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BL??DY H???, I just dont believe it, why did I get up.

Currently in dark room, lying down

Edited by gghc87


Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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Guest Troy Halliday

Yep pretty much sums up my daily dose of life as well. Mind you I'm glad you posted it 'cos I was begining to think it was just me <_<

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My day was nasty aswell, though for different reasons.

After a night out with the rest of my pool team collecting our trophiesI awoke at the early hour of..ermm 10AM. I felt slightly the worse for wear but nowhere near as bad as I thought I would......except, that was just that "just woken feel" where you are pretty numb. After turning green and throwing violently over my toothbrush whilst trying to clean my teeth I decided maybe returning to the sanctuary of my dark bedroom was the wisest course of action.

30 mins later my boss called to see where I was as my 10.30 appointment had turned up at work.....After offering him my wife, kids and house if he would deal with it I sank back into oblivion.....after chucking up that is.

30 mins later my 16 year old daughter comes in with her boyfriend and proceed to stage top of the pops in her bedroom, at which point I walked calmly downstairs and switched off the electrics...

After a few minutes of phrases like "I didn't do anything did you?" she came in and I proceeded to inform her that the electric company was turning the electrics off for maintenence work (now thats thinking on your feet!). Out she went.

Peace reigned for at least 5 minutes and eventually I gave up, got up, threw up and drove bleery eyed to Waitrose for some headache tablets....After cleaning my car vigorously for 30 mins I realised that driving whilst hung over is not good especially when Mr Pigeon flys into your radiator grill....

Needless to say I went back to bed till 2pm.

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Kimbers Claudia hopes you feel better today,wants to know if you saved the Pigeon,Getting back to everday life my favourite wind up is taking my BBS wheels into work to polish rims ,at break times ,all i hear is SAD kit ,lotus blah blah, they havent got a clue, bunch of sad kits any way,but thats life take it easy every body.cheers mike and my daughter claudia. who is twelve years old on may16 ,hint hint. kimbers.

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I just read my dads reply,and think his spelling and punctuation is absolutley crap what he meant to say was sad gits not sad kits!!!My name is Claudia and im ONLY twelve years old and can spell much much much much much better than my dad!!!!!!!!!! [:o)good luck to Mr Kimberlys seinor.Will be looking out for work experience at Lotus.Maybe not.Only thing Im interested in is getting my PONY!!!!!!!Only thing is he will have to sell his car and I dont think he wants to.Oh well....

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Thank chuff for that Cliff............I was waiting for the bump crash splinter of fibre glass.........Phew - at least you escaped unscathed?!!

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Thank chuff for that Cliff............I was waiting for the bump crash splinter of fibre glass.........Phew - at least you escaped unscathed?!!


Hi Neil

It was very close :lol: , guess the big guy upstairs was looking down on the situation. Must be an Esprit Fan :(



Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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