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2010 General Election



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This is their beef with the voting system - Dem lot got 23% share of the vote but only 9% of the seats.

This on paper makes no-sense however - in a proportionally represented election (London Mayor is done like this I believe) you hardly ever get anything but a hung parliment :

Under proportinal representation, this years election (% of vote) was :

Blue = 36.1%

Reds = 29.0%

Dems = 23.0%

Oh look, no-one has a majority there either, so you'd actually be in exactly the same boat. Cameron has it totally right, the current system is the only way to activly and positivly remove or change a Party / PM - it is more decisive (if not totally).

Even if it is hung, the Troys are the clear winners and they get the chance - tbh I am supprised (but impressed) that cameron did not just say "I've got the most seats and the vopular vote...follow me or I dare you to form a coalition with the most un-popular PM in a generation..." - and form a minority government.

There would have been riots.

What Tory boy has done is basically say he's not willing to do that, even though he could, because of the state of the country. A minority government would probably not work, or not as well as a coalition with the Libs. That impressed me a lot.

On political reform the Tory's want to reduce the seats and also re-border the constituancies into more equal population sized bits, that would even the playing field out a lot more, and imo, be better than proportional representation. Libs would be stupid not to take it - or forever be in 3rd all the time hoping to be the bitch party that tips the scales for one or the other - this is their chance to do a deal, stop squabbling and just get the job done. IF a coalition works the Libs can have a better emphasis on pushing for proportional representation, but in the mids of the worst ecomonomic/financial time since WWII - it's a bit of a silly time to play political 'I wonder what will happen if...'

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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Many years ago, when a student I would have argued for PR, almost outright PR, no limitations the way some countries have it. Now, I would probably argue against outright PR, but think some form of political reform might be suitable, but agree with you Jonathan that perhaps now is not the best time, although accept that only at a time like this , when there is by nature a general lack of faith in the current two main parties/ two part option does electoral reform become an option.

The USA have a certain trait to their system which seems to be an option, but would take quite a lot to convert to UK, where the president and the house are not connected, a president from one political opinion can find himself (as now) in a situation where the house have a differet opinion.

How could that work in the UK? Certainly do not want a PM vote and MP vote, and certainly not two separate votes for two houses at different times, but perhaps an element of PR can be introduced. Perhaps a change in the number of seats & boundaries does that, but I fail to see that larger constituencies would achieve it, but agree equalisation of constituency sizes would at least help. less eats = more opportunity for close second choices to not be represented.

At least one good thing would come from less seats, less claims for expenses, so less opportunity to defraud the tax payers.

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I dont think we need to look to the USA on how to be democratic :)

Remember Bush vs Gore ?

The thing is (like Churchill said) "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Same with out system we have at the moment it's not great, but it's better than the alternatives.

It's worked fine for years, except the people who dont get in always want to change it !! (wonder why ?)

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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As a good freind (UK resedent) said on the news that Brown was trying to cling to power, "Where's Lee Harvy Oswald when you need him". :)

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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Oh, Jon, what's occurin?

Forget all this election malarky, where's the love for the welshy who went out of his way to cast you an additional vote?

I'm not gonna lie to ya, it took a lot of effort and I'm not feelin the love.

Chunky Lover

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PR = Hung parliament every time. We will never have a workable government. Some countries in Europe who use PR, put aside 40 days after an election to do all the deals, 40 days of the whole country being on hold.

PR? No thanks.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I found this....


Sets out the procedure for dealing with the current situation. Seems Brown is now the "caretaker" PM.

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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Simon, Thank you.

Other than that if you're after love of the brown kind I'm not the man I'm affriad :thumbsup:

I'm happy you thought of me, I hope it was a positive experience for you :)

Edited by Jonathan

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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In the spirit of traditional American Anglo-European friendship, and in an effort to stem the impending U.K. political crisis unfolding before us, I would like to humbly submit my application for King of England. This action, if successfully implemented and embraced by my subjects, would, at a stroke, bring an end to the current strife with regard to the lack of a majority government with no clear electoral mandate. The need for coalition groveling and posturing would be summarily eliminated, and no existing party would be put into the uncomfortable position of sacrificing their [so called] principles. Much face would be saved, and tremendous economic savings would be achieved by the elimination of the voting process altogether. Important issues would thereafter be decided swiftly "by fiat," with no need for wasteful and time consuming debate.

As recompense for my services, I ask only for a small portion of the Crown Jewels as a means of supporting the royal lifestyle expected of a true monarch. I would not charge any additional fees for public appearances and speeches, and promise to limit the number of staff to under 1,000, with a small supplement of 200 for stays in Windsor and Hoyrood.

I am available to assume my duties on short notice, and eagerly await the pagentry and ritual of investiture and enthronement. The coronation ceremonies will include front row seating for any and all choosing to arrive via the Lotus marque. Free parking will be provided.


Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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And may I add that, as part of my reign, I would offer free accommodations for any visiting unwinged proponents from Oz in the Sir Walter Raleigh Suite of the Tower of London.welcome.gif

Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.

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LOL John :animier:

It might work out for ya...

Again through, bad news for proportional representation...

What a suprise, nearly a week on and the Libs are still sitting on the fence umming and arring.

The worst prime minister in living memory quits but just like his old boss "it'll be gone sometime in the future"

Yup, best advert for PR I've seen yet... :construction:

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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Less than 1 in 4 people voted for Clegg and his shocking manifesto yet he's still deciding the fate of our government based on his own self interests. Time to gather up the pitchforks and take the place over I say!


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That's a tory farmer then ? :construction:

I must admit I thought Cameron did the right thing and an inspired thing to try and form a coalition but the Libs imo have just proved themselves shite once again.

Cameron should now say "decision tonight or minority govenrment - stop me if you can" - aparently the blues MP's are really not happy either (understatement).

So if Lib-Labs get in, does that make Clegg PM ?

And it also goes to show none of them really have the countries interest at heart as they keep bleating on about, just their political skins.

Browns resignation was as tactical as that cabinet bloke asking people to vote with their heads rather than their hearts.

Looks like there's still a lot of cleaning left to do at westminster.

Edited by Jonathan

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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Looks like the Labour rank and file have internally combusted the Lab/Lib agreement, because they are angry at being forced into the relationship.....

So Tories should now reduce the amount of compromises with Libs because they have them over a barrell.

In other news Clegg has proved what he meant by wanting honest and open politics: Negotiations in closed door conditions, total secrecy and them negotiating for the best deal for them rather than the country.

Sound familiar? Must be UK politics then!

This is making me so angry, but showing how the wishy washy liberals do things. If we got invaded it would take them a week to do anything as they formed their committees and discussed things with their members!!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Ironically to what you've just said, Clegg will have to get the go ahead from his party before making any announcements tonight!

However the BBC says: Breaking News, Luggage seen at the rear of Number 10.

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so it looks like either a con/lib deal or minority conservative gov


Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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Weird - at this moment in time we have no governement or prime minister.

I would not have voted for GB in a million years, but have to respect him for his dignified resignation speech.

Very soon we will have the youngest PM for over 100 years. I hope they have not sold out to Cleggy too much.


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Whilst I am Happy the muppet has left and in a dignified way as well, I can't say I'm in the least bit happy at the give away the Conservatives gave the Liberals. They got 50 seats? well 10% of them are in the cabinet ffs!

5 Cabinet members, a Deputy Prime Minister and an agreement on CLimate Change, referendum on PR and other stuff too!

Not the best way to start.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Click the link to see the full text of Conservative-Lib Dem deal.



Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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