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Cold air intake

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In terms of the warranty, you will need to contact your dealer but this is what Lotus ASO had to say on the matter and that was basically, if the new air filter causes a problem which is likely to be able to be attributed to it, then it will not be covered. It was found when aftermarket air filters were added to the Elise/Exige that a MIL would be thrown due to the increased air volume and this wouldn't be fixed under warranty, similar will apply to the Evora.

I'm fairly certain no manufacturer will approve non-OEM parts, especially performance upgrades as for no benefit to them they're exposing themselves to a higher risk. If they supplied them on the other hand that would be different but then they would have been through all the required testing.

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Bibs, can I take it that a MIL thrown means a malfunction indicator light coming on? Genuine question - excuse my ignorance!

Radium make a point that their design preserves correct air metering, but of course the max flow has to be greater for the thing to work.

I would guess that provided the metering does remain accurate, so mixture etc is ok, prima facii there should not be potential for damage until the extra torque is actually being generated by foot on the floor motoring using the higher max airflow. Significant durations of that would mostly be on the track, so Kris's experience is very relevant, rather than short duration road tests. His reports so far did not mention a problem. Over to you Kris!

Lastly is it reasonable to compare (correctly metered) increased flow as a very tiny version of what a supercharger does? In terms of forcing a greater flow into the engine. One is sucking and the other blowing, but combustion temperature effects etc might be on the same trajectory?

Surely plenty here can speculate with less ignorance than me!

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Spent another day testing the intake at the track during the Lotus cup usa HPDE, zero issues with the intake, no CEL, no idle issues and the car felt fast again compared to the stock intake.

I was lapping with the owner of a Evora s behind me and he had a hard time keeping up. Granted, some of this can be attributed to driver experience and familiarity with the track. We spoke after one session and he said that he was just barely making up the gap on the straight sections. I have the production intake on my car now minus one production coupler and it is fantastic. I spoke with Radium this morning and it looks like they will be shipping this Friday or Saturday, the last coupler for the kit is scheduled to arive friday from their supplier.

The Radium system is loud at anything over 60% throttle, the windows are down in the second video. With the window up it really is not too bad.

Edited by creaturekris
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Thank you for great information. You may find that explicitly stated interest and comments from over here are rather limited, perhaps in number as well as detail, because of several potential sensitivities. I know nothing, but would be very surprised if progress by Radium, and your experience, is not being followed by many Evora NA owners. An S barely making up the gap, eh! (Don't have the figure to hand, but the S is distinctly heavier - might have seen 75 Kg quoted.)

Purely out of speculative interest about how these things are dealt with, I contacted my mainstream current insurance company, with all the Radium details, including the graphs. Nothing doing. (Might that be "No dice" for you?!) I made enquires with a more specialist broker, and ended up with a quote for a big brand name policy allowing a Radium type device to be fitted and removed at will that was cheaper than my current policy - which I'd taken as good value after a wide search! Naturally I swopped to it immediately! So thanks to Radium, and you!

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The installation instructions for the Radium intake are now available as a PDF on the Radium site.

Seem quite detailed, with lots of pictures, though a certain amount of fiddling about with connections is needed. Rather a casual mention of resetting the engine check light with a scan tool after installation, should it be necessary.

Could be sort of job that's really easy - the second time.

Would be interesting to read a "How I got On" report from someone. Anyone volunteering?

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It is a really easy job, just make sure to plug back in the solenoid for the flapper in the airbox to avoid a check engine light. I had to elongate the slot on the right hand side of the engine cover brace maybe 3-5mm due to the added thickness block off plate.

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Bibs, I'm aware of one that's been fitted. Also aware in detail of that task and the owner's experiences.

It was finished late at night so no report on results beyond a brief start up in the garage. Good to keep the neighbours friendly, I understand. There were no issues - instant start to an immediate steady idle even more readily than in previous standard trim. No warning lights. A much better sound at idle.

Also aware that a performance benchmark in standard trim was established (with repeatable results) prior to fitting. Looking forward to finding out the figures with the Radium kit fitted, though I expect some caution will be exercised in getting to sustained full throttle tests, so it is unlikely to be immediate.

Sorry, but no interview or further discussion at this time. Possibly in due course. A pity Lotus has not seen fit to take an interest and, subject to their findings, perhaps been accommodating.

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Do any car manufacturers offer OEM intake upgrades? They've legislation they need to adhere to.

Yes, Toyota has TRD and Nissan has Nismo, Lotus will not sell "Motorspotrs" parts to the general public. Seems odd that a small company that had already done the R&D work and sells cars based on it's racing history will not help the owners who purchase their vehicles.

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I can understand Lotus. For a big manufactuer like Toyota the 1% of customers who decide to tune their cars is not a ristk. But if 20% of the Lotus Customers do this therisk is much higher.

