's just a joke!")

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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Karl, you will find the Brits have loads of words for describing rain (rather like the Eskimos with snow).

Here are a few:-












Pissing Down



Cats and Dogs



Im sure there are more that Ive forgotten(thank god)

Dont forget to rustproof the Maverick,Fairlane and the Mustang(if you want them to last) <_<:P


Edited by WayneB
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Wayne, I hate you!

That is THE MOST HORRIBLE, MISERABLE and depressingly accurate picture of pretty much what makes me want to leave here!

Hopefully Karl, your wife will love it! Yep - we definitely have seasons - It has long been said, usually all four in the space of the same day!

The other expression is "If you don't like the British weather, wait fifteen minutes and it will change!"

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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I like it here, always lived here and will stay here forever. The weather isn't that bad, it rains plenty but I'm throwing a fridge away a week to increase global warming. Don't sweat it dude, look forward to seeing you in the future <_<

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england is god's urinal, if you believe in that kind of stuff. don't think i'd ever want to settle there. the natinal trust land is quite beautiful though in all weather.

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...I would recommend you watch as much:

Monty Python

Red Dwarf

Black Adder (all four series - they will also provide you with a rudimentary UK history lesson :D )

Father Ted...


Loved the Black Adder episode when he and his mates wanted head chop Friday off work, so brought the executions forward without telling the queen. Them then trying to stick the head back on, after she gave the condemned but now very much separated bloke a reprieve, had me busting my sides. :P : <_<

Edited by DanR1201


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I think it was:

Those who can...do

Those who can't...teach

Those who can't teach...teach PE!

I may be wrong.

Queen, Country, Esprits, Belgian Lager, Burberry Caps and all four seasons on an August day! Hoorah!

Mike - would i be Roger the Cabin Boy? <_< Did you ever go to Princes Ski Club?


Certainly did Roger,

I was reminiscing only yesterday upon the hellraising we used to do there .

That Draught Loewenbrau is one hell of a drop of sherbert, I remember racing a pal Reg King ( Long since eliminated in thailand ) back to weybridge where we lived , I managed to park him on the middle of a roundabout waving V signs as we went and shouting W....r ! We were towing race boats at the time. as the racing did not just end on the lake! :D:D:P

By the eighties the place had become respectable and no place to seen in.

Mike B)

"Neglect not thy opportunities"

Martock ,Somerset. 1661

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And did those feet in ancient time

walk upon Englands mountains green?

And the holy lamb of God

On Englands pleasant pastures seen?

And the Countenance divine

shine forth upon those clouded hills?

and was Jerusalem builded here,

Amoung those dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold,

Bring me my arrows of desire;

Bring me my spear! O, clouds unfold!

Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental flight,

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

Till we have built Jerusalem

In Englands green and pleasant land.

Jerusalem by William Blake

(Englands most patriotic song)

I havent read that since I was at school :P

Bibs is right though, nothing beats England on a warm sunny day B)

My trouble was , they were too few and far between <_<

And I needed to leave before the love turned to hate :D


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Wayne's made me all sentimental for England, so I had to share the words that remind me of the most beautiful place in England (during the summer <_<)

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


Paddle Faster, I hear Banjos!
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nursery school children are more sophisticated in their retorts, and more original. didn't you previously claim you ignored what i wrote? some people have that much self control.

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I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce <_<

nursery school children are more sophisticated in their retorts, and more original.  didn't you previously claim you ignored what i wrote?  some people have that much self control.


Paddle Faster, I hear Banjos!
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Something I heard on the radio this morning:

Definition of being British:

Sitting in a gridlock with Czech and Albanian lorry drivers on an orbital motorway built by the Irish in a German Car made in America, listening to the latest Canadian songstress, whilst waiting to finally get home and sit on a Sweedish sofa made in Latvia to watch Australian soaps, whilst eating Indian food and drinking Belgian beer.

Final dead-cert' of being British: Suspicion of anything foreign.

Well it made me laugh <_<

EspritMiltonKeynes - ironically now lives in Edinburgh London (SE4)

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nursery school children are more sophisticated in their retorts, and more original.  didn't you previously claim you ignored what i wrote?  some people have that much self control.




This is the funniest thread I have read for a long time, it hurts my sides laughing !

Mike <_<:P:D

"Neglect not thy opportunities"

Martock ,Somerset. 1661

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Bibs is right though, nothing beats England on a warm sunny day B)

My trouble was , they were too few and far between

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."


ribbon200.gifG-Car Owner and Proud! ribbon200.gif

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I know you love being the most contrary person on the forum and just have to oppose any other viewpoint posted but can you please stop insulting our country.

Some of us who live here like it, and some don't, but just chucking insults at us is disrespectful in the extreme.

We don't slag off your country and respect other peoples right to their own patriotism, even the French.

Please grant us the same courtesy and keep the child like name calling to yourself.



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I know you love being the most contrary person on the forum and just have to oppose any other viewpoint posted but can you please stop insulting our country.

Some of us who live here like it, and some don't, but just chucking insults at us is disrespectful in the extreme.

We don't slag off your country and respect other peoples right to their own patriotism, even the French.

Please grant us the same courtesy and keep the child like name calling to yourself.




Here Here <_<

Edited by fflyingdog

Simplest things first.

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