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Iconic Ride

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Iconic Ride last won the day on September 26 2016

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More Info

  • Name
    John Heath
  • Car
    1999 Esprit V8-SE, 1974 Europa Twincam Special (sold), 2000 BMW M Coupe (always have a backup!), 2012 Aventador (made ya look, made ya look)
  • Modifications
    weighted display stand
  • Location
    Periodic F1 Capital of the Universe

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  1. How's the weather down your way. Is your car safe?

  2. Signed in as "Guest." I think it's an incognito Donald Trump trying to launder some campaign kickback funds.
  3. Nah, it's the work of Australian artist Egyptian-born (go figure) Konstantin Dimopoulos, created in 2013 in Houston. He's done other cities as well.
  4. I thought this was a PG 13 thread, Barry. Best of luck on the rebuild. At one horsepower I think even the Renault unit can handle it.
  5. I saw the Tarzan flic quite a while ago with my older son. We both enjoyed it, though I'd categorize it more as a "popcorn movie" than academy award material. A nice day's diversion and a worthwhile escape from mundane chores. Heck, I'd go see it again just to see Margot Robbie once more. What a fox! Really looking forward to seeing "Arrival," just released a few days ago, to stellar reviews it appears. This weekend was completely sold out at my usual haunt.
  6. From www.mediaite.com "According to a new NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll, seventy-two percent of registered Republicans “still doubt” the President's place of birth. Forty-one percent outright disagreed with the statement, “Barack Obama was born in the United States,” while only twenty-seven percent of Republicans agree."Aug 11, 2016 These are the voters who chose our next President.
  7. From "Politifact" (graphs distorted [but still decipherable] when pasted to this post. Upper graph is Clinton, lower is Trump; use link below if interested in more detail) Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter Compare the Truth-O-Meter scorecards of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton Democrat from New York Clinton's statements by ruling Click on the ruling to see all of Clinton's statements for that ruling. True72(72) Mostly True76(76) Half True69() Mostly False40(40) False29(29) Pants on Fire7(7) Donald Trump Republican from New York Trump's statements by ruling Click on the ruling to see all of Trump's statements for that ruling. True14(14) Mostly True37(37) Half True49() Mostly False63(63) False111(111) Pants on Fire57(57) http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/lists/people/comparing-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-truth-o-met/
  8. Name: Barry Car: 1998 esprit v8 that roars....... it does honest - just can't drive it down the road Sez who?
  9. The smart ones prefer to call the shots from dry ground.
  10. Impressive, Andy. But will your cat do this?
  11. There are initiatives to secede from the U.S. afoot in both California and Oregon. They are only partly in jest. To paraphrase Brewer & Shipley, they are only one joke over the line, sweet Jesus.
  12. From today's local rag... (not responsible for neck injuries incurred during viewing)
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