I had an Audi RS4 with the 2.7 Ltr. Turbo-Engine. About 40-60% of these were tuned (I never saw one without), but most of the turbos blew out at 50-60.000 Kilometers. Audi paid a fortune having these fixed under guarantee.

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No one - on this thread anyway - has suggested either a tuning free for all or that Lotus should unconditionally approve, let alone supply, performance enhancements.

But I contend that Lotus has ground to make up in demonstrating to their current customers that they have not been abandoned; those who have been prepared to put up with and even defend current idiosyncracies and compromises and, in the case of the Evora, some of whom are likely to be able to consider moving on up to the new range in due course.

Previously here, I have suggested that Lotus - after an ok assessment - could approve for instance the Radium kit (the only simple, cheap and perhaps effective conversion I know of so far, but only stated as an example) on the basis say, that it is dealer fitted, checked every 3K-5K miles, and the customer signs up to an excess on the warranty for the engine of say, £1K. (The S produces far more torque so there should not be transmission issues.) Of course the assessment would need to check emissions, but the CR box - all models now - is already in the higher tax bracket.

I'm only giving an example of the kind of approach that could work - there may be better ones.

Because it is directly relevant to this discussion, and without any promotion of or judgement on its merits, or endorsement of the comments, and with no association with Radium, I have gathered some early feedback on an installed Radium kit. They include the following, interpreted in my own words.

Sound much improved over standard. Subdued at idle and in low power standard driving, but with a “cleaner” note. (Sports silencer.) At mid-power range, louder, deeper and more purposeful tone, appropriate for serious sports car but acceptable for general use. At high power and peak revs: loud - not for those of a nervous disposition; thought marvellous, but on the road only for appropriate circumstances and duration or could attract undesirable attention. Think Sports motor bike.

Idling: steady and unremarkable both cold and fully hot, no hunting.

No performance measurements yet. Seems better torque at low and medium revs. With Sport on or off is quite docile moving off and in low speed manouvering. Remains happy in 5th and top at somewhat lower revs.

I emphasise that the proof of the pudding has yet to be checked. Performance comparison. All the above is subjective, and for all I know, it might be slower. I await with interest. I know it is being exercised only gradually up the scale.

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First....they need to deal with the problems with the Evoras they have already sold here in the states if they want people to upgrade to the SC cars. My car has had the clutch changed at 1700km, and they also fixed the peeling clearcoat, I also mentioned that the car had some oil smoke after hard driving. I picked up the car and drove it 700km before the car went into limp mode. Turns out that the dealer did not tighten the nut on the one of the lower motor mounts and the engine was rocking back forth enough that it pulled the intake off and put the car into limp mode. The car was towed to the dealer and the bolt was replaced.

Now at 7500km the air con no longer works and i still have had excessive oil being pulled through the PCV system ..... I have had to install a catch can system to prove this to the service manager at the dealership.....First he told me "well we work on ferraris and maseratis all the time and they all smoke at startup" then it was " maybe you got some water in the muffler when you washed the car" then "your car is just runs rich when it is cold, I could fill my whole shop with smoke from your car". After I showed the Lotus north america sales rep the oil in the catch can and sent two emails to Lotus the service manager called me and said "uh the Toyota motor should not do that and Lotus is looking into it, don't bring the car up until we hear from them." that was three weeks ago......If I lived over there I would have parked my car at the Factory gate in Hethel with a big FIX ME! sign in the window.

As it is, I am stuck waiting for someone at Lotus to figure out what they are going to do. This is my second car from lotus and may be my last........

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That's not good. Dare I say it, is any of it linked to the CAI?

Air Con is a common problem.. But I agree, it's not a problem you'd get with a similar sports car.

It also sounds like your dealer is pretty useless, which obviously doesn't help

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No, none of it is related to the CAI, sorry for the thread derail...the intake is fantastic! The car was smoking with the stock unit in place.... On a brighter note, here is another review of the CAI from a different owner in the states.


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I've now driven the CAI equipped car. My overall impression is very positive and I'm happy to put my name to the comments in my 13/10 post above. Still no performance measurements or knowledge of longer term effects on the engine, but the immediate effect is a transformation! I wouldn't use the terms of kris' link above, but it makes it a real sports car.

Subjectively, I will be very surprised it the stopwatch does not show a performance improvement - and of course +21peak bhp is claimed - but even leaving figures aside, it's great. And as an important aspect for me, driven in a low key way, no one outside would know. But even in that mode I found the apparent torque boost at low revs a big improvement.

My caution regarding measurable performance improvement is because the subjective improvement and the whole new sound experience is such a transformation that I found it impossible to be objective. And at peak revs and power - very, very briefly - it's overwhelming; on first acquaintance anyway!

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